Sun God Marvel

Chapter 809

Lying on the hotel bed, staring at the reporter’s constant tracking of the progress of the Winter Soldier trial, Captain couldn’t help but sighed deeply.

Actually, he didn’t want to come here, or what he originally wanted was to obey the trust of oneself good friend and watch him leave quietly. But I don’t know why. When he saw that Winter Soldier was going to be tried on the news, he couldn’t control his own reason at all, and he rushed here without even thinking.

This is a wrong and stupid move, he himself knows this very well. But he can’t control oneself, not to make this kind of mistake. This is the same as he can’t watch oneself’s comrades go to death, but oneself is indifferent.

So faced with the wrong move that oneself had already done, he could only sigh, hoping to get forgiveness from his friends. Inevitably, there was resentment towards Tony.

This is strange and abnormal. Because when at first, he didn’t at all think Tony did something wrong. Although he has been targeting oneself, he has been wanted for the Avengers, trying to capture them and bring them to justice. But Captain didn’t at all hate him because of this. On the contrary, he somewhat understood Tony’s approach, and felt a lot of guilt for him.

The reason why he has such feelings is because he knows very well in his heart that oneself is the one who is in the wrong. In any case, Winter Soldier did do a lot of unforgivable things, and more importantly, he did kill Tony’s parents. If such a fact happens to anyone, it will lead to the result of antagonism. Tony didn’t start a war because of this, it was already a performance of his restraint.

So until now, he did not positively indicate that he was hostile to Tony. Instead, he kept trying his best to avoid conflict with Tony. He thought there was room for relaxation, or that he had no idea of ​​being hostile to Tony.

But now, seeing that his friend is about to die in this way, bearing infinite notoriety. He could no longer agree with Tony’s approach.

He began to hate Tony. Although there is no reason for this hatred, he suddenly had this idea. It was as if someone set a fire in his heart and then poured a pile of gasoline on him, and he couldn’t stop it at all.

This is not right, it is a wrong move. Captain knew these things very well in his mind, and he also knew that once oneself did something, the consequences would become more serious. It is even said that it is likely to directly affect the current situation in United States. But he just couldn’t help but made such a wrong decision. This made him feel guilty.

“I shouldn’t do this. But I’m just a mortal, how can I watch Bucky die?”

Get up and mutter into the mirror Said to himself. The hesitation and hesitation in Captain’s eyes made him look extremely vulnerable. He began to make excuses for oneself, but such excuses couldn’t suppress the guilt in his heart. On the contrary, this guilt became stronger and his brain began to twitch frantically.

He started to feel a headache, a severe headache. This kind of pain made him unable to help but start tapping own on the head. And at this time, his eyes suddenly became hollow. An illusory voice slowly emerged from his brain, narrowing his mind, making all the struggles in his mind like being thrown into the toilet, and was instantly flushed clean.

He has only one idea left now, which is to rescue Bucky at all costs. With this idea in mind, he began to organize his own weapons and equipment. And at this time, a voice suddenly rang from outside the door.

“Sir, your room service!”

Captain lived in a family hotel, which is quite common in Washington now. Because of the Hydra invasion a while ago, many people’s properties were destroyed, so many people opened family hotels while the city was rebuilding the city to provide accommodation for those who temporarily lost their houses.

Because the price is fair, this small hotel is quite popular. The house Captain stayed in under a false identity was opened by an old couple with their own two grandchildren who were still in high school. The decor is good, so the price is a little bit higher, but the service is very good in line with the price.

Every morning and evening someone will come to clean the room. The two youngsters are also very smart, and they can always help the own grandparents to handle everything in order. Even the work of cleaning the room is also the work of these two youngsters while they are on vacation.

In general, Captain has a very good impression of the two children. So after hearing the sound outside the door, he quickly rubbed his face to make the fake skin on oneself’s face more vivid, and then opened the door of the room with a smile.

“Clark, why did you come to clean today. Do I remember it was your big brother?”

“Don’t mention it, Mr. Wayne. That guy today Going for a date! It’s hell to leave me here alone, I want to go on a date?”

The youngster wears glasses and has freckles on his face, but he has a detached character. He was talking, holding the clean bedding, winking at Captain.

