Sun God Marvel

Chapter 811

“Zhou Yu, come here, I think we should talk about it!”

The first thing he did when he got home, Jean called the own child to own. Maybe Jean, who is a mother, may always play the role of Yan’s mother in the future, so when she shouted, Xiao Zhouyu immediately put down the game controller in her hand and came to her obediently.

“Mother, is there anything you asked me to do?”

“That’s it, mother has something to figure out. If you know it, must tell what you know Tell me all, do you understand?”

Touching the black hair of oneself child, Jean tried his best to express the gentleness in his heart. However, perhaps it was because of the sheer prestige, Xiao Zhouyu still seemed a little bit unable to let go.

“I see, mother, what do you want to ask?”

“Did you see anything when you were chased by the sandstorm that day? I mean, you Know what saved you and let you escape from that sandstorm?”

“Duststorm? You mean the thing on the sea. I know, mother! It’s father, I saw father.”

When Xiao Zhouyu heard oneself mother’s question, she immediately thought of the guy in the shadow that oneself saw that day. His feeling can’t go wrong, that’s his father. He was determined, and directly told Jean the answer.

For this answer, Jean frowned deeply. She was pretty sure that Zhou Yi not at all appeared there at that time. Because he has always been by own’s side, and hasn’t left his sight for a second. Besides, when the shadows appeared, Zhou Yi had been transferred to the depths of the earth by them. So he is more impossible to appear there. And if it wasn’t Zhou Yi, who would appear there?

Thinking of this, Jean inevitably thinks of the identity of Xiao Zhou Yu. He came to this time period from the future. If that is the case, is the shadow created by the future Zhou Yi? But if he really made it, then why didn’t he take Xiao Zhou Yu back. And why does he extract the life force of Zhou Yi in this time and space?

All of this is inevitably full of doubts. Judging from the information Jean currently has, it is really difficult for her to figure out what kind of connection is there.

The situation is complicated and difficult to understand, and Jean feels a little headache because of it. However, she did not at all expose these things to the child, but after Wen Yan asked him a few other questions, she let him do what oneself wanted to do.

Seeing Little Brat sitting down in front of the game console again, Jean shook the head, and left here directly. Soon, she went back underground and found Susan who was busy in front of a lot of instruments.

Compared with others, Jean and Susan are obviously more in sync. They are all kind of intellectual women, and they are also rare high-achieving students. This allows them to have a common hobby and common interest. So it is inevitable that these two people have to move closer.

As soon as Susan saw Jean frowning and looking puzzled, she immediately put down her work and asked her.

“Why, is there any problem?”

“Yes, I want to ask you, if a person came here from the future. Then for this time period he will come here Say, what kind of impact will it have?”

For Susan, Jean is naturally not polite. She opened her mouth and asked the question in oneself’s mind. Upon hearing this question, Susan immediately showed a wry smile.

“Jean, this kind of thing is just a scientific assumption, how can I come up with a specific answer?”

“I know this is just a scientific Imagination. So I don’t expect any specific answers. All I want is a guess about this idea. You are an expert in physics and you should know more about these things.”

Career There is a specialization. As an expert in psychology and biology, Jean is naturally impossible in physics as well as Susan. So it is understandable that she would consult Susan’s answer in this regard. After hearing what Jean said, Susan thought for a while and said.

“If it is assumed that someone from the future appears in the past that oneself has experienced, then I think there will be a special, conceptual dispute. Because from the perspective of physics Above all, energy is conserved, and everything should be fixed. If there is growth, there must be some reduction. Only in this way can energy conservation be achieved. But if a future existence appears in the present time period, Then according to this conservation principle, we can get such a conjecture. That is, the future goal will affect the current goal, and compete with the current goal for the energy and even the concept of its existence.”

“In other words, will the people of the future replace the people of the present?”

Before Susan finished speaking, Jean came up with an own opinion. For this view, Susan immediately shook the head.

“In fact, this statement does not hold. Because of this, time is a river, and now this river flows through a certain section of the upstream, and in the future it will flow through a certain section of the downstream. What happens if we cut off the flow of the upper reaches of the river directly so that it no longer passes upstream?”

