Sun God Marvel

Chapter 834

The change in Captain really made Jennifer feel incredible, and in addition to the incredible, she had a panic and fear from the heart.

If even Captain is a Hydra person, if even he is a spy hiding in the dark. So who would be innocent? Tony Stark? Mutant? Or the guys who are against Hydra on the surface?

At this time, Jennifer can’t believe anyone. In other words, when Captain became Hydra, her worldview has been completely subverted and become fragmented, bizarre and motley.

She lost the most basic trust relationship between people, and at the same time, the belief she had always adhered to was also destroyed and trampled into worthless things in such a sudden change. At this moment, she could say that she had lost the will to continue fighting with Hydra. However, this is not the worst thing.

Because at this time, Wilson already smiled and said to Captain.

“It looks good, but to prove your determination. Captain Rogers, don’t you think you should do something?”

“How I do not need you Instruct me!”

In an expressionless response, Captain America turned his attention to Jennifer, and then moved closer to him. This made Jennifer, who was bewildered, immediately tensed, as she stepped back and asked in horror.

“Rogers, what do you want to do? Go away, stay away from me!”

“Sorry, Jennifer. I need your help very much at this time.”


Captain at this time behaved very calmly and sensibly, not at all like being bewitched and hypnotized. And when he said this, he was already close to Jennifer, like a bloodthirsty beast, showing sharp fangs at him.

“Borrow your life to prove my loyalty to Hydra. Believe you It shouldn’t be against my approach.”

As soon as this statement came out, Jennifer immediately It feels absurd. She subconsciously wanted to escape, but Captain had already attacked her immediately.

With the power of a giant, Jennifer, who can transform into a giantess, is naturally a Superhero who can be a thousand dollars after her transformation. At that time, she faced a guy like Captain and could hang him up and beat him. But now, she is fully controlled and can only face the enemy in the form of an ordinary person. Obviously, she is impossible as the opponent of Captain, a fighting expert.

Soon, Captain knocked Jennifer to the ground. She was bruised all over her body, and she looked extremely miserable. But even in this way, Captain had no plans to stop.

He first kicked Jennifer on the lower abdomen, causing her to curl up into a shrimp shape. And then, he stepped on her throat and started to suppress her breathing with his own power.

This is a cruel move. Jennifer, who was originally suffering from the trauma of her body, went into shock immediately in this choking pain. Looking at this situation, Wilson smiled slightly, took out a pistol, and threw it at Captain.

“Time is running out, stop her. Captain Rogers, your Excellency Baron is still waiting for you?”

His words made Captain, who was also hesitant, immediately make a decision. Determined, he picked up the pistol on the ground, pointed it at Jennifer’s chest and raised his hand three times, and this behavior immediately made Wilson applaud.

“It’s an amazing determination. Captain Rogers, I never thought that you would be one of us. I think it’s not just me, everyone should have such a guess. You You and Your Excellency Baron fooled everyone and played with applause. This is a miracle.”

“Stop talking nonsense, take me to see Baron.”

Throwing the pistol back, Captain said to Wilson indifferently. At this time, Wilson glanced at the Winter Soldier on the side with weird eyes, and then asked Captain playfully.

“Of course, Baron is waiting for you. But, what about Winter Soldier? Are you going to deal with him? Or let me come?”

“Take him Right. Baron will need him, and I will need him.”

Speaking of Winter Soldier, Captain’s eyes fluctuate slightly. And his statement was quickly accepted by Wilson. At his signal, the two Hydra soldiers immediately released the Winter Soldier, held him up, followed Captain, and left here quickly.

For a time, the entire island prison fell into a dead silence. Except for those who are dead and those who are about to die, there is no other movement here. No one will know what is happening here, unless the island prison also has a way to contact the outside world. But even in that case, everything is too late. The isolated island prison has fallen into rivals. Hydra won another round with oneself unpredictable and mysterious means. And this round is crucial.

Although I won a battle that is considered a victory for oneself, I also got the benefits that oneself now needs from Mutant. But Tony didn’t feel particularly happy at all. On the contrary, he now feels that oneself is particularly uneasy, as if something is about to happen.

All day long, this feeling of anxiety lingers in his heart, making him unable to work normally. And when he finally became calmer under the comfort of his current girlfriend, a bad news was suddenly delivered to him.

Island Prison has been over an hour and has not reported the situation to the owner.

This is a very unusual thing for Tony. Because the isolated island prison has own work regulations, every hour, you must report the own situation on time to ensure the safety of this hidden prison. And if the isolated island prison has not passed back its safety information after an hour, then it can only prove that there is a problem with the isolated island prison.

For Tony, the current island prison is a place not to be missed. So he immediately stood up and said to the assistant beside him.

“Notify the military and immediately send special forces to land on the isolated island prison. In addition, contact Dr. Banner for me and tell him that he must take some time to come and visit the isolated island prison with me. Look.”

In Tony’s view, there will be problems with the island prison, and there will only be two situations. One is Mutant go back on one’s word. They attacked the island prison and wanted to rescue Captain from it. And to be honest, this probability is actually minimal. Mutant impossible to hit own face like this. Especially when they are the first to contact oneself and take the initiative to surrender.

Then there is only one situation left. It is also the worst case, that is, Hydra discovered the location of the island prison and used a method that oneself did not understand to capture it in the shortest time. And if this is the case, then the situation is too bad.

Leave aside the importance of the isolated island prison for the time being, the few people held there are very important guys. Tony couldn’t imagine what kind of disturbances would be caused on the entire world when the news of the brutal killing of Captain America and Jennifer and other Superheros by Hydra was exposed. Among other things, the remaining Avengers must have conflicts. And even people like Bruce will have a bad view of oneself because of this.

After all, it was oneself who locked Captain and the others in that place. If they insist, then oneself obviously needs to pay a certain amount of responsibility.

This is not a situation Tony wants to see, so he can only act immediately, hoping that things have not yet reached the worst point.

However, his recent bad luck has prevented things from developing as he expected. When he took the Banner to the sky above the isolated island prison, he had discovered a bad situation that he had to accept, that is, the isolated island prison had been breached.

More than three hundred jailers stationed here have all encountered accidents. The mottled bloodstains and broken limbs all over the prison can fully prove what kind of tragic situation has happened here. Although Tony had some fluke in his heart, he thought that there might be one or two jailers who could survive and tell what oneself had seen. But the special forces he sent directly broke his fluke.

“Your Excellency, we have already checked. There is no living person in the entire prison. All the jailers have been killed.”

“What about the prisoner, how about the prisoner? Yes?”

Hearing this answer, Tony’s heart immediately raised it. He hurriedly asked, but the answer was still the worst.

“Sorry, sir. We only found the body of Ivan Vanke. As for the others, we did not find anything. However, we had blood and fight marks in the prison. Maybe they Still alive.”

Speaking of words that even oneself did not believe, the commander of the special forces gave a very small probability. And this answer obviously couldn’t make Tony moved and satisfied.

He acted immediately, with a serious-faced Banner, and walked directly into the depths of the cell. At this time, a silver silhouette suddenly appeared in front of him.

“Bruce, hurry up and save Jennifer. Hell, she’s going to die.”

The sudden appearance of Quicksilver was completely unexpected to Tony and the others, and it made them What was surprised was the dying Jennifer in his arms.

This made Dr. Banner’s breathing uncontrollably quick, and even his eyes began to flash green radiance. This caused the people around him to avoid him in fright, for fear that he would become an angry Hulk at this time. But Banner still restrained his own emotions, he took Jennifer, and fiercely asked Quicksilver fiercely.

“What the hell is going on?”

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