“I said Mr. Wayne, can you let me put the thing down first. It’s uncomfortable to hold this thing in my arms.”

“Sorry, my fault!” Look At the appearance of the youngster, Captain immediately turned his body to allow him to get in more easily. As soon as he entered the room, the youngster named Clark quickly began to pack up the things on the bed.

While he cleaned up, he started talking with Captain.

“Mr. Wien, I have to say that you are really clean. I have cleaned up a lot of rooms. You should be the cleanest guest I have ever met. I even wonder if you came from the army. , Because few people can be so self-disciplined to you.”

Captain couldn’t help but burst into his heart because of Clark’s words, and he asked calmly.

“Why, do I look like a soldier?”

“Of course! Oh, your pectoral muscles are really big, also your body, I dare say if you are in the army Inside, it must be a Super Soldier and so on.” Looking at Captain’s chest with a weird expression, the youngster who had just entered puberty couldn’t help showing his coveted expression. But soon, he waved his hand and smiled at Captain. “But I know you are definitely not a soldier. Look at your handsome face. If I have your face and such a sexy figure, I will definitely go to Hollywood. Even with Tom Cruise Just pretend to be cool, and I can become a superstar.”

“It’s a pity that I am neither a soldier nor a star. I am just a bad luck novelist, or just An idiot stepping into this business.” At this point, Captain glanced at the clean bed, then gave a self-deprecating smile. “My book can’t be published at all, and my career is in a mess. If I have any merits, it is self-discipline. This is thanks to my father who always likes to bring military life to his family. Trust me , Child. If you have such a difficult guy in your family, you will develop this habit.”

“Fortunately, my father is an ordinary person. As long as I don’t support the Republican Party, he will Adopt laissez-faire to me. But to be honest, sir. There is nothing wrong with your habit. I have seen too many customers. Drugs and other things are more disgusting. Compared with them Get up, you are the real life.”

Clark talked freely while keeping the room clean. And when he was busy and saw the luggage piled on the corner, he immediately said to Captain.

“Do you need me to wash your clothes for you? I mean you have paid for the room anyway. This is the service included in the room, not for nothing.”


“Forget it, Clark. When the time comes oneself, I can just wash it.”

Captain declined, but Clark walked up on his own. Hugging the dirty clothes in the corner.

“You’re welcome, Mr. Wien. The sound of our washing machine is too loud. It’s okay at this time. If it’s a little later, it might disturb my grandfather and them. Oh, damn it. This What is it!”

Clark said, his face suddenly changed. He felt a square-shaped object in his hand, and that shape undoubtedly told him that he felt a firearm. This made the youngster immediately aware of something, so that the expression in his eyes when he looked at Captain was immediately full of horror.

At this moment, he finally understood why this Mr. Wien never left the room. At this moment, he finally knew why this Mr. Wien always said that oneself is a failed writer. Because he is simply not a damn writer, he is simply a dangerous man running around with a gun. Maybe the sudden increase in police and omnipotents out there is to deal with these guys.

The more Clark thought about it, the more afraid he became, and even his body began to stiffen. At this time, Captain, who prevented him from falling short, obviously realized what he had discovered. So he hurriedly pressed his hand downward, and whispered to Clark.

“Hey, hey, hey! Calm down, child. Things don’t look like you think. I’m not a bad person. I don’t mean anything to you or anyone, so calm down. Put down what you touched, okay?”

At this time, where could Clark dare not agree to him. He shivered and nodded, and slowly put down what oneself was holding. And seeing him so cooperative, Captain quietly sighed in relief.

He walked up, calming Clark’s emotions, and said sorry to him.

“Sorry, child. I don’t want to hurt you, but I have very important things to do now. If you cooperate with me and stay in the room obediently and honestly for two days, what can I promise will not happen. So be more obedient, okay?”

Clark was still trembling and nodding, and this cowardly behavior made Captain immediately let go of his guard. He stretched out his hand, intending to find something to temporarily control Clark. But at this turning point, Clark was like a mad antelope, rushing out the door desperately.

This immediately makes Captain startled. Because he absolutely can’t let Clark go out from here, so as to attract the police and omnics outside. So he immediately rushed over, as fast as a cheetah.

In an instant, the bodies of the two people crossed together. At this time, an accident happened.

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