“Damn it, it’s not cracking a joke!” Logan bit the cigar in his mouth. He originally cherished this kind of commemorative cigar, but he didn’t have one this time. A little bit distressed, because he was completely shocked at this time. Although he is not a New Yorker, as long as he lives in the country of United States, almost no one is unaware of the existence of this extremely powerful and arrogant Superhero. He seems to have become a symbol of New York City, and the existence that most Americans dream of.

It can be said that his image has penetrated into the hearts of every New Yorker, even in the entire United States, he is already a household name.

Compared with Logan’s performance, Ororo’s expression is not inferior. She covered her own mouth, trying not to let others see oneself astonished. But what effect does this action not at all play?

“It’s not true! Oh my God…” She walked up to Zhou Yi and reached out and touched his armor, as if she wanted to use this way to prove that oneself didn’t see it. False hallucinations. Of course, the touch in her hand told her the answer.

“The way you look now reminds me that when we were dating, you saw Nicole. Kidman’s expression!” Although the whole person was covered under the armor, it was only from his tone You can hear his teasing.

“This is not the time to crack a joke.” After slapped Zhou Yi’s armor hard, Ororo glared at him. “Even if you are really Dawn Knight, you can’t have such dangerous thoughts. That’s Magneto. Your armor in front of him can’t protect you at all.”

“She’s right, Magneto’s magnetic control Can control all the metal, not to mention your armor, even this city will become his sword and spear!”

Jean Grey still maintains a calm look in front of her, but her eyes are very concern. Although at first was really shocked by Zhou Yi’s identity, now she is beginning to worry about other issues.

She thinks Zhou Yi is a bit too proud. When facing Magneto, his pride may become a fatal crisis. Although it is only a possibility, this possibility has made her worried. Compared with Ororo, she has no worries about Zhou Yi at all, and even because she can’t express it, she appears more profound.

“There is no room for escape.” Zhou Yi took off the armor on his body, and gently shook the head to the two worried women. “Magneto is in this city, as long as he wants us impossible to escape from under his eyelids. Rather than being trembling with fear, being divided and disintegrating our power again and again by him, why not take advantage of the present to directly engage in a head-on contest. Ororo Jean! Please give me a little confidence, okay?”

“Yi!” The two women spoke almost at the same time. Although Jean subconsciously converged the own expression at the moment they spoke, Ororo was still surprised Gave her a glance. Obviously she has discovered that, just as a friend, Jean’s concern for Zhou Yi is still a bit too much.

But Ororo hadn’t thought about it carefully at this time, she just put these behind her head for the time being, and said to Zhou Yi eagerly.

“Don’t do it, okay, there must be another way. I can’t just watch you go to death.”

“Ororo!” Own a worried woman. Zhou Yi kissed her forehead tenderly. “Don’t worry, I won’t be okay. If it’s really not Magneto’s opponent, I’m sure to escape. I can’t just sit back and wait, it’s really not my character.”

Listen Following Zhou Yi’s gentle words, Ororo closed his eyes. What appeared on his face was an extremely complex expression. She didn’t want this man to face such terrifying enemies, but she also didn’t want him to lose the principle of ownership. She understands how important a man’s principle is. It was precisely because she understood this that she fell into a painful decision.

At this time, Jean Grey seems to want to say something. But Zhou Yi had already seen her hesitating and stopped, laughed at her, slightly shook the head. He knew that this intellectual beauty was also worried about oneself, but some things really couldn’t be changed.

Jean Grey saw Zhou Yi’s movements, her body jerk, but after all she didn’t say anything. Compared with Ororo, her identity has always been a barrier. She is not qualified to say or do some things. This made her heart torment, especially when she saw Ororo, a kind of scorching flame began to surge in her chest.

She really envied this friend, both intellectually and instinctively.

“Buddy, although I really don’t want to ask. But can you tell me how sure you are?” Logan’s voice awakened the complex moods of the two women, and they all looked at this. towards Zhou Yi. It seems that I hope to hear some good news from him.

“I have upgraded my armor and made all the anti-magnetic defense measures. But whether it is useful or not, I may only know when I face Mr. Magneto Erik.” Shrugged, Zhou Yi reluctantly gave a good news, but it was obviously not what they wanted to hear.

