The faculty office of Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters is actually a guest room on the second floor of Xavier Manor. Under the renovation of Professor Charles, it became an office room. At this time, Ororo was alone in this room.

At this time, Ororo is sitting alone at the table marking something, frowning from time to time obviously indicates that if she is marking the transcript, there are quite a few people who want bad luck.

Seeing Ororo’s unpleasant expression, Zhou Yi quietly walked behind her, took her waist from behind, and whispered, “If you let those Little Brat know that you gave them a lot of For D, it is estimated that there will be a bunch of people who will say that you are a nasty old witch!”

“Easy!” Ororo sighed helplessly. “You know, among those who call me old witches, the least one is your younger sister.”

“Wow, then I can only say that Clarice and I are really similar. For mathematics There is really no way.” Zhou Yi shrugged, forcibly turning Ororo around.

Only saw Ororo wears a blue and white porcelain pattern, the snow-white background of blue and white Su embroidered cheongsam, reflecting the graceful figure and the alluring skin color like black pearl. Coupled with the sexy and charming appearance and rare silver hair, people immediately have a sense of shock that is difficult to breathe.

“It’s so beautiful!” Zhou Yi bluntly said what oneself thought.

Ororo pursed his lips and smiled, and his proud expression immediately appeared. She adjusted her sitting posture a little, half of the plump thighs appeared from the hem of the cheongsam, and along the hem, the charming curve of the calf made it difficult for you to divert your attention until it condensed to the delicate ankles and the same delicate white In high heels. And these combined, it is noble and elegant feminine charm.

Looking at the admiration in Zhou Yi’s eyes, Ororo showed a happy smile. jokingly said: “Well, do you think Mr. Zhou Yi’s vision is really great?”

“Of course!” Zhou Yi, who was praised by the beauty, made a proud expression, and even slightly I fixed my tie. “Mr. Zhou Yi’s vision is the best in the world. Especially for ladies who appreciate beauty. I can only say, Ororo, you are so beautiful. Only these flowers can set off your beauty.”

Ororo held the rose in surprise. She thought for a while and asked: “This time, it’s only me, isn’t it?”

“Wow, Ororo. It should be said that it has always been only you, Okay!” Zhou Yi answered cleanly, like a completely standardized answer. But Ororo just gave him a blank glance at this answer. Then put the flower on the table behind him and said to Zhou Yi.

“Let’s solve some formal problems!”

“No problem, I also agree to put private matters into the evening.” Zhou Yi smiled, showing bright the teeth of.

“When the time comes!” Ororo replied casually, then took out a pile of things and threw them to Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi doubled over, basically all the transcripts of each subject, the best is C, most of them are D. The signature is Miss Clarice Ferguson.

“What is this, is it the year-end award?” Seeing the results of oneself younger sister, Zhou Yi rubbed the temple, self-comforted. “It looks pretty good, although both are the third and fourth prizes.”

“Yes, unfortunately there is no first prize.” Ororo simply broke Zhou Yi’s comforting psychology, “These are just Little question, I didn’t want to give you, but I always have to pave the way.”

“Well, these preludes are really good.” Zhou Yi rolled the eyes, “At least I think I can accept Clarice’s crime. Most of the mistakes I made.”

Ororo sighed and said in a straightforward expression: “You have a good mentality, but I want to tell you that Clarice made some serious mistakes this time.”


“Tell me!” Zhou Yi also straightened his own attitude. Clarice is his weakness and one of the closest people in this world. For her, Zhou Yi must be taken seriously.

“Clarice’s abilities are very special, as you know. People who can open two-way passages in a three-dimensional space at will, for her, basically there is no place that cannot be reached. The school’s Teacher and Professors think this ability is rare and dangerous. Especially Clarice’s attitude to use this ability is too casual.”

“Two months ago, she and two students used it. Ability to leave school in the middle of the night, accidentally let a drunk teleport to Brooklyn Bridge, and use two Teleportation Portals to let this poor guy fall from a height for five minutes. After the drunk was rescued, he even vowed never to drink again. . And two weeks ago, she and Kitty escaped to play, the uncontrolled teleportation ability caused an accident, she let a roller coaster out of the track, it was Jean who saved them and the ordinary persons, and erased the memories of the ordinary persons “

“This is really bad!” Zhou Yi frowned. “What did Clarice say?”

“After the incident, she was very sorry. But as you know, she was too casual and didn’t think such a mistake would happen again.”

“It’s as confident as I am.” Zhou Yi sighed, looking into Ororo’s eyes, asked. “You should have been paying attention to her now, right!”

“Yes!” Ororo was taken aback for a moment, or clearly replied. “Jean and I will check the children every hour during the break. Your younger sister is the key observation object.”

“Can you promise me one thing, Ororo?” Zhou Yi shook hands. Holds her hands. “If something like this happens, tell me. Let me fix it!”

As a big brother, Zhou Yi clearly understands the character of oneself younger sister. This kind of thing will not be the last time, it must be Will appear again.

Ororo subconsciously objected, but seeing Zhou Yi’s serious look, he couldn’t help swallowing what he had just reached his lips. She was silent for a while, and then whispered: “I’ll talk to Jean.”

