Sun God Marvel

Chapter 837

Ultron’s cooperation is unexpected, but it is also the best case. In this case, Tony can put his own spirit on other things. And what is more important than this technology in front of you? The answer is of course yes, because at this time, Jennifer has regained consciousness. Then knowing from her mouth what happened in the isolated island prison has become the most important thing right now.

And at the first moment Jennifer opened his eyes and groaned in pain. Tony leaned in immediately and asked her.

“Jennifer, Jennifer. Do you know who I am? Hurry up and tell me what happened on the island prison. Why did you become like this, Steve them?”

His actions were a bit rude, but thinking of his current identity and everything that the isolated island prison was breached, neither Banner nor Quicksilver said anything about it.

However, faced with such a problem. Jennifer didn’t answer him at all immediately. She just stared at him silently, and then suddenly asked such a sentence.

“Tony Stark, how can you prove your identity?”

The question was endless, so that Tony immediately showed a surprised expression , Looked towards her.

“Hey, Jennifer. Isn’t your brain stupid. See clearly, it’s me, Tony Stark. I am me, why should I prove my identity?”

The answer was very rude, so Jennifer frowned immediately. Looking at Jennifer’s performance, Quicksilver was immediately unwilling. He went up and squeezed Tony aside, then took Jennifer’s hand and said to her.

“Leave him alone, Jennifer. I am Pietro, your boyfriend, do you remember me?”

“Pietro?” Seeing Pietro, I felt very emotionally unstable Jennifer broke out immediately. She immediately plunged into Quicksilver’s chest, crying in his arms. “You damn bastard, why are you only showing up now. Why were you not by my side when I needed you the most?”

She was sobbing and crying, and in the face of her performance, Quicksilver was there Not knowing what to do, his face became ugly.

From Jennifer’s performance, we can see what terrifying things she has encountered during this period of time. And when all this happened, oneself as her boyfriend was not by her side, which made Pietro’s heart immediately full of self-blame and resentment.

He blamed his own inaction. As a boyfriend, he failed to do what a boyfriend should do, even to protect oneself’s beloved woman. And resentment was born to the bastard who caused all this. Although he still doesn’t know who the bastard who hurt Jennifer is, in the bottom of Own’s heart, he has secretly made up his mind, that is, must let this guy accept the Penalty he deserves, and let him feel the already in oneself heart. The anger that was about to explode.

Thinking of this, Quicksilver immediately hugged Jennifer’s trembling body forcefully, and then said forcefully to her in her ear.

“Tell me, Jennifer. Who killed you like this. I swear that I will retaliate for all the pain you have suffered, I swear!”

This sudden speech stimulated Jennifer’s nerves so much that she immediately raised her head and said to Quicksilver.

“No, no! Pietro, we can’t do this. Listen to me, we can’t do what Superhero is. We go back and go back to Huiyao City, obediently and honestly married, like one Live like that for an ordinary person. Okay? I really don’t want to continue my fearful life anymore. Now I just want to live a peaceful life in peace, and never get involved with these damn things again. Pietro, promise me, promise me, okay?”

“Okay, okay. I promise you, I promise you.”

biting own lip, looking at this pitiful picture of Jennifer Although Pietro bit his teeth bitterly, he still agreed to Jennifer’s request. Looking at everything in front of them, Tony and Banner looked at each other, and they saw unbelievable expressions in each other’s eyes.

Know that Jennifer is not an ordinary woman. Even when she did not become the Hulk, she was a strong man among women, a woman who dared to fight hard against the evil forces of the underworld. Such an existence, the ability to bear in the heart is actually very high, and it may even be far higher than most men. And because of this, Tony and the others couldn’t think of what it would be like to make her look like a terrified little woman like this.

That must be very scary, and it is precisely because of it. Tony’s heart became more and more urgent.

The Isolated Island Prison is the most secure prison in his hands. It is incredible that such a prison will be broken if it is broken. But because of this, Tony had to figure out the inside story. Otherwise, there are isolated island prisons now, and there will be other similar incidents in the future. Without figuring out all of this, Hydra can invade any place as if entering no one’s land. And that would be a disaster for the entire alliance.

