Sun God Marvel

Chapter 838

The truth told by Jennifer is naturally unbelievable. But the most unacceptable of this reality is Tony, a guy who has already become a mortal enemy with Captain America.

Although in the recent conflicts, the conflict between them has become bigger and bigger. But this was not enough to convince Tony that Captain would be something like Hydra. You know, 70 years ago, Captain had already started a desperate fight with Hydra. At that time, he led the Roaring Commando, and with the support of Tony father and other scientists, he smashed Hydra’s conspiracy time and time again, and finally established the victory of the entire European battlefield.

If you say, he will be Hydra if he has achieved this level. So what will the roaring commando team with him be, and what will be the scientist who constantly supports him like a oneself father?

For Tony, this is not just a slander on Captain, the soldiers who were born and died in World War II, but also a denial of his father’s life achievements. So he immediately refuted it.

“This is absolutely impossible. How could Steve be Hydra? You must be wrong, yes. You must be wrong.”

“I am absolutely impossible. Yes. The bastard responded to Hydra’s guy in front of me and shouted long live Hydra to him. Then, in order to prove the loyalty of own like Hydra, he submitted the so-called nomination certificate. He immediately attacked me, and Killer. I see all this in my eyes and remember it on me. How could I be mistaken!”

Faced with Tony’s rebuttal, Jennifer was naturally emotional too. Speaking of the pain, she, the person in it, is obviously heavier than outsiders. It is even said that outsiders simply cannot understand what kind of suffering and hesitation in her heart is.

Seeing her emotional excitement, Quicksilver immediately hugged her tightly in his arms, and at the same time snarled at Tony.

“Damn Tony, you bastard, this time has come. Do you think she also has to tell you something lie on this issue?”

The answer is beyond doubt. Jennifer had no need to coax Tony at such a high price. You know, if there is no Ultron’s new technology, Jennifer may be dead. At that time, this so-called truth can only be buried with her.

If this is a trap, then the uncertainty of this trap is really too big. To the point where it is almost impossible to achieve. Unless someone can predict the prophet, it is simply impossible to set this trap.

So, at this time, whether it is Tony or Banner, they are already very clear in their hearts. They knew that even if everything Jennifer said was impossible, all of it might be true. Even if they don’t believe it anymore, are there few things they don’t believe will happen in this world?

Maybe to convince oneself, maybe to convince others. At this time, Banner, who had been silent, lowered his body and spoke to Jennifer warmly.

“Calm down, Jennifer. Think about it carefully. What happened? Let’s reorganize the matter carefully to see what we missed.”

Banner’s identity is undoubtedly an existence worth relying on for Jennifer, so she froze, slowly calmed down her own breath, and said to them.

“It’s like this. At that time, the guy was secretly asking Ivan Vanke about Hydra’s information, and then suddenly, the isolated island prison was attacked, and then… “

Coming through the own memory, Jennifer said little by little everything that oneself had seen. And listening to everything she narrated, everyone’s expressions began to look ugly.

If what she said is true, then everything has become conclusive. Captain has betrayed them and invested in Hydra’s command. And this will be a big blow to the members of the entire anti-Hydra alliance. Especially those Superheros, what they will suffer is more colored eyes.

They were not seen much because of the Winter Soldier incident, and now they will face more questions. Imagine that even Captain, a so-called moral role model, would betray. Then who can guarantee that those Superheros who have crossed with him will not follow in his footsteps?

For Tony now, he is more worried about this issue. What he cared more about was Captain’s betrayal. For him, Captain did not just betray them, but also the entire human race. More importantly, he betrayed oneself’s father who died.

You must know that Howard decided to inherit his legacy after Captain’s death, and cooperated with Peggy Carter and the others to establish a large organization with far-reaching influence like SHIELD. And now, Captain’s identity has actually become Hydra, which almost means that Howard’s life has been played by Captain between applause. For Tony, who respects oneself father very much, it is simply unbearable.

