Sun God Marvel

Chapter 833

Wilson’s words silenced Captain. It was not until a long time later that he asked Wilson with his throat hoarse.

“So, what did you do so much effort to break through here? Are you here to kill me?”

“Kill you, why should I do that?” Listen When it came to this question, Wilson showed an expression of surprise on his face. “I wasted so much effort just to kill you. Don’t you think this is a huge waste of resources? If I just want to kill you, attacking you on the way is not easier than taking the entire island prison. There are a lot of people, and we can continue to hide in the dark, watching your Avengers and the Stark government, continue to fight hard and hard!”

“Then what do you want to do?” The thorny language naturally stimulated Captain’s nerves greatly. In this completely controlled situation, his attitude suddenly became intense. “Do you think that by saving me from here, you can subdue me and let me work for you?”

“Really, I don’t think so.”

shook The head, Wilson walked slowly to Captain’s cell and spoke to Captain face to face.

“I know you well, Captain Rogers. You are a strong-willed person. People like you are almost impossible to be shaken by any external factors. So anyone who has such an attempt will The sand fell in front of you, and it might even be a disaster for oneself because of this innocent fantasy. According to my opinion, I actually prefer to kill you secretly, and then rely on your Death , To make the conflict between the Superhero and the Stark government more intense. However, the people above me don’t think so.”

“Your Excellency Baron believes that Captain’s psychological defense is not unbreakable. That is to say, he thinks that we have the ability to persuade you, let you be our companion, and fight for the glorious organization of Hydra. I am very curious about this, I don’t think his idea can become a reality However, Lord Baron’s orders are beyond doubt, he is always correct. That’s why I am here. Now, Captain Rogers, you tell me, will you be persuaded by us?”

” You’re wishful thinking, I would rather die, and I would never go with you evil guys.”

There was almost fire in his eyes, and Captain stared at Wilson in front of him like this. Growled at him word by word. Seeing his reaction, Wilson smiled slightly indifferent expression, and then looked towards the others present.

“So what about you? Hulk Young Lady, also my dearest old friend ——Winter Soldier. Do you think the same way?”

“Captain will never agree You bastards are together. You are just wishful thinking!”

Faced with Wilson’s mocking question, Jennifer immediately screamed and expressed his own opinion in anger. Although Winter Soldier could not speak, he could tell from his fiercely eyes what he meant at the moment.

Neither of them believe that Captain will be bought and subdued by them. They firmly believe in Captain’s integrity and Captain’s adherence to oneself.

Wilson knows their attitude very well, because he doesn’t believe this kind of thing. Just because of the order, he had to try it.

Just when he was about to try the secret instruction given to own by oneself’s immediate boss, the corner of his eye suddenly swept to Ivan Vanke in another cell. This made him laugh immediately and said to Ivan.

“Hey, isn’t this Vanke? Didn’t expect you to be in this place too. What, is your recent prison life going well? How does it feel to be neighbors with the famous Avengers? “

“If you want to know this feeling, you can try it yourself, I promise, you will be unforgettable.”

Ivan’s answer to Wilson is not at all polite. And from his tone of voice, it is enough to prove the words he once said, Cerberus is not monolithic, and there is a certain contradiction between the people inside. This kind of contradiction fills all places, making the people in Cerberus want to take a knife anytime and anywhere.

Of course Ivan knew that Wilson’s question of this was harboring malicious intentions. But in this case, he didn’t at all effectively restrain him by any means, so he could only make a verbal appearance of not admitting defeat.

But how can Wilson’s shrewdness fail to see such a stern attitude? So at the moment, he smiled and held down Ivan’s prison door, and said with a smile to him.

“Then, I will try it.”

He tone barely fell, and the alloy door immediately looked like it was made of aluminum skin, and it was immediately distorted. Twist-like shape. And after doing all this, Wilson walked directly into Ivan’s cell, approached the former accomplice who kept backing away, and gave him a cold smile.

Seeing his smile, Ivan’s heart immediately became tense. But he still managed to maintain oneself’s apparent composure, and at the same time said to Wilson.