In this case, Tony couldn’t care about Jennifer’s current situation. He stared at Jennifer again, and said to her harshly.

“Listen, Jennifer. I don’t care what you want to do, but now, you have to tell me what you saw. How the isolated island prison was broken, how did Hydra’s people do it This point. Also Steve, how about them? How are they doing now. If you know, please tell me the truth. This is very important, and it is even related to the safety of mankind.”

“Stark, What do you want to do. Didn’t you see that Jennifer is very scared now? Her emotions finally settled down. Why did you mention these things to her again?”

Jennifer hasn’t answered yet, Quicksilver But it has started to go crazy. He had to go crazy, because now his emotions are on the verge of losing control. If he doesn’t vent anymore, he doesn’t even know what oneself should do.

Tony knows this too, so he doesn’t take care of Quicksilver at all. Instead, staring at Jennifer quietly, waiting for her to give oneself an answer.

And in this case, Jennifer stopped Quicksilver. Then closed his eyes and said to Tony.

“I know what happened, and I can tell you everything. But after this, I have nothing to do with you anymore. I will be an ordinary person and never participate In your struggle. Do you know what I mean?”

“Of course, I promise you.” Three fingers were raised, and Tony swore. “As long as you tell me what I want to know, I guarantee that you can live the life of an ordinary person that oneself wants. I can even create a new identity for you, and no one else will know about it except us. Your past.”

For this assurance, Jennifer closed her eyes nodded, and then was silent for a short while, before speaking to him hoarsely.

“The island prison was breached because of a virus. The guy named Wilson injected a remote-controlled virus into a jailer on vacation. The jailer attacked the entire prison when he needed it. Tony’s caretaker, and wiped them out.”

This sentence made Tony a bit of a sudden realization. He also realized that under the influence of the virus, this is indeed a possible look. But it is only possible.

“If it is a virus, it makes sense. But, how did they know the location of the isolated island prison? Also the jailer, how did they know the identity of the jailer? And, the attacked one Immediately, why didn’t the isolated island prison dive into the deep sea?”

Jennifer did not answer this question. But her silence gave Tony the best answer. Tony is not stupid, he knows exactly what this is because of?

Insider! If there is no rape, this is something impossible to justify. And only the insider of a considerable level can tell Hydra about this confidential matter. But who would this traitor be? Tony couldn’t think of it. He could only silently make up his determination to increase the sweeping power again in his own heart, and then continued to ask Jennifer.

“Okay, I have figured it out. So, can you tell me Steve where they are? We only found you and the body of another prisoner, Ivan Vanke. The others, whether it’s Steve or Winter Soldier, have disappeared. What about them?”

These two people, whether it’s Captain America or Winter Soldier, are Tony’s most wanted to know the trail now. . Needless to say, Winter Soldier was his enemy who killed his father and mother, and he was also recognized as a major criminal in America. Such a guy must fall into the hands of the owner and be judged.

And Captain, for his emotions, Tony is very complicated. He hopes to be able to suppress him, judge him, and let him know the fate of opposing oneself through the storms he caused. But he didn’t want him to die, especially in the hands of Hydra. To some extent, he also had an unexplainable hope for Captain. So at this time he really wanted to know the whereabouts of these two people.

Just facing such a problem, Jennifer’s face instantly became very ugly. Fear, anger, incomprehension and confusion. Countless emotional conflicts in her heart made her body begin to tremble. When Quicksilver saw her situation, he immediately hugged her and shouted at the same time.

“Enough, can you not ask these questions. Isn’t this obvious? Will the jerk of Hydra still show mercy on Captain?”

This is a generally accepted view. In fact, almost all of them are ready to accept all this. But at this time, Jennifer suddenly grabbed Quicksilver’s arm, raised her head with difficulty, and said to them.

“No, it’s not like this. Captain has rebelled. Captain America Steve Rogers is the one Hydra put in. He called out Hydra long live in front of me, and he wanted to kill me. He did everything in me. He is a traitor, the most terrifying and cruel traitor.”

As soon as this news came out, it was like a bolt from the blue sky. On the forehead. Keep them speechless for a long time. And when Tony finally came back to his senses, he suddenly said such a sentence.

|”This is impossible!”

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