Sun God Marvel

Chapter 835

“I don’t know what’s going on? I just escaped from Steel City. I wanted to quietly rescue Jennifer from prison. But when I came in here, I saw Jennifer lying on the ground covered in blood. Except for her, there are only dead people in the entire prison.”

As Quicksilver said, he glared at Tony standing aside. If his vision can eat people, then the current Tony must have been torn into countless pieces by him and swallowed them all little by little.

“It’s you, it’s all you. If it wasn’t for you asshole who held Jennifer here, how could she become like this. You killed Jennifer like this, you killed Captain They. Tony Stark, you are simply a bastard commiting any imaginable misdeed.”

Although he is also saddened by what is happening before him, Tony will not let others point at own. The nose came to scream. So immediately, he refuted it.

“Ha, you really dare to say such things! If you guys must follow Steve to break the law and rescue the bastard Winter Soldier, how could something like this happen. You say me Bastard, then what are you guys who jumped in with Steve without hesitation knowing it was a crime?”

“You…” Quicksilver, who was already angry, immediately heard this. Blushing, I wish I could fight Tony right away. But at this time, Banner, who had been suppressing oneself’s anger, couldn’t help their mischief anymore.

“Enough, it’s the way it is now, do you want to continue to fool around? Especially you, Quicksilver. Jennifer is at stake now, and you are also arguing with Tony at that time. It really makes me think. Entrusting Jennifer to you is the biggest mistake I have made in my life.”

As Jennifer’s cousin, Banner is fully qualified to say this. And when he said that, even Quicksilver, who was already passionate about his brain, had to calm down and start paying attention to Jennifer’s injury again.

“Okay, listen to you. But Banner, hurry up and save Jennifer. I know you have first aid equipment on the plane. Anyway, save her first.”

Needless to say, Banner will do the same. But when he took Jennifer into the plane and sent him into the medical cabin, his face inevitably became cold.

“She is seriously injured. Our current medical equipment can only temporarily stabilize her condition. If we want to rescue her, we must find another way.”

When he said this, it was really obvious how angry he was in his heart. Because the heartbeat detector that he had been wearing was fluctuating frantically, and it had been jumping back and forth above that dangerous threshold.

This terrified Tony, he didn’t want to face an angry Hulk on the plane. So he said immediately.

“Send her to White House. Maria is the best doctor, and White House also has the most advanced medical equipment. We can definitely rescue her there.”


Although Tony said so, it didn’t calm Banner’s emotions. Because he knows Jennifer’s current situation very well.

“It’s useless. Jennifer’s heart was shot three times, and her aorta has been severely traumatized. She is now suffering from severe internal bleeding, and she can live until now because of the Hulk’s physique. Help her. But even so, she can’t hold on for long. This is no longer a problem that technology can solve. We have to think of other ways.”

Bruce’s statement gave Quicksilver a kind of Feeling almost crazy, he rushed to Jennifer subconsciously, then after a few seconds, he made up his mind and said to Bruce.

“Give Jennifer to me, Bruce. I take her to Zhou Yi, he is God, he must be able to save Jennifer back. Give Jennifer to me, I will find him now “

I have to say that he can have the courage to make such a decision, that is indeed the extreme love for Jennifer. Confronting a God is something that many people are reluctant to do now. Even Tony, if he is not asking for something, he is not willing to face Zhou Yi as a oneself friend. Because it always makes him feel pressured, heavy pressure. The kind of existence that is completely above your life will only make you feel a kind of insignificance at a loss.

This is the same for Mutants. Charles and Magneto would rather go in contact with Jean, who has a complicated relationship, than face Zhou Yi directly. This is a stark example.

even more how, please God take action, that is a price. Even Zhou Yi can only see clearly, but the people around him won’t let you take advantage of them so plainly. Once this choice is made, it is almost equivalent to selling oneself to them.

Quicksilver obviously knew this, but he said these words without hesitation. This also allowed Bruce to change his senses. At the very least, Quicksilver won his approval. That’s his feelings for Jennifer.

