Sabertooth pressed his own wound, and the internal organs and most of the intestines were torn. It may be fatal to the ordinary person, but for him, it is just a series of surplus. It’s painful.

In a few breaths, his wounds have magically healed. Both the kidneys and the severed intestines are proliferating and repairing under a magical force at a speed visible to naked eye. Soon, his wounds healed completely, and there was no trace of injury. The only mark left is the windbreaker with a big cut.

And Logan’s performance is similar, the back of which a large piece of flesh and blood has been excavated has completely returned to its original appearance, and both the muscles and the skin are almost the same as before the injury. If it weren’t for Sabertooth’s hand still holding a piece of flesh and blood, he would never have imagined that he had just received a terrifying injury.

Sabertooth’s super-speed regeneration ability surprised Logan. His pupils shrank suddenly, and a vague memory suddenly passed through his mind.

In the chaotic battlefield, he and a guy who looked very similar to Sabertooth rushed forward, and a cannonball fell beside him, blowing him far away. At this moment, the guy who looked like Sabertooth ran up to him and pulled him up. At this time, Logan seemed to hear him say such a sentence.

“younger brother, are you okay!”

“Victor!” Logan, who was in an inexplicable expression state, suddenly called this name. At this moment, Sabertooth, who had already jumped over again, slapped his face with a slap. The sharp nails on his five fingers instantly tore his skin and flesh, and the sharp tips even made sparks on his alloy skeleton. One of the nails even pierced his eye socket. When his sharp claw was retracted, the nail was still hooked with a pulpy ball of flesh, which was Logan’s eyeball.

The severe pain irritated Logan’s nerves, causing him to subconsciously wave the sharp claw to tear everything in front of him. Although Sabertooth had desperately dodged, the sharp claw’s tip penetrated his chest, cutting his pectoralis major and half of his breastbone in half.

Change pain for pain, injury for injury. This is the most appropriate way of saying that these two people oppose each other. For these two people who also have undying bodies, this is also the most painful way out of no way.

“Victor! The name is so familiar!” Sabertooth dipped his finger in the blood and licked it before his mouth. Then he threw the eyeball on the nail directly into his mouth. He chewed twice as if tasting food. It took a while before opening the mouth and said: “It tastes very similar, do you have anything to do with me?”

“I don’t know!” Logan gritted his teeth and said, his eyeballs were picked out Even for him, the feeling is an unbearable pain. But he still stood up quite stiffly, facing this enemy with the same ability. “My memory tells me that you called me brother!”

“Really, Victor. It seems that this is my name. It sounds good!” Sabertooth squinted Victor. With eyes, he grinned, and his sharp canine teeth made people feel like facing a beast. “Brother? We do look like a pair of brothers. However, I don’t know why, I really want to kill you!”

“I have this idea too!” Logan growled. With a sound, he immediately jumped on. A few memories can’t conceal the crazy impulse in his heart. He really has an idea of ​​tearing up the person before him.

The two men rushed towards each other like a cannonball. Muscles collide with each other, and there is a sparse and crisp sound between the skeleton and the skeleton. The blood and flesh were scattered wantonly, and the brutal appearance was enough to make any normal person collapse to the ground in fright.

For these two people who have no past, this is just a fateful battle between them that has been fought many times.

Although Logan has the indestructible Steel Muscles Iron Bones and the sharp claw that can tear everything compared to Victor, Victor’s ability is above him. His strength, sensitivity, and even wild beast’s intuition are stronger than Logan. The most important thing is that, unlike Logan, he has concerns in his heart.

When Luo Gen clearly had the opportunity to pierce the sharp claw into his throat, and then take advantage of the situation, he hesitated for a while. But this time, for Victor, it was enough opportunity to comeback.

He pulled out the paw that had penetrated Logan’s abdomen, and slammed Logan’s wrist. The beast-like power completely suppressed Logan, completely losing his ability to fight back. Immediately afterwards, Victor lifted Logan directly. Even if Logan’s weight was added to his Steel Muscles Iron Bones, it was not a problem for Victor’s power. On the contrary, it increased the impact he would receive. .

When Logan used his head as the landing point and fell heavily on the ground like a sledgehammer, the floor could not withstand this huge force. A small shallow pit was directly blasted out of the place centered on the falling point. All around the shallow pit was full of cracks spreading, gravel flying, smoke and dust, and rotten flesh and blood splashed the entire floor.

Although he has the body of undying and the body of Steel Muscles Iron Bones, Logan’s brain can’t bear such an impact. At the moment he landed, he lost consciousness and fell into a coma.

And looking at Logan who has lost consciousness. Sabertooth Victor couldn’t help frowning. He squinted his eyes and stared at Logan on the ground carefully, and his whole person seemed to be in a state of loss. And this state clearly shows the confusion in his heart.

