Sun God Marvel

Chapter 807

Tony made an announcement on the news. He has caught the fugitive World Wanted Winter Soldier, and will start his public trial in three days.

As soon as this news was released, it immediately ushered in a sensation throughout the United States. For Winter Soldier, many people at first don’t know who he is and why he is wanted. But in Tony’s commentary, every American knew him and gnashing his teeth, wishing to eat him alive.

They already know exactly who the unforgivable crime was committed on Los Angeles TV! This one who killed hundreds of people in an instant, indirectly caused the United States to launch a war against Mutant, and the restless guy completely detonated American’s hatred.

You don’t even need who to fan the flames. There were spontaneous demonstrations all over the streets, and grandiose appealed to the government to send this Bushwacker to hell.

This news naturally cannot escape the eyes of the Avengers. Faced with such a situation, the face of every Avengers became ugly.

Anyway, Winter Soldier is their former comrade-in-arms, and they have all fought side by side. But now that the government and the people treat him like this, they feel somewhat uncomfortable in their hearts. But even if they felt uncomfortable, they still suppressed it.

Because they know very well in their hearts that Winter Soldier did commit such a crime. The accusations made by the government and the people were not wrong to him. Even if they were teammates, there was no way to defend him.

So they can only hold back their grievances and watch the parade continue to expand continuously. At the same time, I was worried about what would happen if Captain found out such a thing.

Captain doesn’t know the news yet, because Captain is still drunk. When they found Captain during the day today, they realized that this guy who had never been drunk had actually fallen into a bar, drunk and unconscious.

The bartender said that he had never seen a guy who could drink like this. And everyone here knows why Captain is so drunk, it happens to be drunk.

Seeing the death of own friend, but there is no way at all. It is indeed something that can drive people crazy. In this case, it becomes understandable to use wine to pour sorrow. In fact, they were very happy that Captain could drink so drunk, because if he was awake, then the pain he was obviously going to endure would have been aggravated a little bit more.

And just when they were fortunate that things were not bad in the end. Captain’s voice suddenly rang from behind them.

“What are they doing?”

“What? No, nothing. It’s just a group of people opposing that guy Stark.”

Quicksilver immediately turned off the TV. But Captain oneself stepped forward and turned on the TV again. The slogan of the parade, and also the bright red news headline on it all showed the core of the problem. As long as he is not blind and he is literate, then it is impossible to understand what these people are doing?

This gives everyone a bad idea. However, they soon discovered that things were not the same as they thought.

Captain turned off the TV calmly, then sat down without a word. This calm behavior made the Avengers feel a little weird and worried. In their eyes, this seems to be a manifestation of grief more than death. Therefore, someone immediately cared about him.

“Captain, are you not?”

“It’s okay, just also some hesitation!” His eyes drifted across all the Avengers present, and Captain stood up suddenly, yes Said to them. “I just made up my mind. I’m sorry, Buddy. I want to leave you for a while.”

After saying this, he didn’t wait for the Avengers to give him an answer. He left this temporary base straight away. Looking at Captain who had just left, the few remaining people looked at each other, and they all found deep anxiety in each other’s eyes.

“Damn it, Captain doesn’t want to attack the court, right.”

Quicksilver was the first to ask such a question. As for this idea, no one in the room responded.

Captain’s idea is obvious, even a fool can see what he wants to do alone. And this is exactly what they worry about.

Once you hit the court or intercepted a prisoner halfway, it will cause irreparable serious consequences. Because this is clearly against the country and all people. It is trampling on law and axiom in front of countless people. This behavior, even with Captain’s reputation, will not end well. It is the best situation to become a rat that everyone shouts and beats.

And if this is a trap specially set by Stark, then the situation will only get worse.

In their opinion, Stark is a lunatic now. If it falls into his trap and is caught by him, then it is definitely a bad enough thing. Therefore, it cannot fall into Stark’s hands anyway. Whether they are oneself or Captain, it won’t work.