But when Quicksilver was about to leave, Tony showered him with cold water.

“Don’t think about it. Zhou Yi, that guy is simply not in Huiyao City now. He took his own woman and child to play around the world. Now it is simply impossible to find them.”

Hearing this statement, Quicksilver was immediately filled with despair. At this time, he didn’t have the vigorous and flamboyant temperament that he used to be. Instead, he gradually began to develop a feeling of despair and despair.

This kind of performance makes people feel sad, and at the same time, Banner’s face began to show sadness. He is a scientist, and although he is not majoring in medicine, he already has a preliminary understanding of the current situation. In his opinion, Jennifer has no medicine. And this is obviously a heavy blow to him as a relative of Jennifer.

For a while, these people fell into silence one after another. Because of everything that happened. And at this time, the turning point suddenly appeared. Ultron’s voice suddenly appeared in the plane and gave them the last hope.

“At the time of despair, Mr. Maximoff also Mr. Banner, I have a cure for Jennifer Young Lady.”

Ultron’s words are undoubtedly for Quicksilver also Banner got a shot of a cardiotonic. Because they all know that Ultron does not have any probabilities when setting it up. As long as he thinks something can be done, then this thing will be successful. The same is true for Jennifer’s treatment right now.

So immediately, Quicksilver spoke to Ultron.

“If you have any way to save Jennifer, please save her once. As long as you can heal her, then whatever you ask me to do is fine.”

The words silenced Ultron for a moment, but after a while, he responded.

“Serving mankind is my mission, and it is my duty to save Jennifer Young Lady. There is nothing you need to do, Mr. Quicksilver. I will not ask you for anything in return.”

These words made Tony feel very satisfied, even a sense of pride. However, in a scientifically rigorous manner, he still asked Ultron.

“Then Ultron, what are you going to do?”

“Just a little help from you, father.” Ultron replied respectfully while making a statement With own thoughts. “I recently developed a new nano-remodeling technology based on your Nanominium technology, and made it more subtle, more rigorous, and more compliant with instructions. This technology can be exercised to the medical level. For Patients suffering from various accidental traumas have constructed a new body tissue composed of ultra-microscopic nanomaterials. Just like the problem that Jennifer Young Lady is facing now, I can control some Nanominium to penetrate into her body and restructure Get out of her blood vessels, clean her within the body of congestion, and correct her traumatized body tissues. According to my calculations, there is a 92% chance that Jennifer Young Lady’s current body trauma can be cured. According to the current surgery and Expected success rate, this is almost perfect.”

Ultron’s words made Quicksilver a layman a little confused. But professionals like Tony also Banner are perfectly clear. In their opinion, Ultron’s statement does have a lot of probability. However, any technology used in medicine must go through an important link, that is, clinical trials. Obviously, Ultron does not have the ability to do such things. And this provides some unrealistic probability for his statement.

As real scientific researchers, Banner understands the distance between simple calculation and the development of reality. It is precisely because of this that they dare not to act blindly without thinking.

“Ultron, have you done any experiment in this area? For example, do a similar live experiment with a guinea pig or a chimpanzee?”

“No, sir. My logic is that I have no right to use any life to do something immoral. This kind of experimental development is to benefit life, not to persecute life. So so far, we have only simulated results.”

Ultron’s answer made Banner’s heart sinking, but he knew that this was what Ultron meant. He can’t kill lives casually, no life will do. This is the program he set up at first. Ultron’s answer is correct, and he should do it.

The situation at this time was that he had to make a choice as to whether Jennifer should be the first living experimenter of this new technology. If it succeeds, then it is naturally easy to say. But if it fails, then Banner can’t imagine that scenario.

He wants to think about it again, but the time is not at all and the others. Jennifer’s situation can’t be delayed. So, after making eye contact with Quicksilver, they still made up this determination.

“Then please, Ultron. Please must save Jennifer.”

“I will, sir. This is my job!”

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