Sun God Marvel

Chapter 796

Wan Lai is silent, this is not only the reaction of the huge spherical shadow when it is attacked by a nuclear bomb. It is also the most true portrayal of everyone who sees all of this now. The scene in front of them has completely surpassed their imagination, making their brains completely blank.

until now, humans are almost crazy and superstitious about the formidable power of nuclear weapons, the super weapon that ended World War II. They are even willing to believe that nothing can’t be solved without a nuclear bomb. If there is, use two such bombing theories.

But in recent years, their theory has been continuously tested severely. First, the small-yield nuclear bomb was ineffective, then the large-yield nuclear bomb was slapped directly by the so-called God, and then the final explosion of the 50,000,000-ton formidable power was eliminated by Ming Wang.

The nuclear bomb seems to have gradually faded from its former lofty status and divine radiance, and gradually becomes a weapon of strategic significance. But even so, it is still the real killing move of those big countries. The leaders of those countries stubbornly believe that nuclear bombs are useless because they are facing God. Except for God, the nuclear bomb theory remains unbreakable. But now, they no longer have the courage to say this sentence.

The desolation of the nuclear bomb in the shadows is a nightmare for them. If at first the nuclear bomb that at first was going to detonate in the shadows became a dud because of unknown factors. Then the mushroom cloud that broke out directly at the junction of the shadows instantly lost radiance, and even the sight of the sound being completely sucked away by the endless shadows was enough to crush their hearts.

“What the hell is this damned thing, damn it, can it even absorb the radiance of a nuclear bomb?”

“It feels like a bottomless abyss facing humans The world opened its mouth wide.”

Two brief words reflected the thoughts of most of the leaders of the Allies. Faced with such a scene, they can no longer be as high-spirited and vigorous as before. At this time, Ultron said again.

“Gentlemen, I think you should accept my suggestion now to reassure the masses and rebuild order as our current top priority. Now that your final means have completely lost its effect, then Why not retreat and use my suggestions next?”

His plain words made many of you feel uncomfortable. Although he was really talking about the most practical way, no matter how he listened to it, everyone felt that it was mocking their incompetence.

Since this is a system, most of them can only endure secretly. But the people in Greece and Turkey can’t keep silent like they do. They can only gritted their teeth and nodded to Ultron.

“Go ahead and do what you want. I will let those who are still under our control cooperate with your omnibus.”

Ultron as expected. With the consent of the leaders of the two countries, it immediately began operations. Looking at Ultron, which was gradually disappearing in front of oneself, some people immediately made dissatisfied voices.

“Damn machine, it treats oneself as a person.”

“Pay attention to your tone, sir. Without him, the next time the burnt-out person might be You!”

Tony, who has been silent at this time, couldn’t help making a sound. And as soon as he uttered, it immediately attracted a lot of people’s ridicule.

“Mr. Stark, I really have to admire your human vision. First a traitor like Nick Fury came out. Then another rubbish like Norman Osborn came out. If it weren’t for he didn’t stop it in time. If all this deteriorates, maybe these things in front of you simply won’t appear. Don’t you think he needs to pay a considerable part of the responsibility for this kind of thing?”

“Your Excellency, you must pay attention to evidence when you speak. How can you be sure that all of this is Osborn’s fault. Although his actions have failed and things have deteriorated to where they are now. But how can you be sure that things will not develop like this if you change someone else? If you can guarantee this kind of thing, I will immediately let Osborn take full responsibility, and then put the person you said in his place. But if you don’t have such a person, please shut your mouth and don’t make unfounded accusations. Others. This will only show your stupidity.”


As soon as the mouth cannon fired, someone immediately stopped drinking with a stern voice. all of these.

“Enough, the current situation does not have any room for you to talk about it. The rest is wasted on such meaningless things, it is better to figure out how to deal with this shadow at the moment. Researchers, haven’t they figured out what the composition of this shadow is all about?”

Hearing this, the Chief-In-Charge of the Tianhammer Bureau surnamed Wang wiped his head. Sweat, seriously replied.

“Sorry, sir. We have tried our best to explore the secrets of this thing. But because of its special structure, all of our sampling equipment has lost its function. So we can’t judge this at all. What is it, only one or two possible conjectures can be given.”

“Even if it is conjecture ambition, what is your conjecture?”

