Sun God Marvel

Chapter 839

Hydra’s first move from secretly poking out his head made an unspeakable change in the entire world. But all this is not a problem at all for Zhou Yi who is on vacation.

For him, these open strife and veiled struggles on Earth are no different from a life-and-death struggle between a group of ants. No one would stretch out his own fingers to help when two groups of ants were fighting. Each pair of pinched ants is separated hard. If there is, it can only be said that this is a guy who is too idle and too boring. And obviously, Zhou Yi is not at all leisurely to this point.

He would rather spend his time on own women and children than on these humans who are often infighting. The humans of this World have already disappointed him too much. So to some extent, he has given up on them. And there is already an idea of ​​letting them fend for themselves.

This is an idea accumulated for a long time, and it is also a decision he made after several measurements. At least, he himself said this to oneself in his heart. However, when he saw the wanted order for Captain America and the explanation about the order that appeared on the screen in front of oneself, he still inevitably paid attention.

But this is what makes Jean who is holding the child beside him show a sound expression on his face.

“Why, are you still thinking about their troubles at this time?”

“No, of course not!”

I turned around and smiled, Zhou Yi picked up Xiao Zhou Yu and said to Jean at the same time.

“I’m just a little bit emotional. It’s the time now, they still like fighting internally so much. With this effort, go and make a deal with the Shandar people, let the own civilization leap to the Interstellar era A moment, isn’t it great?”

“They are not stupid, they naturally know what you say. It’s just that they know what they know, and what they don’t do is another matter.”

Hearing Zhou Yi’s question, Jean immediately sneered.

“This kind of thing that allows the entire civilization to leap forward and progress will inevitably touch the interests of the existing classes. Those people are not fools. They simply cannot do it at the expense of their own interests to promote the progress of the entire mankind. Things. So they would rather be a blind, turning a blind eye to the steps in front of them, and don’t want to do things that you can see clearly.”

“Hey, I can It can’t be regarded as not having heard. Even I can see clearly what it means. Is my vision very bad?”

Holding his own son, Zhou Yi directly stared wide-eyed and looked towards oneself. Jean. With that weird appearance, Xiao Zhou Yu, who was holding a string of candied fruit stick in his mouth, immediately looked towards his own mother.

Looking at the strange action of the father and son, Jean reluctantly shook the head and said to them.

“Okay, stop making trouble. At this point in time, we can’t think about other things, such as where should we eat at noon?”

“Yes , Eat. Father, I want to eat what I ate yesterday and I want to eat Peking duck.”

Little Zhou Yu, who was brought to China by Zhou Yi for the first time, learned in just two days The Chinese dialect, although only Mandarin, is enough to make people surprised by his cleverness. In fact, in these days of playing in China, many people have asked Xiao Zhou Yu, how can he speak Chinese so well?

Be aware that Chinese is recognized as the most difficult language in the world to learn. Among them, the dialects of various regions, proverbs, slang and even some specialized colloquialisms are almost to the extent that they can kill any foreigner who learns Chinese. So under normal circumstances, people who don’t have several points of talent in language really don’t have the mind to talk to China.

Of course, this does not prevent the hospitable Chinese from welcoming every tourist from abroad. But foreigners who can speak Chinese fluently must be more popular with Chinese. And Xiao Zhengtai, like Xiao Zhou Yu, who is obviously mixed-race, and looks very pleasing, and can speak fluent Chinese, is even more popular with the enthusiastic Chinese.

It can be said that this Little Brat can become the focus of a group of people no matter where they go. And in some places where the locals are particularly enthusiastic, there will be a group of middle-aged women who like Xiao Zhengtai, no matter how they rushed up, they just stuffed a bunch of snacks into Little Brat’s pocket.

For this kind of enthusiasm, at first, neither Xiao Zhouyu nor Jean are a little uncomfortable. Especially Jean who is not in a good mood, at the beginning, he even almost used his own power on the enthusiastic people who rushed up. But when she realized the kindness of these people and felt their special enthusiasm, she gradually let go of these guards. And with this kind of thing happening over and over again, she and Xiao Zhou Yu are actually getting used to it.

They are used to this kind of enthusiasm, and Xiao Zhouyu is very satisfied with oneself’s small pockets that are never empty. Even said that this Little Brat has already liked this country, and also made the wish to live in this country forever.

If possible, Jean is actually willing to fulfill his wish. But she knew that this was an impossible thing. At least it is now impossible. Xiao Zhouyu’s real life is in the future, not in the present. So what she can do now is to satisfy every thought of him as much as possible.

