Staten Island, New York, Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.

The driver Audi R-Zero, Zhou Yi slowly drove into Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. As a concept sports car of Audi AG, this model that will not appear on the market naturally attracts the attention of many students.

Of course, Zhou Yi wants this effect. Only this kind of effect is worthy of oneself’s old face, to get this guy out of Tony’s company parking space.

Although as a board member of Stark, it is not a problem to get a concept sports car, but in contrast, Zhou Yi still prefers motorcycle. So in comparison, after making some choices, sure enough, it was more convenient to pit Tony.

Parking the car in front of the school building of Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, Zhou Yi walked into the interior of Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters in a straight suit holding a full of bright red roses.

At this time, it happened to be around 0.625. The one-day course had just ended, and there were boys and girls running around. Of course, this is Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, Mutant School. There will definitely be some grotesquely shaped guys, but Zhou Yi doesn’t care much. After all, own younger sister is also one of them. It would be too stupid to discriminate against these people.

The appearance of Zhou Yi naturally attracted the attention of many people. After all, everyone here is Mutant, although it is a school in name. But in fact, it is that many people, and Professor Charles generally does not allow students to go out freely. In this situation of looking down and not seeing up, basically all students and teachers know each other.

And Zhou Yi, for most people, is obviously a new face. It will naturally attract people’s attention. And although Zhou Yi is a pure-bred Chinese on the bloodline, his tall and strong figure coupled with the handsome face inherited from his parents gives him the ability to attract people’s eyes, and not like most Asians, to Europeans and Americans. The feeling of a mold. Of course, for other races, Europeans and Americans also look similar.

To many people present, Zhou Yi is a stranger. But for some people, Zhou Yi is no stranger.

“Hey! Yi, when did you come back?” A purple crystal screen suddenly unfolded in front of Zhou Yi, and then a rather heavy weight appeared directly on Zhou Yi’s body.

That was a 16-17 years old girl. The long hair of wine red was formed into huge braids and hung behind her head. The emerald-colored eyes were delicate and there were floating around her eyes. The weird patterns have an indescribable mysterious color. Just like the legendary elves, beautiful, and also strange pointed ears.

“Asshole guy, he went to China to play alone without taking me! How could I have such an irresponsible big brother like you.” The girl’s strong slender thighs were tightly bound. On Zhou Yi’s body, holding a stack of books in his hand, he slammed on Zhou Yi’s forehead hard. This flirtatious act made many teenagers in adolescence cast hostile eyes on Zhou Yi, but What they said made them feel the beauty of life.

Who is this person? Many youngsters have silently been labeled as big brother-in-law.

Being bullied like this by his own younger sister, Zhou Yi, apart from a helpless smile, can only secretly carry the flowers in one hand behind him to prevent him from being attacked by his younger sister. With the other hand, the koala forcibly embraced oneself and put her on the ground safely.

“Clarice, you need to know that I am very busy, and I have already given you the keys to the Upper East Side house, have you done whatever you want?”

I heard Zhou Yi’s defense, Clarice puffed up, and said with an awkward expression: “First, don’t call me Clarice in front of outsiders, but my nickname Blink. Second, the Upper East Side apartment has no meaning at all. There is no swimming pool, no game room, and no takeaway orders to order. Third, my dear big brother, do you think the professor will give us a long vacation?”

Zhou Yi chuckled, hug Walking to the side of the corridor with Clarice’s shoulder, said with a smile: “First, Clarice, your nickname is so stupid. Second, I can give you my villa on Long Island, swimming pool, chess and cards. Room, game room, also a large lawn with a go-kart track, the only premise is that you can talk about dear mother. also, third, I don’t know how the professor arranges your vacation, I only know that I was Ororo called for a parent-teacher meeting. For the problem you committed in school, I want to know, my dear. Do you have anything to say about this?”

“That was just a misunderstanding Okay?” Clarice hit Zhou Yi’s shoulder with his head angrily. “I just accidentally opened the door to the street. You can ask my good friend Kitty, and she can testify for me. Do you think it is, Kitty!” “

Hearing Clarice’s yelling, a sweet-looking girl with long soft brown hair, who was also holding a book, ran all the way to the two of them, and said in a flustered manner: “Yes, yes. I can testify to Clarice, I promise, sir!”

Zhou Yi glanced at the proud expression of his younger sister, and then looked at the brown-haired girl’s nervous expression. I don’t know where this is Big Sister tricks Teacher with his follower. But he didn’t intend to delve into this issue. He just said to the brown-haired girl with a smile on his face.

“Relax, girl. I’m not an officer. Introduce me, I am Zhou Yi, Clarice’s big brother, you can call me Zhou Yi directly, or Yi for short. Although this is us I met for the first time, but I think Clarice must have told you about me. So don’t worry, I’m not Scott’s rigid poker face, and I’m not going to do anything to you.”