With this similar idea, several Avengers glanced at each other, and silently reached a consensus in their hearts. The Avengers are a team and should advance and retreat together. Now that Captain has made such a decision, as teammates, they should also stand by his side and share everything with him.

A very simple idea, but also a manifestation of the bondage of the Avengers. However, they never thought that all of this was being plotted against.

Mephisto watched every move of the Avengers secretly, and smiled expectantly for the upcoming show. As a devil, he can’t wait to see the faces of these so-called Superheros after seeing Captain’s great change. That must be interesting, right?

At this moment, almost all the guys hiding in the dark are playing their own selfish calculations. But for Zhou Yi, the big family, they don’t care at all.

For them, the special situation that happened to Zhou Yi is the more important thing. In order to figure out why this happened, they had already questioned many guys.

Now, they are questioning the last insider.

“Scott, I need you to tell me what happened at that time. You know what Apocalypse did, and what is the source of the shadow?”

Jean Gree Standing in front of Scott, looking at this guy with an idiotic look on the owner, asked impatiently.

While looking at the person in front of oneself who made him yearn for day and night, Scott ignored the expression on her face and rushed up excitedly.

“Jean, you are finally back. You are finally willing to return to me!”

Such crazy talk immediately made Jean Grey frowned. With a wave of her hand, she pushed Scott directly onto the wall, letting him hang there like a mural. Then he spoke to him word by word.

“Put away your undivided thoughts, Scott! We have nothing to do with each other. Answer my question, and then I will disappear from you. This is the only thing we have now Relationship, do you understand what I mean?”

“No, no, it’s not like that.” Shaking his head desperately, Scott, who was totally unbelievable about Jean’s statement, rejected everything she said. “We have a child, Jean. We have a child. Nathan, our child, he came from the future. He proved that it is possible between us. Jean, you will come back to me. Damn it The bastard simply doesn’t have your place by your side, you will still belong to me in the end!”

Poor Scott didn’t even know that Nathan was just a cloned child of him and Jean Grey. He was still having such an irresistible dream, dreaming that Jean would return to him.

And his dreams made Jean Grey disgusted from the heart. He has had enough of this guy’s nausea, and he also understands that there is no question from this guy’s mouth. So she immediately shook her hand and threw Scott into the corner of the room. Then left here without looking back.

The steel prison door slowly closed amid the heavy mechanical sound. And the reluctant shout behind him also became gradually inaudible. Facing Jean Grey who came out of it like this, Hank sighed deeply at the madman who was imprisoned inside while lamenting her ruthlessness.

Scott is an infatuated guy, but it’s a pity that he fell in love with a woman who shouldn’t be in love with. Then, he was exposed and turned into the disgusting appearance he is now.

Who is the one who made the mistake? Hank has no more thoughts about it. He only knew that those things about men and women were really helpless.

Hanke, who has never talked about a few love affairs in his life, feels very philosophical. This makes Jean, who can watch people’s hearts, couldn’t help being frowned. However, she suppressed the anger in her heart and asked him.

“Where is that Nathan? I want to have a chat with him?”

“Or the shadow problem?” After asking curiously, Hank repeated it again. own opinion. “I told you that this shadow has nothing to do with Mutant. In contrast, I am more willing to believe that it is a more formidable strength and will. Moreover, even the one from the future called Nathan Guy, you are also impossible to get what you want to know from him. He has been brainwashed by Apocalypse, and now he is just an idiot who doesn’t know anything.”

“I know, so I I want to take a look oneself.”

Interrupted Hank’s chatter. Jean insisted on taking oneself to the cell where Nathan was being held. And there, she quickly saw this guy who was the son of Owner Scott.

As Hank said, he is almost equivalent to an idiot. The brain that has been thoroughly cleaned has hardly any self-conscious response. But his memories are still there, those memories about the future, and this is what Jean wants to see.

“Let me see what the future looks like!”

With this thought, Phoenix’s power began to surge, and her consciousness began to deepen rapidly In Nathan’s brain. A completely different future was presented in front of Jean Gerei.

At this moment, she discovered that the world is different!

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