Sun God Marvel

Chapter 794

Little Brat said surprising, even shocking words with just one mouth. This news made everyone gaped, revealing an unacceptable appearance. Among them, the most prominent performance was Scott as a captive.

He growled almost immediately, like a mad dog.

“Impossible, this impossible. Damn brat, you’re lying, you’re lying. Jean is impossible to have a child with him, impossible. Her child is Nathan, not this damn brat. This It’s all fake, it’s all fake.”

This crazy roar made Little Brat immediately shrink behind Shirley in fear. But soon, this voice was completely silenced, and Logan, who couldn’t stand it, slammed a fist on the back of his head, making him completely quiet. After doing all this, he asked other people in a puzzled way.

“What’s going on, is this guy crazy?”

“I don’t know, maybe it’s caused by too much wishful thinking and can’t recognize reality anymore. “

Hank responded coldly. Obviously, for Scott, he no longer has any extra feelings. Facing his attitude, Charles sighed, asked.

“There should always be a reason. A person who is impossible to go crazy casually, no matter what, he should have a reason to do so. For example, that Nathan?”

“No one cares about the guy named Nathan, and no one cares about this damn bastard. Professor, what we have to think about now is how to escape the environmental pollution created by the bastard behind. I don’t want to reduce oneself to Small Accomplishment molecular status, so that I will never come back.”

Scott Lang, nicknamed Antman, said nonchalantly. Obviously, he really doesn’t have any good feelings about the guy with the same name as oneself. And when he heard that, Charles sighed, he didn’t say anything more.

However, although he stopped the topic of own, other people have no such idea. Victor, who was also a captive, said simply.

“Nathan, that is the name of another fellow you captured. I remember clearly, Nathan Christopher Charles Summers. He is said to be Scott’s son, and he is Coming from the future. Is this news a bit ridiculous!”

“Future?” This sensitive word immediately attracted the attention of many people, and in this case, Charles immediately urged The own ability entered Nathan’s brain.

Although Nathan also inherited a little Psychic Power from his own mother, this power could not prevent Charles from invading his memory. So soon, he saw Nathan’s memory, and little by little stripped of what oneself wanted.

And when he opened his eyes again, he immediately said with a bitter smile to the people around him.

“It seems that Victor is right. This child does come from the future. However, the future he lives in does not seem to be in the same world as ours. There is no similarity in his world. God like Zhou Yi doesn’t have this thing about omnic. In other words, he has nothing to do with our world.”

“Then this guy’s parents are really Scott and Jean? Damn it. Yes, Scott is really lucky as a bastard.”

With a grin, Logan commented. In this regard, Charles is sighed.

“No, his mother is called Malende Player, a clone of Jean. That means that he still didn’t get what oneself wanted, even in another world Come on.”

Such words made Logan couldn’t help whistling and showed deep sympathy for Scott. At the same time, Charles turned his head and looked towards Little Brat on one side, and showed such a tendency towards him.

“Maybe I can look at your memory, child. In this case, maybe we can know what your true identity is?”

He just finished speaking, Shirley He immediately guarded Little Brat behind him. Then he looked towards Professor Charles warily.

“Hey, this child is probably really my younger brother. I don’t allow you to move him casually.”

“What happened, Shirley? Why are we here? Here. Also, I just found out why you and Aretha are so much smaller. What about father and mother? Why am I not at home, why are we at sea?”

Little Brat just found out now It was wrong, and this immediately opened his chatterbox and asked Shirley desperately. And how can you answer him? Shirley was really helpless for a while.

At this moment, Aretha walked over, held Little Brat’s shoulder, and said to him.

“Hey, do you still know what you were doing before? I mean before you wake up, what do you remember?”

“Before waking up?” scratched Scratching his little head, Little Brat recalled for a moment, and then said indignantly. “The bad guy Shan En bet me that I couldn’t run him. Then I compared him with him when I was angry. I just remember that I ran over, as if I was rushing too fast, and then I felt around It darkens in an instant, and I don’t know anything.”

