Sun God Marvel

Chapter 795

The long yellow sand hiding the sky and covering the earth, the molecular storm that disintegrated everything is continuously hitting Professor Charles’s only line of defense. This power was so powerful that Magneto and Wanda, who supported this protection, soon felt the pain of power exhaustion. But this pain comes and goes quickly. In an instant, everything disappeared.

The yellow sand in the sky lost its movement, and their protection was suddenly destroyed. Everything in the field of vision became nothing, and everything seemed to disappear. There was nothing but darkness and silence in front of him, and everyone here couldn’t help but have a special idea that they were dead.

Only the world of Death can be so quiet, and only the world of Death can be so dark.

People who have never experienced Death will always have such similar thoughts, and this kind of thought will inevitably make them flustered. Among them, the most panicking is the little girl who has great abilities, Shirley and Aretha, but has never experienced any big scenes again.

They were panicked and hugged each other almost immediately, and at the same time, they did not forget the unmasked little brother. He also pulled him into the arms of the owner. After doing this, they trembling immediately, and whispered.

“uncle, uncle. Come and help. We are dying, come and save us!”

Their voices are very small, plus the darkness and The silence seemed to be swallowed up even the sound. So no one found out what they were muttering. And just as the two little girls were about to mutter for the second time, a painful cry that reached the heart suddenly resounded from the endless darkness.

“No, no, no. This is impossible…”

The short words are full of death and despair, and after that, everything is Return to peace again. But the calm is only on the surface, because at this time, everyone’s heart has set off violent waves.

They are not fools, they know who made the voice just now. The Apocalypse, who had just been invincible, didn’t make a sound so soon, and it seemed that it was completely destroyed. No matter how you think about this situation, it feels weird and terrifying.

Although the good news is that they seem to be alive. However, the Chaos Boundary situation, which is not clear about anything, made each of them extremely suffering. In this situation, Logan, who was relatively undying, couldn’t help it.

“Hank, do me a favor. Throw it out, I’m going to see what kind of damned thing exists in the darkness outside.”

“I I suggest you better not be so reckless!”

He stretched out his hand and used his own ability to directly press Logan’s body. Magneto stared cautiously at the empty world outside, and an expression of fear slowly appeared on his face.

“I can tell you very responsibly, once you step out of this small security area. Then your fate may be worse than Death.”

“I can feel it I can feel the most original MRI, even if it’s just a little metal molecule. Even in the molecular storm, I can still feel the presence of metal and magnetic fields. But here, there is nothing. Everything is silent. , Everything is empty. I can assure you that if you take another step forward, you can experience how Apocalypse felt at the time.”

Magneto’s warning made Logan even after he was free , I don’t have the courage to take another step forward. Although he was brave, he was not yet willing to die casually for some strange danger. So he made the wisest choice and asked other people questions.

“What the hell is going on?”

The crowd in the dark is naturally impossible to figure out what happened. But space satellites far beyond the atmosphere can see clearly what happened in the Mediterranean.

An unprecedented huge spherical black shadow has almost enveloped the entire Mediterranean region, and the long yellow sand that made the rest of Europe restless has completely lost its trace, and has been swallowed by the endless darkness. Together with the large tracts of ocean that were swallowed at the same time, even part of the land near the Mediterranean Sea.

This black shadow is not blocked by any physical existence at all, and all existences touched by it can only blend into the darkness. What happened inside? Do the things inside exist? Is this dangerous, or an unexpected turnaround? No one knows the answer, and no one can give the answer.

In the face of this darkness, all human detection methods have become blind. As long as it is touched a little, don’t even want to come back. The mouth of the abyss, the shadow of the doomsday, such a title was quickly hung on this piece of darkness. In the face of such a strange darkness, the Europeans who approached could not sit still.

