Sun God Marvel

Chapter 810

until now, Captain’s body is maintained in a state that is almost perfect for humans. His strength, speed, and metabolism have always been maintained on the human Peak data. It can be said that when performing missions or doing other things, he can behave like a machine, which is not bad.

But now, an accident has happened. I don’t know why, obviously Captain just wants to stop Clark and control him as quickly as possible. But at the moment he pounced on it, a violent thought suddenly emerged in his heart. This made his hand movement instantly become tough and fierce. And this immediately caused fatal trauma to Clark, a child who had just become a high school student and whose body was as thin as a chicken.

His cervical spine was snapped into two by a huge impact in an instant, and this made him immediately fall to the ground like a rag doll, and there was no aura immediately.

“No, no! Wake up, child, wake up quickly. Wake up quickly!”

The occurrence of this accident caused Captain to panic immediately. He hurriedly fell to the ground, checked the condition of this unfortunate youngster, and began to rescue him urgently. But no matter how he checks or rescues him, reality is already doomed. This young life is gone, and he has become a real murderer.

This caused Captain’s heart to turn into a huge wave for an instant. Because this was the first time he had killed such an innocent ordinary person, it gave him an extremely powerful sense of guilt.

until now, Captain firmly believes that oneself is protecting the innocent ordinary person. This is his belief and his mission. Although because of some accidents, they will always cause some innocent deaths and injuries during the mission, but that kind of thing is completely different from the current one.

This is already a kind of murder, a serious act of hurting others’ lives for personal gain. Maybe this is not Captain’s original intention, but everything has already constituted reality. Moreover, whether this is the original intention of own, in fact, Captain oneself is also difficult to say clearly.

It is difficult for him to explain clearly where the violence in oneself’s heart came from. I don’t even understand why oneself suddenly had such a violent and destructive impulse to this harmless youngster. Although this violent and impulsive thing was only a momentary matter, Captain felt it clearly, and oneself did have this idea at the time. Oneself indeed had the idea of ​​killing him.

This kind of scrutiny of own made him curse oneself directly in his heart. And the germinating sense of guilt made him feel infinite self-rejection from the bottom of his heart.

He glanced at the boy on the ground. This is a young life, and his beautiful life has just begun. But now, he can only lie here as a corpse. And all this is because of his sin. It’s all because of his damn madness.

The more he thought about it, the more he blamed Captain, and couldn’t help but knelt to the ground. At this time, he already had a feeling of despair. He thought about surrendering, thought about paying the price for own crime. But I don’t know why, when he thinks like this, another single thought will always pop up in his brain, which completely dispels this thought.

This made him kneel on the ground, silent like a stone sculpture.

Time is passing quickly, and Captain is still stupidly like a stone. At this time, the door of his room was knocked suddenly. This surprised him suddenly, and then shouted at the door.

“Who is it?”

This apparently violent roar made the people outside the door suddenly startled. But he replied quickly.

“Mr. Wayne. I’m old Kent, Clark’s grandfather. I want to ask, have you seen Clark’s little bastard?”

The voice outside the door obviously Captain realized something. His eyes began to drift continuously, but soon he made a decision.

“Wait a minute, I’ll come right now!”

While answering this, Captain moved quickly to stuff Clark’s body under the bed. Then he came to the door with a smeared messy notebook and a pen, and opened the door of the room.

“Sorry, Mr. Kent. I was working on creation just now, and maybe my temper was a bit out of control for a while.”

“I should be sorry to disturb you. “Shook the head, old Kent expressed oneself’s apologies. Then he asked Captain. “It’s just that the little bastard of Clark suddenly disappeared. I remember he said before that he was going to help you clean up the room. It was just that no one was seen for so long, so I came to ask, do you know where he went?”

“Sorry, Clark was here with me just now. But after he cleaned up the house, he said that there was something wrong, so he hurried out. You know, I’m busy thinking about it, so he didn’t Pay attention to where he went!”

Hearing this, old Kent glanced into the room first, and only after seeing no trace of oneself’s grandson did he call out angrily.

“This brat must have gone out to play again. I knew that, like his big brother, this Little Brat knows to mess around all day long!”