He didn’t know how to continue, if it was someone else. He doesn’t mind making the last cut at this time and letting him leave this World completely. But for Logan, the moment he won the battle, he lost the idea of ​​killing him.

So, after hesitating for a while, Victor still chose to turn around and leave.

After a while, Logan suddenly got up from the ground. He rolled two laps first, and then pulled a distance in the simplest way. Then I stood up and looked at the environment all around.

The environment is still that old bar, but Sabertooth Victor is already not in here. At this time, the only person on the scene looking at him dumbfounded was the fat bar Boss. At this moment he was holding a Remington shotgun, cautiously approaching Logan.

Watching Logan stand up, his face first showed a ghost-like expression, and then he immediately reacted and pointed his gun directly at Logan.

“monster, leave my shop. I hear you!”

Looking at the muzzle dangling in front of oneself, Logan waved his paw impatiently . The sharp alloy sharp claw cuts the barrel directly, revealing the conspicuous rifling inside.

He looked at the speechless boss, gave him a warning look, turned and left the bar. The appearance of Sabertooth Victor means the arrival of Magneto. He wants to tell Jean Grey this news as soon as possible, because a slight negligence may be a fatal threat to Rogue.

When he hurried back to the hotel, he found that in addition to Zhou Lan and a few students, Zhou Yi, Jean Grey, Ororo, and even the person involved, Rogue Mary, were all sitting together, seemingly Waiting for him to come back.

Rogan, who was too late to think about why it was in this formation, said directly to these people.

“Magneto is here, and I have already played against his men.”

“We already know, Buddy!” Zhou Yi beckoned and motioned to Vajra and Logan to sit down first . “I have met the legendary Mystique and passed a message to the famous Magneto through her.”

“Pass the message, Buddy. What message do you want to send to your enemy!” The completely defeated Logan’s mood at this moment is not good, so the tone of his speech is also quite choking.

Zhou Yi stood up and looked at Logan condescendingly. He would not agree with this tone, but resolutely refute it.

“Do you want to know what the news is, Buddy!” In his words, showing off one’s ability, he has incredible confidence and domineering. “I challenged him, and the winner achieved his own goal. He won and took Rogue away. If I won, he would sit down and negotiate with me. This is the message I asked her to deliver.”

“Are you crazy? Easy! You can’t do this. This is a gamble on your life and Rogue. Magneto won’t show mercy to a human being.” Facing Zhou Yi’s confession, it was the first to sit down. It’s not Logan, but Ororo.

She has been avoiding a frontal conflict with Magneto. She never thought that Zhou Yi would choose this method to deal with Magneto. It was like a nightmare to her. Magneto’s prestige is like a big mountain in her heart, and now Zhou Yi actually wants to challenge this big mountain, how can she not be surprised.

“I don’t approve of this, it’s too dangerous!” Jean Grey also opened his mouth to persuaded. “I know your abilities are very powerful, but that is Magneto. In this human world, he is an invincible existence. We really don’t need to do this kind of thing. That will kill you.”

Ororo and Jean Grey’s opposition was expected by Zhou Yi, but Logan’s reaction was beyond his expectation.

“I agree!” After Zhou Yi said own meaning, the beast-like man thought about it. Issued own opinion. “I don’t know how powerful Magneto is, but since they can chase here. I guess it doesn’t make sense for us to hide. Rather than being passive everywhere, we might as well take the initiative. But for one thing, I would never agree to use Rogue. Bet!”

“Do you think we can keep her if we fail?” Zhou Yi stretched the corners of his mouth. “This is war. The victor gets everything, and the loser loses everything. And I would rather die than be a deserter!”

“Yi!” Ororo and Jean called at the same time. I was really shocked by Zhou Yi’s words.

“Don’t worry too much!” Zhou Yi confidently said with a gentle smile at the two women who are closely related to oneself. “I’m not a guy who can be slaughtered by others and is unable to resist. The person in front of you is far more complicated than what you see.”

“What are you talking about?” Ororo said Zhou Yi was completely angry at this time with the attitude that she was still talking about. She glared at Zhou Yi, and the anger in her eyes was almost gushing out.

And Jean is the same, although not as obvious as Ororo, but the dissatisfaction in her eyes is also obvious.

“At this time, it’s almost time to confess to you about my other identity.”

“What?” Ororo and the others just expressed their own doubts, but they are It was discovered that Zhou Yi had stepped back two steps and began to change dramatically.

Black’s mercury-like metal spread all over his body, quickly enveloping him in a layer of mighty armor. When his cloak was unfolded, a figure familiar to all New Yorkers appeared in front of them.

“As you can see, I am Dawn Knight!” A sonorous voice came from behind the helmet, but it shocked everyone.

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