“What do you want to do? Did you forget Baron’s order? The members of Cerberus are forbidden to kill each other. If you dare to do anything to me, then you must be careful of Penalty from Lord Baron .”

“Of course I remember Lord Baron’s order, but Vanke. Do you think you are also qualified to enjoy the asylum from Lord Baron? I don’t believe you are inmates with these guys. At that time, they did not disclose any information about us or Baron. You have betrayed us, betrayed Baron. In this case, what qualifications do you also expect to be protected by Baron?”

“I haven’t. I have never betrayed any information about Baron. You don’t spit on me, Wilson. Your Excellency Baron will never be fooled by you so easily.”

Ivan began to panic, and his panic made Wilson smile brighter.

“You are already panicking, Ivan Vanke, this shows that even you yourself are beginning to become less confident. Then I will tell you one more special news. Baron has already issued the order, you As a loser, there is no value in existence. If you are not here, then maybe you can still struggling on whilst at death’s door for a while. But since I saw you, then I really can only say sorry. Today next year will be your death sacrifice!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he stretched out his left hand to Ivan. As soon as Ivan wanted to make a move, his whole person stopped. From Captain’s point of view, only Wilson’s back and Ivan can be seen gradually falling down. They couldn’t see the wound on Ivan’s body until Wilson turned around.

Two large holes that were completely penetrated appeared on his chest. From these two large holes, the scene on the other side of his body could be seen completely. This directly smashed his heart and lungs into pieces. Even if he was sent to the hospital now, he could only get the doctor to sign an extra Death certificate.

This kind of act of directly attacking the killer without a word made Captain frowned deeply, and even the Jennifer beside him couldn’t help holding breath cold air.

They haven’t forgotten what kind of situation oneself is in now. Since Wilson can kill Ivan so easily, he doesn’t need to spend too much time dealing with oneself. This cruel reality made Captain and the others aroused deep fear, but Captain still mustered up the courage and said to Wilson.

“Why, do you want to use such cruel methods to intimidate us, thinking that we will succumb to you in front of Death?”

“No, of course I won’t be like this Think. I said, I studied you very much, Captain Rogers. If you are the kind of person who can be subdued by Death, then a long time ago, Red Skull could turn you into his loyal dog. Facts prove Now, your will is as strong as steel. And if you need to shake your will, this straightforward and tough method is obviously useless.”

Turning back, staring at Captain’s Eyes, Wilson spoke to him slowly and carefully. But soon, he changed his own tone, which was full of playful meaning.

“But, I’m actually thinking, since you’re not afraid of death. What about your friends? Are they not afraid of death? Or when I use them as a bargaining chip to threaten you, When you surrender to us, can you stick to the bottom line of own as you are now? Seriously, I’m very curious about this. If time permits, I really want to try it. Is this move? It’s no use.”

“You damn bastard, come at me if you have the ability. Don’t use them to threaten me.”

Hearing Wilson say this, Captain is inevitable. turn pale with fright, lost sense. And even other people changed their faces. But Jennifer was much stronger than Captain thought. At this moment, she immediately said to Wilson.

“If you dare to use me to threaten Captain, then I am dead in front of you now. I will never let your conspiracy succeed, never!”

“You This kind of courage really surprised me, and of course it amazed me. So I don’t do anything to you! You can rest assured, Jennifer Young Lady.”

Give a look at Jennifer. Wilson grinned weirdly.

“But, are you so confident? If I don’t use this move, will Captain really not betray you?”

His words have no head The tail, but combined with his weird expression, immediately made Jennifer feel a shudder of have one’s hair stand on end. She knew there must be some conspiracy in this, but she didn’t even know what Wilson was playing.

At this time, Wilson had already turned his gaze back to Captain and chuckled at him.

“The night fire is bright, the soul whispers. Steve Captain, in the deepest darkness, what is the only support in your heart?”

He tone barely fell, in Jennifer In the eyes of disbelief, Captain had already raised his own arm straight, making such a sound like an ****.

“Hydra Long live!”

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