Sun God Marvel

Chapter 808

There is such a big difference between a world with one person and a world without one person. This is something Jean has never thought about. But for her, the difference is not that big.

This World she lives in has the existence of Zhou Yi, and she has become accustomed to the existence of Zhou Yi. In such a world, everything she has experienced, all her past is also true. These real things built her heart and shaped her life. She has absolutely no reason to question oneself’s current life and so on because of the other world.

It’s like watching a movie. Would someone still regard the world in the movie as real, thus denying own real life? If there is, then it can only be said that his life is too sad.

Jean is very satisfied with oneself’s current life, so she naturally does not have the pathetic meaning of substituting oneself into a world that has nothing to do with oneself. Soon, she forgot everything oneself saw. Shaking his head, he left the cell where Nathan was being held.

And Hank, who was waiting outside the cell, saw Jean walking out of it, and immediately asked her.

“How is it, did you get the news you want?”

“No, it seems that this so-called shadow has something to do with Apocalypse not at all, and it has nothing to do with Mutant The connection.”

Shook the head, Jean directly said his own opinion. For this, Hank took off his own eyes, and while wiping them with oneself handkerchief, he whispered to Jean.

“I think there is something wrong with your search for the direction of the problem? I don’t know if you would like to listen to my thoughts?”

“Let’s listen?”

Raised his head, Jean looked towards Hank with interest, who was a little unsustainable about the current predicament, as if he wanted to know what his opinion was. Hearing Jean’s words, Hank immediately put his eyes on and replied to her seriously.

“I think you shouldn’t suspect Mutant about this kind of thing. You are also a Mutant, you should know where the upper limit of Mutant’s ability is. Such a powerful force has completely surpassed Mutant. The limit that can be reached is just like you. So, this power has nothing to do with Mutant? You should look for his source from other directions.”

“For example “

“For example, God like your boyfriend, or your child?” Shrugged, Hank made oneself look as innocent as possible. “Except for God, I basically can’t imagine any power that can create that degree of landscape. And your child? A person from the future has a lot to explore. In fact, I personally think that this Shadows are most likely to be related to complex and unexplorable things like time and space.”

“Time and space? This is also a possible direction.” Squinting his eyes, Jean revealed to Hank. The radiance of scrutiny. “However, I feel that you don’t seem to be at all to resolve a difficult situation and leave worries behind. You just want me to look away from Mutant.”

“Yes, that’s what I meant.” He was a little dazed, as if he didn’t expect Jean to say that. But immediately, Hank admitted frankly. “Jean, don’t you think you are a bit too strict with Mutant now? Don’t forget, you are a Mutant, but you have always been indifferent to your own compatriots. Don’t talk about fighting for us, even just When it comes to protecting us, you don’t have your boyfriend’s making an all-out effort. That’s fine. Now there’s something wrong with it. You suspect the own compatriot. To be honest, it makes us feel huge Pressure.”

“I will do this because you have problems with your own practices. Don’t forget, what you did to me.” With a cold glance, Jean couldn’t help but sneer. Up. “I am a woman, and all I care about is my family. I don’t care about other things. And don’t forget why Zhou Yi treats you so favorably. Do you really think you have this value? don’t crack A joke, if it weren’t because his younger sister and I were Mutant, we wouldn’t care about your life or death at all.”

This realistic discourse made Hanke a little unacceptable, but he had to admit In fact, the Mutant ethnic group does not at all create any wealth for this special family. It is difficult for a group of people like them to provide them with wealth in a realistic sense. Although Mutant itself is a very magical existence, it is a pity that in the eyes of these people, Mutant and ordinary person are actually not at all too different.

To understand this, Hank suddenly felt a sense of weakness. The huge difference in level makes many things he wants to say without the value of speaking. Looking at his big ugly face, Jean sneered and disappeared before his eyes.

Their investigation is still continuing, but they have temporarily switched directions. At this time, around Washington, the Avengers who secretly followed Captain had discovered a lot of troublesome problems.

There are many plainclothes policemen in special plainclothes police in Washington, and the number of omnics is also increasing. This makes it very difficult for them to sneak into the job, so that they have to apply for assistance from some people. For example, now, with the help of some people, they secretly hide in a place where they will not be discovered.

