Sun God Marvel

Chapter 826

Captain’s sudden acceptance of defeat gave Tony a feeling of punching in the air. He was prepared for the worst, and even said that he had already prepared for Captain and they rather die than submit, and finally caused huge losses. But he never thought that Captain would admit defeat.

This made him immediately have an urge to kill them all. But as president, he obviously cannot do that. He must follow the law, even if the Avengers did this kind of thing in front of the entire country, he must also hold them in custody and wait for the court to make a trial before they can be sentenced. This is something he doesn’t want to see, but it is also something he has to do. And he also believed that this was Captain’s trick.

He must know all this, otherwise he would not surrender so simply. He wants to delay time and find another breakthrough for oneself. Tony, who thought he knew Captain very well, immediately guessed such a possibility, but he was sure of it. But does Captain really think so? That’s not necessarily.

Captain this person belongs to a very special existence. He has a great degree of idealism and is willing to dedicate his life for this idealism. But this does not mean that he cannot see reality clearly. Now, both his idealism and the reality he is facing point to a problem, that is, he has nowhere to go.

He is impossible to rescue his brother, and he even has the reputation of his teammate and the entire Avengers. For him, this is undoubtedly a huge blow. In the same way, this also means that his ideal situation has been impossible. Saving friends from danger has become impossible, so at this time he can only make another choice. That is to carry all this with Winter Soldier. At the same time, he must also stop this meaningless sacrifice.

The Avengers were involved in him, so he must take responsibility. So instead of letting this sacrifice continue, it’s better to stop it all. As long as he is willing to surrender and bear these charges, all this will naturally stop.

Captain’s idea is probably like this, of course he also knows the consequences of oneself’s surrender. But in his opinion, this is already the best way. Tony’s flustered and exasperated can also prove this point.

The vigorous trial came to an end. The ordinary people who watched all of this were naturally rejoiced and regarded this as a great victory, the result of justice and justice being done. But Tony was unwilling to accept this result. The result was too light, so light that it didn’t even reach one tenth of what he had imagined. But for a time he had no way to change everything.

The power of the president is great, but the president is not omnipotent. He is not the monarch of one word worth nine sacred tripods, nor is he a God who speaks the law. He is just a temporary ruler under the Minzhu system, an existence who needs to pay attention to everything he speaks and does. No matter what he did, he had to worry about the thinking of the people below and the face of some governments.

So he could only accept Captain’s surrender, and at the same time escorted them thinking of the isolated island prison. And he began to compile in his mind how to organize enough crimes to convict Captain and the Avengers completely.

This is not easy, because there is a time gap, and during this time gap, various accidents are likely to occur. these all are Superhero, so it is likely that there will be other Superhero to assist them. As far as Tony knows, haven’t all the Avengers caught up yet? Based on their relationship, it is very likely that there will be another rescue.

So he must finalize the matter as soon as possible, before everyone can react relative to each other. Let these Avengers never come back again. But is it possible? The answer is of course no, because just as Tony was thinking about what to do, his assistant secretary had already rushed in and said to him.

“Mr. Stark, I think we need to talk!”

“Why, ma’am. Do you want to ask me for leave? If so, I can give you Approve a one-week holiday, but then you must give me a good job! And, now, you must apologize to me for your unauthorized entry!”

Frowning at turn Up without being invited assistant, Tony’s tone inevitably has a little anger. He is in a bad mood right now, so naturally it is not pleasing to anyone. And this assistant, now apparently hit the gun.

But unlike what he imagined, this assistant not at all showed any panic because of his words, and he didn’t even mean to apologize. She just looked at Tony with a smile, and the deep eyes made Tony glance at it as if he saw the deep lake.

This is definitely not an assistant’s eyes, this kind of experience and wisdom only belongs to those special guys. And when he thought about this, Tony immediately realized something, and he gritted his teeth and said fiercely to the assistant in front of him.

“Professor Charles, you are so courageous, you dare to appear in front of me in this way at this time?”

“That’s because I know if I visit in a normal way, so maybe I can’t even see you in person. Your Excellency Stark, that may not be a good thing, so please forgive me for taking the liberty, I can only communicate with you face to face in this way. “

Charles, who was aware of the projection to the assistant, said sorry in his mouth, but he didn’t mean sorry at all in his words. Even the tone of his appellation is very different from the past.

In the past, facing the president of United States, Charles was somewhat courteous. Because at that time, the president-led policy determined the soil in which Mutant lived. It can be said that if the president of a country decides to target Mutant, then Mutant at that time is definitely going to live a difficult life.

The background of this general environment makes Mutant’s leaders, especially Charles who is biased towards humans, to show enough kindness to humans, and even needs to properly lower his own posture.

But it’s different now. Now Mutant no longer needs to worry about the United States government. And even if a tough president like Tony came to power, they had the confidence to ignore him. This is the confidence that can only be obtained after having a strong background.

Mutant now has a true god in front of the own backstage, and they can ignore the meaning of human power as it should be by rights. So Charles has such a tone, which is understandable.

Tony knew this too, so he didn’t bother to hold onto it. This is a method used by young children. He is not interested in such things. In contrast, he cares more about Charles’s intentions. And his intention, just a little thought is enough to come up with a general idea.

So immediately, he clung to frowns and asked Charles.

“Why, at this time, you still want to exonerate them? Don’t you know how big things they committed?”

In Tony’s view, At this time, Professor Charles will appear in front of the owner, so there is only one possibility, and that is to threaten him to release the kind of Avengers he just caught. He had a deep friendship with Captain, something Tony knew early on. Otherwise, these Mutants would not take such a big risk to keep Captain on them in the Mediterranean.

It’s just that he really didn’t expect that Charles would dare to show this at this time. Doesn’t he know what the bottom line is? Or does he think that oneself can be unscrupulous with Zhou Yi’s backing? Don’t forget, although Mutant is backed by Zhou Yi, he is impossible to represent all Mutants. And when it comes to his friendship with Zhou Yi, Tony thinks he is no worse than anyone else. Zhou Yi has perfectly and clearly stated his own position in this dispute. Why can’t these Mutants understand?

With countless questions in his heart, Tony’s face became somber and angry. He has made a decision, if Mutant makes any excessive demands, then even if he fights either the fish dies or the net splits, he won’t let them succeed.

The expression on his face can be seen by anyone with eyes, and for Charles, what he sees is the fluctuation in Tony’s heart. This made him deeply sighed, but he still spoke to Tony through the assistant’s mouth.

“Of course I know, Lord Stark. But people always make mistakes. Can’t you give them a chance to reform?”

“I gave After their chance, they just won’t cherish it oneself. I said long ago that I only want Winter Soldier alone. It is they who provoke me continuously for their own selfish desires, so that it becomes such a situation in the end. So, At this time, you want to redeem the impossible. This is a situation that cannot be compromised. Anyone can say that it will not be useful. If you understand what I mean, then what you should do now is obediently and honestly. Get out of here, understand? Professor Charles!”

Tony’s meaning is very clear, and it is this clear expression that makes Charles very difficult to do. According to him, he didn’t want to offend Tony again because of this, but sometimes, some things had to be done. So he can only continue talking to Tony.

“I know your anger. But there is always room for change. Just like now, I think we can change this situation by making a deal.”


“Deal?” With a sneer, Tony glanced sharply at the assistant in front of him. “Do you think that the matter of safeguarding the face of a country can be reversed and resolved with transactions?”

“Of course not, so I will care about what you need to take into account. Our purpose is very simple. We only want to return to our fellow citizens! And as a price, we can provide enough manpower for your new plan.”

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