“At present, the most There are two possible conjectures. One is that this is the realization of some other space in the world. With the ability of space fault, it can do everything we see so far.”

“That is impossible!” As soon as this conjecture was uttered, Tony Stark interrupted him impatiently. “The impact of the nuclear bomb did not have any impact on this thing. If it is a space fault, it should have a response to this degree of energy impact. Expansion or collapse, this is the performance it should have.”

“Then there is only the second possibility.” Chief-In-Charge shrugged, Wang’s surname, showed an expression of indifferent expression. “The second possibility is that this is a black hole that can be suppressed. If it is a black hole, everything can be explained.”

“Absurd. Mister Wang, you know a black hole What’s the mass? Just a black hole the size of a coin can crush a continental shelf and swallow the entire Earth in enough time. Now how big is the guy in front of you, he almost ranges from the Middle East to Europe The voyage of the entire Mediterranean is so long. If it were a black hole, we would have already finished it.”

Tony interrupted this so-called conjecture again and put forward his own point of view. Regarding this statement, Wang’s surname Chief-In-Charge just shook the head, and then said without humility.

“Mr. Stark, I just relayed the opinions of experts in the Skyhammer Bureau. I am a diplomat major, not a physical science. In this regard, I can only trust those experts.”

“Compared with your experts, I am a more professional person. As I said, that impossible is a black hole.”

“Then you can tell that it is a What? Or can you give us a practical opinion?”

This sentence blocked what Tony wanted to say next. Obviously, even with his confident level of technology It is impossible to solve such a special problem. Like everyone else, he knew nothing about everything. So he, like everyone else, impossible has any substantive suggestions.

“Is there nothing to say? If there is nothing to say, let’s discuss some other things. For example, we will establish a quarantine area near the Mediterranean Sea to allow all unrelated personnel to temporarily leave this dangerous thing. Sea routes, air routes, and all land must be monitored. We must not allow any civilians to come into contact with such dangerous things, anyone, even the military…”

” Your Excellency, there has been an accident. The shadow is fading!” A sudden word interrupted all his arrangements. But not at all people care about all this, because everyone’s eyes are focused on the fading shadow.

The huge shadow is gradually fading from the sky above the Mediterranean Sea. After it faded, everyone saw the terrifying scene.

The land that was once covered by shadows along the coast of Greece and Turkey has completely disappeared, and the swallowed place is so smooth that it looks like it was cut off by something sharp, or like It’s like being swallowed by something in one bite. And not just these, the sea, and even the islands that once existed in the Mediterranean area, all disappeared. Disappeared in this invisible mouth.

Countless seawater disappeared into the fading shadows, and the huge shadows were still on the seabed and unearthed a new bottom layer that was deeper than the Mariana Trench.

The new space needs more seawater to accumulate, but the Mediterranean Sea, which has been swallowed by a large amount of seawater, can no longer bear such a heavy responsibility. Countless seawater surging in along the seaport that connects with the ocean, but that’s why it can’t fill the huge vacancy in a short time. The sea level is falling, and the ugly coast is exposed little by little. Not only here, almost all the oceans in the world have been affected. It’s just not as obvious here.

And when the shadows faded completely, and bright blue sky and white clouds appeared over the Mediterranean Sea. A new Mediterranean was formed. Or this round swimming pool appeared above Earth. A new Earth pattern has emerged, and the Eurasian continent and even the African continent are trembling slightly in varying degrees. This is a natural disaster, without a doubt. But it is a natural disaster worthy of fortunate, because of its pointlessness, and because of the absolute horror it exhibits.

Looking at all this, someone immediately began to mumble.

“Damn thing, what the hell is this?”

The human allies began to frantically explore the true identity of this shadow, and the entire world began to be because of this shadow. And restless.

Twelve minutes, the landform of the Mediterranean has been completely changed. The deepest inland sea of ​​Earth was hung on the Mediterranean Sea. And this does not make people near the Mediterranean feel proud, but can only move inexplicable panic.

Nature can’t bear such terrifying power, even more how is it a human city, a human civilization? For a time people were alarmed, and the whole of Europe became like a powder keg. But right in the center of the Mediterranean, the people who have just left the country are facing such a problem.

They have been surrounded. The agents of the Skyhammer Bureau and the omnics of Ultron.

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