Sun God Marvel

Chapter 825

“For the existence of oneself who needs to look up, don’t you need to maintain a basic awe in words?”

Wanda has a mouth and Serena will bear it Unable to frown, he directly scolded. You know, she treats Zhou Yi as her own spiritual support. Now Wanda directly calls Zhou Yi by that person, how could she still show indifferent meaning.

Wanda couldn’t help being a little bit astounding about Serena’s questioning. He knew that Serena had been alive for hundreds of years and was an out-and-out medieval person. It was precisely because of this that she felt Serena was a little unreasonable. In the present age, who is willing to believe in the existence of another person wholeheartedly. Even if this person is God, it is completely impossible.

The development of the times and social changes have long obliterated the probability of belief. People’s minds have long since been refined by this flashy world. So Wanda simply impossible to understand Selena’s heart and why she is so obsessed with another person’s existence. This is the essential difference between her and Serena, and in the meaning of people who walk different paths cannot make plans together, when she answers Serena, her tone is quite blunt.

“That is your god, not mine. I don’t have to change my mind just because you mean it. Answer me, why are you here?”

” Isn’t it obvious that I am here?” Hehe sneered twice, and Serena raised her hand, turning the bright brilliance into a sharp sword in her hand. And as Guanghua condensed, she also threatened Wanda in a polite manner. “The master asked me to come here to help Tony deal with you. So, be obediently surrender. In this way, you may be able to save a little bit of pain.”

Selina’s threat made Wanda’s heart inwardly grumbled . If she knew that there was an existence like Zhou Yi behind this incident that was secretly supporting Tony, then she wouldn’t necessarily come back to this muddy water.

After all, it’s like Tony said, this is just a private enmity between him and Winter Soldier. The reason why they are involved is entirely because of Captain’s relationship. For Captain, sometimes it’s okay to do something extraordinary. Anyway, there are many people in the Avengers who don’t like Tony. But if you offend a so powerful God because of this, it’s really not worthwhile.

If she had known this, she would never agree to the rescue plan. It may even be said that when Captain just showed his intention to rescue Winter Soldier, he was directly imprisoned. For her, Winter Soldier died when he died. After all, he himself caused these troubles, and the Avengers did not need to pay for him. As long as Captain is not involved, everything is easy to say. But if you want Captain not to participate, you can use own ability to change his view of time.

Three days have become three seconds in Captain’s consciousness, then Captain is desperately impossible to save Winter Soldier.

Unfortunately, it is too late to regret now. Because I didn’t notice the meaning of Zhou Yi, the current Avengers have completely reached the point of if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off. So even if she doesn’t want to, Wanda can only brace oneself.

But at this time, Wanda is very clear that oneself is already impossible as strong as just now. Against Serena, she doesn’t at all have any advantages, especially when she procrastinates and is likely to provoke a more terrifying opponent, she dare not be strong.

So at the moment, she released a diffuse red mist that directly enveloped the entire court. And in this red mist, all abilities of identification began to lose meaning.

People recognize things by seeing with their eyes and hearing with their ears. Even relying on high-tech equipment, people still cannot get rid of this. For example, Tony’s armor, if he is blind, he really may not be able to play Iron Man Armor so slippery. So sometimes technology can’t change anything. It’s like being enveloped by this red mist, Tony has completely lost the position of oneself in space.

The instruments he mounted on the armor completely lost its function, as if they were simply a display. And when Tony opened his visor and looked at everything around him with his eyes, he couldn’t tell what was going on around own.

The fog that enveloped the court is like bringing people into an unknown world. They can’t see, hear, or feel anything except oneself. For a normal person, this is too much torment.

Tony is the same. He is not very stable at first, and in this case he immediately has an impulse to burst. But he endured it again and again, and still endured this impulse. He knows very well that there is who in this court. In addition to Captain and his enemies-like avengers, there are also a lot of ordinary person types that he arranged to come in. If at this time, he accidentally injured these ordinary humans because of an emotional outburst, then the plan he arranged will inevitably have some twists and turns. So he can only endure, standing in place like a statue, waiting for the moment when the red mist disperses.