I heard the old Kent blame the child Captain’s words immediately caught his heart. But he still made a helpless expression, and said with a smile to old Kent.

“There is no and so on, Mr. Kent. After all, they are in their youth. Male children at this time will always like to play a little bit.”

“That can’t even be serious Enough forgotten.” Old Kent was still blowing his beard and staring, but he was obviously relieved temporarily. “Forget it, Mr. Wien. I’m looking for him to settle the accounts when he comes back. I won’t bother you now, I wish you a good night’s sleep!” After all, Captain’s identity is a guest, and old Kent doesn’t want to Embarrassed him too much. So after a few words, he left here directly.

While watching the old Kent’s back disappear into own’s sight, Captain slowly closed the door. Then suddenly he leaned on the door of the room, and collapsed softly.

To cheat such an old man is really a torture to the heart. Although it only took a few words just now, Captain felt that it was longer than a whole century. After meeting the old man’s eyes several times, Captain couldn’t help but want to confess everything. But in the end he gave up the idea, and continued to pretend to be Mr. Wien, covering everything up.

He knows that this is a very wrong thing, and it can even be said to be a thing that can get him to hell. But this was a choice he made subconsciously. He thought of Bucky at that time, thought of the own purpose. If you confess at this time, isn’t Bucky dead? He wants to rescue Bucky, and he wants Bucky to escape Tony’s clutches. If he exposes oneself at this time, wouldn’t all of this be in vain?

These all are excuses, and Captain knows it very well. But these excuses can give him a reason to temporarily bury the guilt in oneself’s heart and temporarily forget about Clark.

But this is only temporary, he knows very well, and he keeps reminding oneself that it is only temporary. Once Bucky is rescued, once he lets his own friend get real freedom. Then he must stand up and pay for what happened today.

He is responsible for Clark’s death, but not now.

He once again warned oneself in his heart, and Captain silently mourned the corpse under oneself’s bed. He knew it was hypocritical, but if he didn’t use this hypocritical method, he really didn’t know how to express oneself’s apologies to him.

“I will give you an explanation, child. I will! Just, not now!”

I finished the condolences. Captain again began to check the own weapon. I don’t know why, when he thinks of tomorrow’s trial, a flame suddenly ignited in his heart. This flame burned everything in his heart, making him quickly forget the self-blame and guilt that oneself had before. Even Clark’s matter began to fade away.

This is very bad, but Captain is not aware of this problem at all. He just silently checked, waited, and prepared to make a big fuss on the scene of the trial tomorrow.

And just as he was preparing like this, in a different space, a person who had been watching him began to snicker in his heart.

Mephisto has lived for countless years and witnessed countless heroes. But even so, people like Captain have very little memory in him. Such people have their own persistence. Noble morality, and not afraid of any temptations and threats. It can be said that no devil can shake the will of such a person, and their hearts are harder and purer than any steel.

But now, because of some small means, a hero like this is dragged by oneself to the abyss of corruption. This is really a Supreme enjoyment for a devil.

Yes, Mephisto has done tricks on Captain. And it’s not ordinary hands and feet. Most people, even with the secrets provided by Smith Zhou, can at best let Captain execute a certain specific order. But Mephisto took a different approach. He used this secret to create an evil method that can only be performed by oneself.

That is, after opening the barriers in Captain’s mind and using the secret password in his brain to turn on his brainwashing mode, he instilled the oneself evil devil’s words. It was no longer a simple instruction, but let Captain remember the whispers of the own devil, using this deceptive language to continuously seduce and drive him to make the next wrong decision.

Captain is still Captain, but whenever he encounters a critical problem, the whispers of the devil will sound in his heart. Under normal circumstances, Captain is fully capable of restraining this evil Psychic Power. But because of the back door, he is now completely unable to resist the evil invasion, and can only be reduced to a doll under his operation. And the most terrifying thing is that he doesn’t know all this and can only take it as a portrayal of oneself.

This made him begin to sink and fall. Even soon, he will become an evil person who can never look back. Mephisto is very sure of this, because everything is going according to his plan. Tomorrow is coming, a big drama is ready, and he is waiting for the moment when this good drama kicks off.

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