“Wait, do you know what you are talking about?” Ororo grabbed his collar abruptly, and a pretty face full of anger almost stuck his nose on. “You want me to hide behind you, but when you fight, I can only pray here that you will not be killed by Magneto, and smile at your family, and make up a lie for you that you may come back later. Is it?”

“You selfish and arrogant fellow, have you ever thought about my feelings, have you ever thought about me from my standpoint?”

Having said that, she slapped Zhou Yi fiercely, turned around and rushed out of the room without looking back.

Zhou Yi touched the place where oneself was slapped with a wry smile on his mouth. A woman who has achieved this level shows that she really loves oneself. But from the owner’s point of view, doesn’t oneself love her by doing this?

Turning his head and looking towards another woman holding her chest, the wry smile on Zhou Yi’s face deepened again.

“I don’t think you will say the same to me too!”

Jean Grey sighed, stepped forward. She touched Zhou Yi’s face first, and then said in a regretful tone.

“You should know why Ororo slapped you. In fact, if I can, I want to do it, but I am not qualified. Seriously, I envy her.”

“I know!” Zhou Yi held Jean’s palm. “Jean. I know what you want, so please forgive me. I really don’t want you to be hurt. You are too important to me. I would rather be oneself hurt than see you accident!”

“Then we are the same. We don’t want to see you accidentally.” Jean Grey took Zhou Yi’s hand and placed it on his chest. “You are also very important to us, so you should know what kind of decision we make.”

“Okay, okay! I won’t say anything. But I really hope you I can protect my mother and them. I don’t know what kind of damage my fighting Magneto will cause to this city. With you protecting them by their side, I will be relieved a lot!”

“Easy!” Jean Grey looked at him angrily and interrupted his words.

Zhou Yi laughed helplessly. He knew that Own Caution was useless in front of this smart woman. It seems that there is not much communication between smart people, and sometimes one look can solve many problems.

The two smiled at each other, as if they felt each other’s heart.

And where they couldn’t see, Ororo quietly closed the door. Originally wanted to come back and persuade her to persuade her at this time, she didn’t know what to say at all. Her brain seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer, completely losing the ability to think.

After taking two steps back quietly, Ororo covered his own mouth and turned around resolutely to leave. She never looked back this time.

Everyone is waiting, waiting for Magneto’s response. Once the response comes, it means the beginning of a battle. This is a battle concerning the fate of Mutant. Zhou Yi’s victory means the failure of Magneto’s plan. His crazy plan was contained, and he himself was about to sit in front of Zhou Yi and think about his plan.

If that time really comes, Zhou Yi believes that even if he is the leader of Mutant, he has to seriously think about the feasibility of his plan. Because in front of the winner, the loser has no right to speak. Even if he is the King of Mutant at this point. After all, power is always the highest in their world.

But if Zhou Yi fails, Magneto will acquire Rogue, completing the most important part of its variant diffusion plan. The human head mutated into Mutant, which was the result he could predict. But the next question was unknown to him. The head class collectively died of genetic collapse. This inducement is entirely possible to cause a real war.

The war between Mutant and humans. Once this kind of thing happens, personal power will shrink Infinity to a certain extent. No matter how confident Zhou Yi is in oneself, he does not think that oneself can lead the direction of the war, and he will be in a dilemma no matter which position he starts from.

This is why Charles hopes that Zhou Yi can join in to stop Magneto. He needs to do so. Zhou Yi also thinks so at this point.

Time is passing quickly, and Zhou Yi is here waiting for Mystique’s return. He believed that with Magneto’s self-confidence, he would never refuse the own challenge, and that time would be his only chance to reverse this plan. He’s not fighting alone, never has been.

After waiting for a long time, when the night is approaching. A woman who looked extremely bright knocked on Zhou Yi’s door.

Zhou Yi opened the door and stared at the woman for a while, before asking uncertainly: “Are you, Mystique?”

The bright woman smiled brightly at him. He turned around generously and asked.

“How about, this image is good. My cute little man!”

“If you follow the news, you will find that this star has undergone many cosmetic surgery , All her appearance is false and weird.” After staring at her for a while, Zhou Yi gave his own opinion. Although I don’t know why the spy master has this attitude toward oneself, in some respects, he really can’t treat her with an attitude toward the enemy. All this was the fault that night.

“Really, human beings are indeed a hypocritical race, don’t you even dare to admit the true appearance of own?” In front of Zhou Yi, Mystique transformed into another form again. This time she became an old man with a shady look.