, Zhou Yi stretched out his hand to the girl while showing a big smile on his face.

The brown-haired girl shyly held Zhou Yi’s hand and whispered: “Hello, Mr. Zhou Yi. Clarice often talks about you. I’m Kitty Pryde, Clarice’s good Friends, you can call me Kitty.”

“Hello, Kitty.” Zhou Yi laughed and touched the hair of oneself younger sister. “I’m very happy that Clarice can have friends like you in school. I think you get along well. Although Clarice is a little confused and likes to play tricks. He also likes to be a child, but he has always been friendly to friends.” /p>

Speaking of which, Clarice punched Zhou Yi directly on the waist, yelled: “You fool, I am your younger sister. Do you want to hold a press conference to announce mine to the world How bad is the younger sister?”

“Of course, no reporters are willing to report this boring thing.”

In a word of Zhou Yi, Clarice jumped directly to it. On him, he started making threatening gestures.

And Kitty laughed involuntarily when he saw the battle between the two siblings.

“Kitty, which side are you on?” Clarice pulled Zhou Yi and didn’t forget to turn his head back to the oneself friend’s rebellion.

And Kitty, who is obviously weak, can only cover her mouth sorryly and say: “Clarice, you know I didn’t mean it. And Mr. Zhou Yi is just exaggerating. I promise!”

It is another crystal screen, and Clarice has appeared behind Kitty. Holding her arm, he said to Zhou Yi; “My friend and I don’t talk to you lower oneself to somebody’s level, you playboy, I wish you will be thrown out of the window by Ororo.”

“Hey! Clarice, I’m your big brother.” Zhou Yi smiled wryly, shouldn’t oneself younger sister support oneself in this kind of thing.

“I’m on the woman’s side.” Clarice pulled Kitty and shook his own big braid at Zhou Yi, leaving only the back of his head for him, and walked away without looking back .

“Is it difficult to resolve family disputes?” A gentle and magnetic female voice rang from the side. Zhou Yi looked back at the red-haired beauty leaning on the door frame. It was just sighed and said in a father tone .

“Of course not. It’s just a bit of emotion for the child’s growth too fast.”

“You are still so funny and easy!” Jean Grey left the door frame and stepped forward. Said to Zhou Yi. “The rose is very beautiful, also, thank you for the gift!”

“I haven’t seen you in a year, you are still so charming. Jean!” Zhou Yi hugged the red-haired beauty and said with some emotion. “In fact, I think red roses match your hair color better, but some people certainly don’t think so. I don’t want the things I give away 2nd day to find ashes.”

Speaking of some people When Zhou Yi unnaturally curled one’s lip corner, it was obvious that some people made him extremely bad impression.

“I don’t think Red Rose is suitable for me. For me, she is too unrestrained. Isn’t it?” The red-haired beauty, who has always been an intellectual beauty, obviously thinks that Zhou Yi is just a simple compliment. Retorted with a smile.

“That’s just the surface, isn’t it?” Zhou Yi took a step closer, staring at the red-haired beauty with bright eyes. Condescendingly, and said clearly with a sense of aggression and oppression.

“Jean I saw is a flame-like existence. Enthusiastic, unrestrained, wild and unrestrained, it gives me a bright eye and a fiery heart.”

Low Whispering to himself, Zhou Yi slowly approached Jean. In eight years, Zhou Yi’s height has long been free from the embarrassing situation. Become the more advantageous party. And his silhouette naturally enveloped Jean Grey’s body, making her somewhat not knowing what to do.

The two faces are getting closer. Until one party violently pushed Zhou Yi away.

Jean Grey looked at all around with a guilty conscience. Fortunately, because of her position as a faculty member, the students who originally watched the excitement basically left when they saw her coming. The embarrassing scene just now was not at all let others see.

But she still felt a little blushing and heartbeat, and she could not help but shouted in a low voice: “Zhou Yi, do you know what you are doing? Or do you think this is fun?”

“Jean , You know. I’m telling the truth, and I can guarantee it with my life. It’s just that you have been rejecting me.” Zhou Yi laughed apologetically, but still pressed.

Jean Grey pushed Zhou Yi away, turned around and walked two steps, then stopped.

“You are too uncomfortable. I don’t know what you are thinking, but you have to understand me and Scott, and also Ororo to you…”

“I understand, just It’s you who don’t understand…, this is not a problem at all.”

“I won’t accept it, also, don’t talk nonsense..” red-haired beauty stopped the relationship between the two The conversation, accompanied by rapid footsteps, left Zhou Yi’s sight.

“This is such a strange woman!” Zhou Yi shrugged, only holding the rose to move on.

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