“Yi, what we asked you about is how sure you are. It is not an untested experiment!” Ororo exclaimed dissatisfiedly, and Jean, who was a step slower, quietly swallowed his mouth. Inside, but still staring at him closely.

“I am 50% sure of victory and 100% sure of my life. Therefore, you must have confidence in me.” Covering the woman’s mouth in his arms, Zhou Yi His voice is completely unshakable and firm. “So, don’t continue on this topic, okay.”

The two women went silent. They looked at each other. After all, no one spoke again this time.

However, Logan was unwilling to end this topic like this. He walked up to Rogue and asked such words.

“I have one last question, what about Rogue. Do you really want to take her with him and give him to Magneto after you fail?”

” Logan, I know how you feel. But do you think we can protect her if I fail? “It’s a rare occasion to communicate with Logan calmly. Zhou Yi’s language was full of earnestness. “I don’t want a child to be a bargaining chip, but it cannot be transferred by our will. Without me, you can’t protect her. So I can only guarantee one thing, if I really fail. I will do my best Maybe send her to the farthest place I can reach.”

Perhaps thinking of oneself’s fiasco just now, Logan’s expression was a little bit depressed. He looked at Rogue with a blank face. Squeaky asked: “Can that really protect her?”

“I don’t know, but as long as she is alive. Magneto will look for him by fair means or foul. She is his plan The most critical part of this, even if he survives this summit, there will always be another one. He will definitely want to hold Rogue in his hands. And as long as she is still on this Earth, I believe there is nothing he can’t find Arrived.”

Rogen was stunned when he heard Zhou Yi’s words. He sat down slowly after a long time.

“You are right, we really can only do this. But I have a request, if you want Rogue, then I have to pass. Even if you fail, they never want to get it easily She. Unless stepping over my body.”

Speaking of which, he looked at Rogue with an unusually warm eyes, like he was looking at his own daughter. This was the first child he identified in his lonely life over the years, and it was worth his life just for this. As an undying who has a long life, he cares more about these things than anything else.

“You are too pessimistic, Buddy!” Seeing that the atmosphere here is really depressing, Zhou Yi couldn’t help but start a joke. “I haven’t played yet, so you guys think that I will fail. Do you look down on me too much. You know I’m the number one Superhero in the world. No one in America knows about Dawn Knight. You have to believe me, but yes A very old Magneto. It will only be a stepping stone to my great record.”

“Number one in the world, are you far behind Captain America?” Logan subconsciously He retorted, but suddenly a question came to mind. Why did he mention Captain America? For a while, a chaotic memory surged up, and he couldn’t help covering his head.

Looking at Logan’s appearance, Zhou Yi grinned.

“Buddy, do you still seem to be a very honest person. Can you have such a big reaction just by telling lies?”

“Damn you Guys, can’t you shut your nasty mouth?” Logan covered his head, cursing fiercely. This kind of sudden headache and memory rolling feeling is really a kind of torture for him, and when someone frigid irony and scorching satire around, this kind of torture must definitely add a power of formidable power.

For Zhou Yi’s bad behavior, Ororo lightly patted his chest twice. This kind of bullying made her, who had always been kind-hearted, unable to stand it. And Jean reluctantly shook the head, obviously there is no way for this behavior.

However, seeing two close women expressing their own objections like this, Zhou Yi could only stop the evil taste of own and put on a sincere look.

“Sorry, Buddy. You know I just want to enliven the atmosphere.”

Logan fiercely compared a middle finger, and he was too lazy to refute Zhou Yi’s argument. He needs a little rest now to calm his own thoughts, so he doesn’t want to pay attention to him at all.

Of course, this is also what Zhou Yi said. Talking to a man is really not a pleasant thing. She shook the head and greeted Jean Grey. Instructed them to leave here with themselves.

Jean clearly nodded, leaving Rogue to accompany Logan, giving him a quiet rest space.

When Zhou Yi brought Ororo also Jean Grey to the own room, he quietly closed the door and said to the two with oneself’s most serious expression.

“Ororo, also Jean! This time you must promise me one thing!”

“Don’t let Clarice also my mother know who I am, also I and Magneto duel In addition, I hope you can stay here to protect them!”

As soon as these words came out, it was like a bomb that fell into the calm lake immediately, causing countless waves.

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