So immediately, he stood up and walked out quickly. And considering his current mood, I really can’t guess what he wants to do. But precisely because he knew what he was going to do, it was even more worrying. So, Banner immediately blocked in front of him and said to him.

“Tony, what do you want to do?”

“So what else? I’m going to convene a meeting of the Allies to thoroughly condemn this bastard, and then the whole world Wanted him. I want him to die.”

As a son, this is something Tony should do. Whether in public or private, Banner has no reason to stop him. He even said that he just wanted to stand by and couldn’t do it.

Know that Jennifer is his cousin, he has a blood relationship in this world. His own relatives have been treated by this inhuman, but he has been holding an evil fire in his heart. And the reason why he didn’t vent it was because his intellect was telling him very clearly that there is also something strange in it, and also a careful consideration.

So he stopped Tony and said to him seriously.

“Calm down, Tony. Things may not be the way you think. You think about it. Judging from Captain’s usual performance, he is simply impossible. Also, you don’t think he and that Is there a big problem with the conversation of the guy in Hydra? Why did he still keep on saying that oneself would rather die than surrender, but in a blink of an eye, he just dropped it because of a thoughtless sentence from the other side. In Hydra’s arms? Don’t you think it’s a problem?”

“What are you trying to say, do you think that bastard was forced under this situation? “

Tony, in a rage, didn’t want to hear so many extra explanations at all. He immediately yelled at Banner. But since I dare to say so, Banner is naturally well prepared. He flinched with the emotion of not at all Tony, but continued to state his own point of view.

“I think the reason why Captain is like this is that it was brainwashed by the enemy. Think about what Jennifer said just now, what the Hydra guy said is simply not organized. If you say It’s an opera, and that sentence is interesting. But in that case, that sentence is simply nonsense. Even an idiot, it’s impossible because it’s completely irrelevant words are thrown into the arms of others. And they also put things in the arms of others. It is so vicious and thorough. This is not Captain as we know it, so I think there must be some problem in it. My doubt is not that absolutely does not have possible.”

“Yes, what you said is indeed possible.” In Banner’s explanation, Tony calmed down. But the hideousness on his face did not fade at all, instead it became deeper and heavier. “But it may also be the case.”

“The Captain America we usually see is just an external disguise, just like those Hollywood movie stars, he is fully devoted to own performance Heath Ledger can even kill oneself by taking drugs in order to play a good role as a clown. It is entirely possible for Captain America to be born and die after the predecessors for the sake of its glorious image. He is a hero. Good actor, but also a good spy.”

“So, when he can’t play a good role as before because of my blows, and continue to be a stalker among us. Hydra people naturally They will not give up on him so easily, they will naturally want such a new force to return to their embrace. And what you said can be regarded as a code, a code for Captain America to return to Hydra’s embrace. “

“This is where they are shrewd and cunning. In order to prevent various temptations to Captain America, they must have made a resolution. If there is no such code, then Captain America must It is Captain America. And if there is this code, then it is equivalent to returning an actor to reality, Captain America will naturally become his original appearance, his true appearance.”

” Looking at it this way, what we are talking about, whose probability is greater?”

Tony’s cold words left Banner speechless. He was not convinced, but he knew that Tony at this time was impossible to accept his statement anyway. So he can only stay silent, maintaining such an attitude of neither approving nor disagreeing. But this was not what Tony wanted to see, so he immediately pressed forward.

“Bruce, I know what you are thinking. But you have to know that he is now from Hydra. He will be our enemy and will do everything possible to destroy our everything. Is it at this Time, do you still have to stand by? Do you still have to watch him and bring war and slaughter to those innocents? Bruce, it’s time for you to make a choice, it’s time for you to stand up !”

Silence, then nodded. Bruce Banner knew that oneself would no longer have a reason to stay out of the matter, so he could only give Tony this answer.

“I see, Tony. I will join in.”

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