And just after he waited and didn’t know how long, a moon flower suddenly moved in the red mist, and like a flexible python, it was directly wrapped around every figure in the red mist .

This Moon Huazhong contains a divine force beyond mortal imagination, and this divine force immediately made the entangled person make a scream, and then in this scream, the red mist began to quickly The ground faded.

At this time, Tony saw the surroundings. But when he saw the surrounding situation clearly, his heart immediately couldn’t help but squeeze a cold sweat.

The reason why this happens is because the situation is so critical that it will almost cause a big mistake.

In the red mist, the human senses are completely stripped out. And in this world where you can’t see, hear, or even feel anything, even people like him can’t control it at all. It’s almost crazy, let alone ordinary persons.

In the red mist, these ordinary persons ran all over the floor like a headless fly. A little bit of good luck, always only hovering within a safe range, and some bad luck, almost rushed to the front of War Machine.

Be aware that before this, War Machine has been carrying out indiscriminate mass shooting. If an ordinary person rushes past, then even if it is not torn by the exaggerated weapons on War Machine If it becomes seven or eight petals, it will also be directly beaten into rags. And if this kind of tragedy happens, then whether it is Rhodey or Tony, I am afraid that they will be bombarded by public opinion.

This kind of massacre of own citizens is absolutely unbearable even for the president. Being able to resign and step down peacefully is already the luckiest result. So at this time, Tony really had to feel fortunate, for Serena’s timely take action, and for Rhodey to stop in time, without hurting the innocent.

After this kind of rejoicing, he immediately couldn’t help getting angry again. The anger was directed at Wanda. Her weird power almost caused oneself to fall into a consigned to eternal damnation situation, which made him not angry. But when he noticed Wanda’s current situation, he inevitably showed a surprised expression.

In his opinion, Wanda’s abilities are extremely strange, even if he can’t defeat his opponent, at least he can make oneself invincible. But now the situation is somewhat beyond his expectations, because Wanda who appeared in front of him at this moment, not only face deathly pale, but also blood stains on the corners of his mouth began to show.

She was hurt, and it was not light, which is really incredible. And just when Tony wanted to figure out what happened and so on, Wanda had raised his head, staring at Serena who was standing there, and uttered an angry voice at her.

“How did you know that I am here?”

She is convinced that oneself has just completely confused all the sensory concepts in this space. Even God, it is impossible to see or hear the existence of anything here. In this chaotic space created by her, only she can move normally. And she was planning to take advantage of this chaotic situation to take Captain and the others out.

But unfortunately, her plan went bankrupt. Serena found her and injured her directly. The physical injuries caused her magic to dissipate directly, and without the support of the magic, all this naturally became a normal appearance, which was everything Tony had seen.

Hearing Wanda’s question, Serena’s beautiful face put a cold smile on her face. She raised her hand and directly let Yuehua entangle Wanda’s body like water, dragging her directly in front of own. Then she looked directly into Wanda’s eyes and said with a smile to her.

“In our world, mortal senses are no longer the only means of insight into the world. As long as we want to, we can feel everything in this World in ways you don’t know. Therefore, I want to escape from my in front of one’s eyes with this little trick. I can only tell you this, Scarlet Witch, you are too underestimating the enemy!”

The straightforward words stabbed directly. Wanda’s self-esteem, she is struggling to break free from this moonlight. But the composition of divine force made her simply unable to do such a thing. Primal Chaos Demon’s method simply cannot affect Serena’s divine force. Under her control, Wanda simply cannot escape.

And she was so controlled, the remaining people were even more powerless to resist. Without the superpower of Quicksilver, Winter Soldier is like this oil bottle. Captain is capable of creating any miracle because of its great ability and impossible. What’s more, at this time, he already felt deep regret.

The entire Avengers are involved because of oneself’s behavior. This is really not what he wants to see. He was wrong, he was sure of that. It is only because of this and other reasons that he can only make mistakes on this path again and again. But now, the person who trusts oneself the most and who trusts the owner the most is involved. This is no longer something he can easily convince owner.

So at this time, he made a decision that surprised everyone.

“Stop it, Stark. We surrender! Don’t hurt them anymore, we surrender and do whatever you want!”

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