The molecular storm in the yellow sand is terrifying, and this strange and terrifying spherical shadow is not inferior at all. For the sake of safety, or for the safety of countless people. Several countries on the Mediterranean coast of Europe immediately united to pressure the Skyhammer and even the allies, asking them to act as soon as possible to destroy this thing that might threaten them.

In the face of such a request, the Allies are inevitably caught in an emergency negotiation.

“Can our people determine what this dark shadow is?”

“No, sir. All detection measures are useless. Even if it is to send wisdom He ventured into the dark shadow and immediately lost its trace. The only thing we know now is that the shadow has a huge gravitational force beyond imagination. The strength of this gravitational force can theoretically squeeze the entire Earth into a powder. But now Judging from the situation, this bad situation doesn’t happen at all. So I don’t mind if we take this risky move.”

Ultron surrounded by this, and said it very methodically own opinion. But this time, his opinion was not so easily accepted.

“Ultron. My people are under huge threats, and they are caught in an irresistible panic. Order, law, and the cornerstones of the entire civil society are falling apart because of what exists on the sea Now. Without destroying it, my people will never feel at ease, they will always be held hostage by this panic. So your opinion is simply unrealistic.”

Greece and Turkey The leaders of screamed frantically, because at this time, all their land on the sea had been completely swallowed by this shadow. Not only at sea, but also in some places along the coast.

This is definitely a huge loss for these two countries, and what makes them worry more about what may happen next.

The citizens have already experienced a considerable degree of riots. If this shadow makes any movement at this time, then their country will almost completely fall into a state of collapse. So they can only ask to attack that shadow, and they must also allow others to agree to attack that shadow.

However, this is just their idea. Ultron, who looks at things more sensibly, obviously doesn’t agree with this.

“Sir, you should trust the data. According to my statistics, if you let go of those already affected, this shadow is basically safe. At least it is safer than the previous molecular sandstorms. There are many. And at this time, what we have to do should not be any extraordinary actions against this shadow. Instead, we should do our full strength to calm the people’s psychology and let the people return to rationality, thereby maintaining the order of society and the country. At this point Above, omnics can help you complete this kind of work. If you can get the full strength of the government agencies in your country to cooperate, I think soon, your so-called panic and riots will be stopped.”

“What’s the use of this kind of symptomatic but not permanent measures? Damn intelligent system, don’t you keep on saying for the safety of all mankind? Why is such a big threat in front of us, but you always want to stop us Destroy it? This is what you mean by security, and this is what you mean by serving humanity? You rubbish machine, liar, bastard!”

In the Greek government that has undergone restructuring due to heavy debts Emotional elements are indispensable. For them, they have never done anything that doesn’t fit into a daoist battle. Even more how is such a casual thing.

However, Ultron cannot accept such unprovoked accusations.

“Sir, first of all I have to remind you. I am not an intelligent system, I am Ultron, a life born of technology, please give me the same height as you in personality. In addition, I think Everything I do is to serve my mission. I cannot agree with you to do anything that may harm humanity because of your conjecture. No one knows what will happen to this shadow if it breaks out directly , That is irresponsibility to all mankind. In this case, I tend to control human emotions and maintain a stable order is absolutely the most correct behavior, and the best way to protect human safety. I firmly deny that I am wrong. “

Ultron has his reasons. But for the humans present, what he said is still unacceptable. One of the most common words in human life is possibility. When something might threaten their safety, the only thing they will do is to destroy this possibility.

Countless years of history have witnessed all of this. How many people or things were destroyed because of possibility is a question that is not clear. So it’s the same here. Faced with something that might destroy Europe, this group of people gave up Ultron’s opinion and chose what they thought was right. This led to Ultron’s immediate silence.

He cannot understand, nor can he understand. Because in essence, no matter how much he becomes like a human, he will never be a human. The difference in thinking and position makes them always have unavoidable differences in handling problems, just like they are now.

So he can only watch, through the eyes of countless omnics, watching one after another nuclear weapons rise into the sky and rush into the shadows. Then, everything is still silent.

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