Sun God Marvel

Chapter 836

With the help of Quicksilver, Jennifer was quickly sent to the Ultron own research center. And there, Jennifer immediately received the treatment of the new technology that Ultron said.

Like Ultron said, this technology has an immediate effect on Jennifer. The first moment those nanohormones were injected into Jennifer within the body, they repaired her heart and blood vessels under Ultron’s instructions, and penetrated into her damaged muscles within the body as quickly as possible, clearing her within the body. Congestion of the body and other damaged parts.

It can be said that in the face of this technology, the human body is like a machine that can be repaired and even replaced. And this also means that human technology is about to enter a new era.

As a pioneer in researching technology, both Tony and Banner know what this technology means. Once this technology is promoted to the world, any degree of trauma will be cured to varying degrees. Many other similar diseases can also be suppressed to a certain extent in the face of this technology.

Mankind is about to usher in an era of great leaps in medical technology, and this will also represent a new era in which mankind will stay away from all diseases and greatly delay the period of natural death.

This will be a huge achievement, there is no doubt about it. Tony can imagine, as long as oneself announces this matter, and vigorously promote this technology. Then his status will be strengthened. Human beings are bound to be grateful for what he did, even those who have opinions about him, in the face of this kind of technology that can almost benefit the entire mankind, have to admit his contribution.

Yeah! Or it is Ultron’s contribution. But in any case, Ultron is something he created. His credit is naturally considered to be own credit. Moreover, if this is counted as a patent, who does it belong to? According to the current law, I am afraid it is not quite clear.

But Tony didn’t care about it either. As a president, a scientific honor does not make him much. On the contrary, as long as the technology can benefit mankind and strengthen his position, he doesn’t care who the technology belongs to. Even if it is Hydra’s technology, he can still use it without fail.

So what he is considering now is how to extend this technology, and whether this technology will have any fatal loopholes.

So immediately, he asked Ultron a question.

“What is the basis of this technology? What is the cost if it needs to be promoted?”

“The basis of this technology is to fabricate nano particles that can be controlled by programs. Then through the reprogramming of the program, the nanoparticle injected into the human within the body can be manipulated so that it can repair and rebuild the patient according to the meaning of own. Therefore, the promotion of this technology does not require any medical supplies. You only need to provide enough factories that can produce nano-elements.”

Ultron’s answer can hardly take advantage of Tony’s heart. In this case, he almost immediately made up his mind, that is, to immediately approve a large number of factories to provide a sufficient foundation for Ultron’s new technology. Then use this to earn enough final reputation for the oneself government.

Don’t think that he doesn’t need these things anymore. In fact, Tony will never think too much of this thing.

The greater the reputation, the more he can do. The more it can contribute to the own business. Whether it is to fight Hydra to kill and rebuild this country, he needs more people to support him.

However, although he thinks this way, others may not agree with it. Take Banner, for example. After hearing what Ultron said, he couldn’t help asking immediately.

“So what are the disadvantages of this technology? I mean, how will it be affected?”

“Disadvantages? I think this technology is not at all What’s the disadvantage. It’s just that because every single nano element needs to accept instructions to operate, this technology has a huge demand for calculations. Therefore, I transferred the computing needs of this technology to the omnipotent network. Through the connection of the intelligent device network and the modern network system, all the intelligent products of the human world share the computing capacity of this technology. If must say that there is a shortcoming, only this can be counted as a shortcoming.”

“So does this mean that this technology is completely tied to you. Any future medical assistance needs to be carried out under your control?”

With a solemn expression, Banner has shown an unidentified attitude towards this so-called shortcoming. He is very clear about what it means to entrust medical security to a system. Especially when this technology is promoted, the entire human race is included in it.

That means that the safety of human beings will be kidnapped, and even the problems of human health, growth and reproduction in the future will be taken over by Ultron. That absolutely cannot be allowed. No country, any government or even any human being can allow this to happen to the owner. Because in that case, they are equivalent to being manipulated.

So, Banner immediately said to Tony.

“Tony, I know what you want to do. But you must control this technology in oneself’s hands, even within a certain range. Human beings absolutely cannot allow an intelligent life to control this A huge right. If you entrust this right to Ultron completely, it will only cause disgust and disagreement within human beings. This is a harbinger of war. So you must be careful and then careful.”

Banner was very formal, so Tony quickly realized the inside story. In addition, he was impossible to give up this technology so easily, so he immediately said to Ultron.

“Ultron, can you transfer this technology to me?”

“I don’t understand, father. Why do you want to do this?” Ultron’s tone Blinked. But he still asked Tony seriously. “My basic principle is to serve mankind. I am impossible to do anything to harm mankind. Using this technology, I benefit the entire human race on the basis of only maintaining production needs. Human beings are different. They will only think about squeezing their own compatriots and making huge profits for oneself. This will only make this special technology work for a small group of people, and the overwhelming majority will not enjoy the benefits of this technology. This The basic principles conflict with me, so I don’t understand why you did it.”

At this time, Tony actually had to admit that what Ultron said did make sense. Human races have a natural selfishness, such as nano-element repair such advanced technology, once it enters the market, it will only be pushed by human interest groups like stocks, directly to the point where an ordinary person can’t touch it. on. The result of that is that this technology can only become a plaything of the upper class, and it is impossible to benefit most humans. This point, even if he, as the president, has to reverse it first, or even enforce it by force, it is somewhat impossible to achieve it. Because he was doing this against the most powerful group of interest groups in mankind. The result could only be that he stepped down sadly.

However, even so, Tony decided to return the technology after some speculations. The reason is not because of anything else, but that Banner’s worries really touched his heart.

It is true that if this technology is brought back by him and it is promoted under human control, something like Ultron will inevitably happen. It will become a new means for human interest groups to seek greater benefits, and the people that this technology really benefits are only a small part of the human race. Most people are even impossible to touch him. This is as different as heaven and earth under the control of Ultron, which directly enables the entire human race to obtain practical benefits.

But this has a very special benefit, that is, to prevent the threat of human beings being controlled by intelligent life, and this alone is enough for Tony to make up his mind.

Only benefiting a small number of people will only benefit a small number of people. Tony believes that as long as human society is progressing and technology is developing, then one day this technology will become something that everyone can enjoy. Just like computers, at first, computers were only supporting things for military, aerospace, and even large commercial companies. At that time, who could imagine that computers would become everyone’s plaything. And this process, how many years, ten years, 20 years?

In less than a generation, technology has already promoted the industry to complete such a degree of change, so nano-medical technology can be applied to everyone in almost the same time. It only requires a little patience, this is entirely possible.

In contrast, completely delivering this technology to Ultron may benefit most people in a short time, but the consequences may be much more serious. Human beings have never been a habit of entrusting own freedom or even security to other races. In this case, the accumulation of contradictions is inevitable, and even if it triggers war, it is completely possible.

Tony is not willing to take a gamble for short-term profit, so he made a very wise decision in his capacity.

Faced with his decision, Ultron was silent.

His intelligence makes oneself hesitate from this issue, because he is a separate individual, a fully self-conscious existence. If he didn’t want to, Tony had no way to force him. This was set at first, but now it has become one of the biggest uncertainties. However, perhaps Tony’s identity is indeed different for Ultron. After a moment of silence, he agreed with Tony’s statement.

And this also made Tony and the others breathe out abruptly. Ultron is not a good Ultron, who insists on going his own way. If that is the case, they might really have to conduct a special check on him.

But so far, everything looks good. This couldn’t be better!

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