This time, without waiting for Jean to speak, Susan directly gave an own explanation .

“The downstream will dry up as the upstream depletes. In other words, once there is a problem in the upstream, the same problem will occur in the downstream. This is the dependence of time. Now and The future itself is closely connected. We often say that we must grasp the present to ensure that the future is the truth. Because there is no future without the present. And if the future starts to interfere with the present, then undoubtedly its own existence will be completely denied by time. . And that is absolutely equivalent to destruction.”

“I understand what you mean, but in my opinion, this is the most likely one. The shadow was created by the guy Zhou Yi, It’s just something he made in the future that’s all.”

With arms around his chest, Jean gradually eased his eyebrows and said his own opinion to Susan. Susan was taken aback when she heard this point of view, and then she asked her.

“Can you tell me why you think so?”

“I asked a few children. Shirley and Aretha don’t know anything directly. And Xiao Zhouyu On the other hand, he saw his own father in the shadow. But we all know that Zhou Yi was by my side at the time, and I put him here as soon as he happened, so it was him that was simply impossible, or simply impossible. It’s him now.”

Shrugged, Jean, whose expression became more relaxed, began to say a little bit the reason for own’s conjecture.

“I think of the identity of Xiao Zhou Yu, I was wondering if this is the future Zhou Yi who wants to bring back the lost Xiao Zhou Yu, and then accidentally intervened in our time period Here. You know, he has this ability, but he has been worried that Strength of Time will have a huge impact on oneself, so he has been very careful not to use this ability. And if it is his future, then obviously this ability He also owns it. In order to save the own child, taking a little risk is within an acceptable range.”

“Think of it like this. The future Zhou Yi accidentally took Xiao Zhouyu back. Intervene in this space-time. Then because two conceptually identical existences appear in a space-time. The conservation of energy you mentioned begins to have a balanced flow. This flow is the reason why it is easy to feel the power is losing. Because I felt that the appearance of own had a huge impact on the past oneself, after twelve minutes, the future Yi had to give up the rescue. He chose to leave, and then everything returned to calm. Only Yi, lost some Strength.”

Scientifically, we must make bold guesses. Susan now has to admit that Jean’s conjecture is too bold. But after thinking about it, what she said actually has several points of truth, but some details still have some unreasonable problems. So she immediately said to Jean.

“Generally speaking, it makes sense, but there are still some problems. For example, if according to your statement, the shadow is created by the future. Then the biggest problem is the shadow In terms of energy nature. The huge shadow is full of strong gravity, and even radioactivity is swallowed up. This kind of existence is clearly like a black hole. The energy of Yi is more inclined to the radioactive nuclear fusion energy body. How should this Explain?”

“Borrowing your river water. If you think of the present and future Yi as two connected river sections. Then compare energy to water flow, as a fierce water flow. When the flow flows from the overflowing upstream to the hollow downstream, what will appear?”

Jean, who had already conceived something in his mind, immediately said his own answer.

“The vortex. Yes, the vortex. A huge energy vortex, completely introverted into the future time period, because the time domain cannot be detected, so the shadow that represents the future shows It has the same characteristics as a black hole. And because Yi itself has the power of gravity, in fact, gravity can interfere with time, which may be his means from the future. That’s why they detected strong gravity. When the two are superimposed together, it changes. It has become an existence similar to a black hole, or a black hole in those people’s guesses.”

Speaking of this, Jean shrugged, showing a disdainful smile.

“If it were really a black hole, this World would be over long ago, where also time gives them a chance to think randomly. So I think it’s just a pseudo-black hole that looks like it. We are just giving data to those idiots We cheated.”

“Well, you convinced me. Then, shall we tell Yi the news?”

Think about it carefully, and everything can indeed It makes sense. This also convinced Susan of Jean’s conjecture. And when she said so, Zhou Yi’s voice was already ringing from behind them.

“I have heard it. I think this statement is good because I do feel the inseparable connection between that thing and me.”

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