“Seriously, this place is really uncomfortable. Compared to this kind of dark underground space, I prefer the big balcony on the west coast where we can get the sun.”

Just as Quicksilver complained, there was a woman’s ill-tempered voice in the direction of the door.

“You can go for a walk, bask in the sun. But if you are found by those omnibuses, I won’t pay for your stupidity!”

“Don’t pay attention to him, he is just complaining.” Wanda pressed down the oneself restless younger brother, and directly asked Natasha who walked in through the door. “How about, did you get any useful news?”

“There is news, of course. One good news, one bad news. I don’t know which one you want to hear?”

Holding a bunch of ingredients from the supermarket, Natasha looked like a housewife. This is also a disguise for her, after all, the plainclothes policemen on the street would not notice her too much. And these things can make the guy in this secret safe house be more honest, and won’t cause her that many troubles.

“Listen to the good first, then listen to the bad!”

Wanda gave such a reply. Hearing her reply, Natasha said to them as she stuffed her hand into the refrigerator.

“The good news is that Captain hasn’t acted excessively yet. This prevents Tony from realizing that he has come to Washington for the time being. Both sides are quiet and peaceful, at least as it is now!”

“So the bad news?”

“I checked the personnel’s transfer records and found out that Winter Soldier had been sent to the island prison. Unless you can talk about Banner or That Thor, otherwise I don’t think you have the ability to rescue people from the isolated island prison!”

Shrugged, Natasha expressed his own opinion. Upon hearing this, Quicksilver immediately curled one’s lip, revealing a look of disdain.

“also what prison we can’t handle? I don’t believe it, this is just your exaggeration.”

“Tony used the technology left by the original sentry robot. A large biological energy suppression field has been created on the island to specifically deal with you Mutants. Like you, Little Brat who runs fast, as soon as you enter the radiation range of that island, you will immediately fall into the water. And then you will Have a happy journey surrounded by a large group of poisonous jellyfish. Believe me, when the time comes there are not many people who can save you. And even if they do, they may not be able to save you in time.”

Quicksilver couldn’t help but want to argue with this slightly warning statement, but his elder sister firmly pressed his shoulders and didn’t let him go on making a fool of himself.

“That is to say, the idea that we intend to rob Winter Soldier before the trial is somewhat improbable?”

“I said, unless you can get Banner and Thor Help, otherwise I don’t think you have this hope.”

“Even if we plan to save people on the way, won’t it work?”

Wanda frowned, more Asked from the perspective of details. But what she got was Natasha’s negative answer.

“I said, it’s impossible. When the time comes, there will be more than 400 omnipotents participating in the escort mission, you are simply impossible to deal with them!”

“From the beginning At the end, I don’t think you have the probability of success. In my opinion, the only thing you can do is to watch Captain, stop him before he does anything, and prevent him from doing stupid things.”

“Captain impossible would agree to do that. If he could watch Winter Soldier being tried, he wouldn’t show up in this place.”

Sighed out. In this case, the avengers all showed helpless expressions. If it were not for Captain, they would not be here. And since they are here, they can naturally only share the joys and sorrows with Captain, and advance and retreat together.

This is not an easy task, because this time they are facing the entire country. And it is very likely to be cast aside by countless people. But they have no other choice. In this case, they have only one choice, and that is to follow Captain, even if the abyss ahead.

This is an absolute trust. The trust in Captain allowed them to make this decision without hesitation. But in Natasha’s view, this is a somewhat stupid decision.

In this matter, Captain may not have made a correct decision. From her point of view, too many personal emotions have been mixed in this matter, and it has even risen to the point of personal grievances. At this time, the most correct decision is actually to be an observer obediently and honestly, not to get involved.

In this regard, she believes that some people in the Avengers actually see this clearly. Only because of their relationship with Captain, they gave up this practice and made an unwise choice. This is very helpless, because things will inevitably evolve into a violent conflict.

She can only hope now that both parties can restrain themselves a little, so that things will not evolve so drastically. But is this kind of thing possible? She really didn’t have much confidence.

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