So when Little Brat said that he wanted to eat Peking duck, Jean immediately gave Zhou Yi an order.

“Didn’t you hear that? Xiao Zhouyu wants to eat Peking duck, don’t hesitate to take us there.”

For Zhou Yi now, his wife and child are biggest. So when he heard this, he immediately hugged the child, took his wife, and walked directly towards where they were going. And looking at such a scene of home and Perfection, many youngsters have expressions of envy and hatred in their eyes.

Although they can’t hear what Jean said. But this does not prevent them from seeing Jean’s relationship with Zhou Yi from her intimacy expression. And to have such a beautiful foreign wife, this obviously makes these youngsters regard Zhou Yi as the most hated winner in life.

For most single dogs, such a winner in life should be pulled out and burned to death. So the vision they looked towards Zhou Yi is naturally not friendly. But this is not a problem for Zhou Yi. If a single dog can be a success, then it is impossible to be a single dog. Therefore, under the gaze of these single dogs, he not only swaggered, but also provocatively became more intimate with Jean in front of them.

And this naturally exposed the faces of these single dogs, and even said that when he walked into the famous Quanjude, many people immediately cast resentful eyes on him.

But these people’s eyes are not just directed at him. Because at this moment in this hotel, there is already a guy similar to him who has shared a considerable part of the firepower for him.

That is a well-dressed middle-aged man with a handsome appearance and a Confucian style that Chinese has admired since ancient times. Although the gray hair color shows that he is no longer young, the aura that has settled down through the years makes him more attractive than many frizzy youngsters.

This can be proved by the blonde beauty sitting across from him.

It’s just that, unlike Zhou Yi, who is tall, majestic and healthy. This seemingly elegant man seems to have some physical problems that he can only sit in a wheelchair. But this doesn’t affect the woman opposite him’s senses towards him. Even with a hurried glance, Zhou Yi can be sure that this woman has completely sunk and fell in love with the opposite woman. Man, and there is no room for reversal anymore.

It’s not just him, it’s a little bit of a wink. Anyone who can see a woman’s heart can see it. And this made them even more distressed.

Such a big piece of good foreign cabbage has been squandered by a sick pig. It would be a bit regretful for anyone to see this kind of thing.

Of course this is just a joke. The Chinese folk tradition has been implicit since ancient times. Most of these similar remarks can only be regarded as a kind of good joke, which is totally untrue. This is clear to both Zhou Yi and the elegant man he saw, so they only smiled at the gaze around them.

Otherwise, you can try a full of vigor northeast masters. I won’t give you a word about what you look at.

At this time, it’s just above the meal. Quanjude’s reputation has made foodies all over the world flock to it. So naturally, Zhou Yi and the others encountered an embarrassing problem, that is, there is no seat. Up.

The waiter told Zhou Yi with an apologetic look that all the customers waiting in front of you had lined up a street outside, so I’m sorry, please come back at another time.

Such words naturally made Xiao Zhou Yu, who was full of expectation, narrowed his mouth. And Jean also showed a timely expression of dissatisfaction. In this regard, Zhou Yi, the husband and father, was naturally impossible to disappoint them, so he could only prepare to take out money to clear the way, and see if he could make some good people free up a place.

At this time, the middle age person who noticed that Zhou Yi came in opened his mouth at this time.

“This gentleman, let’s sit down with us. Anyway, because of the large space here, we are also dissatisfied. Also, it’s a bit more lively, isn’t it also the custom of Chinese eating?”

“That’s not good. This gentleman, we don’t seem to know each other, so it’s not nice to trouble you.”

Zhou Yi was polite and planned to reject this proposal. But the middle age person smiled and said to him again.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. Your son is very cute and I like it very much. So I don’t mind sitting with such a handsome gentleman. Besides, Alexia still doesn’t speak China. In other words, she is not very used to the customs of China. With your wife here, I think she can relax a little bit. So, can you give me a thin noodle?”

“Of course.” Shrugged, Zhou Yi gave up his previous plan and took the child to sit next to the man. “It’s a great honor. By the way, I haven’t introduced myself yet. My surname is Zhou, Zhou Yi.”

“It’s a coincidence that my surname is Zhou. Smith Zhou. According to Chinese terms, we were 500 years ago. But it’s a family.”

With a slight smile, an inexplicable expression began to flow in the eyes of the middle-aged man. For him, the meaning of this sentence is quite meaningful.

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