She was lying on the window, watching Zhou Yi and Ororo joking and driving away from school in a sports car. Clarice pursed his mouth and said angrily: “You hate it, you know that old witch Ororo goes out to play. You don’t care about me at all.”

“Clarice, you won’t really be Brocon.” Kitty in the same dormitory looked at Clarice’s expression and said with some surprise.

“Kitty, you are bringing about one’s own destruction!” Clarice yelled and opened the crystal screen directly on Kitty’s body. Kitty hurriedly hid, turned into a puff of smoke, and passed through The thick bed board hides under the bed.

However, a crystal screen has already appeared under her body, causing her to fall into the devil’s claws.

“You’re done, Kitty.” Clarice smiled wickedly, and immediately caused the poor girl to twitch and let out a painful laugh.

“Stop… Clarice, I was wrong, you are not a brocon. Really.” Kitty was out of breath, and the bullied person really has no temper.

“This won’t work!” Clarice not at all stopped, but at the same time put forward the own condition. “Unless you promise us to be hi at night.”

When Kitty heard it, it turned into smoke and passed through Clarice’s body. Behind her, she whispered incredibly: “Clarice, you are crazy. Did you forget the last time, Jean and Ororo were almost mad by you, and you were locked up for two days.”

“I know.” Seeing Kitty unwilling to play with oneself, Clarice naturally stopped. “But this time it’s different. Let’s go to the bar and bring Vivien Leigh.”

“Oh. You are really crazy. You are only 16 years old. Ororo will kill you if he knows.” Kitty’s mouth turned into an O shape, and it took a long time to say in disbelief.

“Hey, we are 16 years old. My bastard Old Brother didn’t know how much he did when he was 16 years old. He can do and why I can’t. Or, Kitty, Do you want to be a good baby all the time and be a Barbie doll?”

Kitty was stunned when he heard this. Then curl one’s lip and said: “I won’t help you convince Vivien Leigh. Also, Clarice, you are definitely a brocon, I promise!”

Jean-Georges, the most famous Michelin 3-Star in the world Restaurant, also known as the best French restaurant in New York. This restaurant is located in the best area of ​​Manhattan. It is recognized as a fashionable landmark of New York and a Vanity Fair where New York considers its identity. There are two people who eat here most often. One is celebrities, such as Denzel Washington, Sarah Jessica Parker, Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. Of course, these two divorced people will not go together. Also one is the businessmen who have a successful career and know how to enjoy life.

Someone once said that the most powerful woman in New York is the leader of Jean-Georges who decided not to give you a seat. To prove the status of a New York man, you must He needs an appointment to get to Jean-Georges.

This is a rather boring judging standard, but it is very popular, especially for someone like Tony Stark who loves to show off. At this point, Zhou Yi felt that oneself was influenced by Stark.

When Zhou Yi took Ororo’s hand and walked into the most famous restaurant in the United States, the leader immediately greeted him with a warm smile.

“Hello, Dear Mr. Zhou, I wish you and this lady a great time with us.”

“Thank you!” A somewhat cramped Ororo replied As a Teacher, Ororo rarely patronizes luxury places, let alone top restaurants like this. This is not just a question of money and social status, but more importantly, Ororo is a Mutant.

Although America did not explicitly discriminate against Mutant, secretly, Mutant is definitely the most discriminated against, especially among the wealthy. It can be said that if it weren’t for Zhou Yi to bring Ororo, it would be difficult for her to step into the door of this restaurant as a Mutant.

It’s cruel to say, but this is the truest aspect of this country that advertises freedom.

Under the leadership of the leader, Zhou Yi and Ororo sat in the best position in the restaurant. Many people raised their glasses to Zhou Yi along the way. Zhou Yi or nodded responded, or simply ignored them. .

No one will say anything about this, because compared to Tony Stark, Zhou Yi is already quite a gentle type. And this is the right to be the majority shareholder of Stark Corporation.

For Zhou Yi, these people can basically be ignored as background, but for Ororo, these people are definitely too conspicuous.

“Oh, my goodness. That’s Nicole. Kidman, I actually saw a real person here.” It seems hard to imagine Ororo, who is usually calm, would become like this.

Zhou Yi smiled and held her hand, comforted: “Relax, my dear. Tonight you will be the envy of them.”

Ororo deep After taking a deep breath, he said sorry to Zhou Yi: “Okay, okay. I know I behave like a Cinderella. I just didn’t expect you to bring me to a place like this.”

Zhou Yi raised his glass, smiling at Ororo.

“My dear, you need to know. For us, these are just part of the insignificant.”

“That’s just for you, okay?” Sometimes a beauty His white eyes are also touching enough. And Zhou Yi’s response to this blank eye was that Lightly took Ororo’s hand and kissed it. Then said with the gentlest smile.

“Dear Miss Ororo, to you and me, we don’t seem to need to be so clear, don’t we?”

Alcohol, food, plus the luxurious scene of drunken gold fans , Is definitely the most attractive drug for ladies, and even more so for people who are interested in each other.

When Zhou Yi took the slightly drunk Ororo and drove in the direction of oneself’s home, maybe tonight will be an unforgettable and charming night.

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