“If this Little Brat is also coming from the future, then this is too weird.” shook the head, for this Quicksilver questioned the child’s statement completely unbelievable. “If you can cross over from the future with just a run, should I be able to go back and take a look frequently?”

“There is only one explanation, Pietro. That is this child His speed is much faster than you. And his speed is still real physical speed!”

Oneself younger brother’s mouth was blocked with a word, and Wanda put his eyes on this, which looks quite cute on child.

“Hey, Little Brat. Can you tell me how fast you can run when you are the fastest? Or, have you tried to test your own speed?”

” I know this. Susan Aunt and Mother tested it for me.” Nodded, Little Brat showed an excited smile on his face. “I can go around Earth seven times in a second, and I don’t think it’s my fastest speed. On the entire world, no one can catch up to me except father and mother. Even the bad guy Shan En No!”

“If what he said is true, then he really is faster than me.” Touching his nose, Quicksilver behaved a little unacceptably. But for Little Brat’s statement, he seems not at all doubtful. A child of this age will not lie casually, so his statement is most likely to be true.

But soon, he said this again.

“However, if a child ran out of sublight speed casually, is it a bit too scary. I mean, if he hits something, he can directly blow up a continent “

“It’s very scary, but from a certain academic perspective that has not been verified, if he can really achieve this speed, then he must have a protective energy layer on his body. Things. This can protect him, and it can also protect other things from being harmed by him. Compared with this, I think the key to the problem is that he said that oneself can go a little bit faster. Some go faster, but the real speed of light , It’s even possible to move faster than light. If that’s the case, some strange things are likely to happen. Like Einstein said, time travel?”

As a member of science, Hank Gives an own opinion. As for his opinion, someone immediately shouted.

“Well, this is amazing news. A child who can travel through time and space at just six years old. What should I say, is it God’s child?”

” Unbelievable, but after all, we have to accept reality.” Nodded, Charles put his gaze on the sandstorm chasing after him. “But this is not a bad thing. Maybe this is a key opportunity for God to intervene.”

“I was still thinking about using Shirley’s identity to ask someone to take Will the action cause unpleasantness? After all, they will be our fault here. But now with this child, I think our reasons have become more sufficient. Even if he didn’t intend to intervene in our Mutant’s internal affairs Come, but when this oneself child is threatened, I don’t think he can still sit there.”

Ignoring Shirley’s eyes that you had such a ghostly idea, Charles apologizes With a smile, he spread his own thinking across the sea. At this time, Apocalypse, who had been following them, threw the dust in the sky and issued a terrifying call.

“You don’t want to contact him, Charles. Hand over the child in your hand, he belongs to me. This World belongs to me.”

This crazy voice Little Brat couldn’t help but grabbed Aretha’s clothes and shrank tightly in his shadow. But this also made him discover some strange things.

He discovered that the shadow of oneself elder sister is actually alive. A dim and faint figure appeared beside him without any notice, and slowly stretched out his little head Up own hand.

This situation is a bit weird, but Little Brat not at all feels scared, on the contrary, he also has a special kind of intimacy. Especially when the big hand in the shadow touched his head and brought him a different kind of warmth, he immediately couldn’t help whispered in a low voice.


The little question was instantly obscured by the sound of the raging storm. Apocalypse suddenly exploded with an unimaginable amount of violent violence. In an instant, the endless sand and dust broke through the limit of speed, and the entire group of Charles and the others were surrounded. At the same time, along with the countless rush of sand and dust, Apocalypse’s angry voice was also clearly transmitted.

“I said, he is mine. You can’t take him away. The only thing waiting for you is the dead end.”

The yellow sand is flying, murky heavens dark earth. Apocalypse at this moment seems to be the God-like dominating the world. But amidst the yellow sand in the sky, a shadow spread silently and grew bigger and bigger, covering everything in an instant.

Like a giant whale in the deep sea emerging from below the surface little by little, when his silhouette was completely revealed, all that was left was a huge shock.

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