This old man has deep eye sockets and sharp gray blue eyes. His expression is serious, and his slightly pursed mouth reveals his firm character. Although the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were deep, they were always concealed by the vitality in his eyes.

And his standing posture is also very stiff, the pace and posture standard are almost perfect to the alien species. This means that his harshness is not only treating others, but also treating oneself.

A coat that looked like a dress was worn on him, and a windbreaker that could completely envelop him was draped on the outside. The silver white hair was neatly combed behind his head, and a deep red helmet was worn on the head, like a king’s crown.

“This is Magneto, the leader of Mutant? It is really impressive!” Zhou Yi sighed, but made the old man on the opposite side slightly jaw.

“Thank you for your compliment, youngster.” Like his appearance, his words are extremely deep and powerful, and there is an unshakable faith in it.

But for Zhou Yi, who knows the true identity of the person in front of him, speaking to a pretender like this is really unspeakable awkwardness. He twisted his neck and asked.

“Do you think it is necessary to do this? Or is this Mr. Erik’s disagreement for me?”

“You think too much, honey.” by Mystique The pretending Magneto shook the head, the expression solemnly said. “I think this is respect for you. The power you have is worth doing. This is not only me, but also Erik’s endorsement.”

“Then I really feel honored. . But since you want to respond to me like this, can I assume that Mr. Erik has agreed to my challenge?”

“Before this, my dear. Erik wants me to ask you a question first. , Regarding this question, he hopes you can answer truthfully. Of course, I think so too.”

“Okay, please!” Nodded, Zhou Yi also wants to know that in this case, Magneto What question do you want to ask.

“Erik asks me to tell you, why not join our Mutant family and fight for the future of Mutant?” The disguised Magneto’s eyes are sincere and powerful, revealing a fascinating personality. . “If you want, a powerful Mutant like you can completely replace me and become the Ruler of the future world, the leader of the new generation of Mutant.”

Zhou Yi does not believe in Magneto’s promise, what about Erik Such a person has a clearer impression through Charles. Although this man has a strong utilitarianism, he can really be selfless in Mutant’s future. For the future of this race, he has the consciousness of sacrificing everything. A trifling’s leadership status is really not in his eyes.

But Zhou Yi eventually shook the head.

“Thank you Mr. Erik for your love, but I am not Mutant. Many people can prove this to me! So I am not qualified to take his place.”

” So why? You have to participate in Mutant. As an outsider, you should have an outsider’s consciousness. This is Mutant’s internal problem. You are a human hero, not Mutant’s. You should not participate.”

“Is that what Mr. Erik meant?” Zhou Yi wondered, Magneto shouldn’t be indecisive like this, which doesn’t match his impression.

“That’s what I mean. After all, our relationship has reached a level of intimacy, right? I don’t want you to die in Erik’s hands.” Mystique, who looked at this old man, turned to oneself. In the blink of an eye, Zhou Yi’s body trembled involuntarily, and his whole body was disgusted.

“Please, don’t talk to me in this way.” Turning your head away, Zhou Yi tried not to let oneself see this. But for Mystique’s remarks, he was quite happy. “Thank you for your concern, but the reason why I have to participate in it. After all, I am a human Superhero. Magneto’s plan is too dangerous. I don’t care about the safety of those high-level leaders, but I can’t just watch the war break out, innocent people. Was involved. So, please tell me. Mr. Magneto’s response to my challenge.”

“Just before sunrise, Phil Iron Pagoda!” Converged in the same way, Mystique restored Magneto The solemnity it deserves. “It is undoubtedly the best choice to defeat the strongest enemy in the most meaningful place in Paris. It is the same for you and Erik.”

“Very good, tell me Mr. Erik. I know, before sunrise, I will take Rogue to get there!”

Mystique changed again, this time she showed a black shoulder-length short hair, fair skin is eye-catching The image of beauty is much more natural and more beautiful than at first’s appearance. However, Zhou Yi expressed doubts about this appearance. No one knew what Mystique’s real body was, and whose appearance she showed belonged to. This is the same even for Magneto.

“I will tell Erik what you have said.” The black hair beauty gave Zhou Yi a deep look. “At the same time, I will let Erik save your life, I promise!”

“Thank you!” Zhou Yi shrugged, although I don’t know why that many people think that oneself will fail, he still wants to thank you she was.

The black hair beauty blew him a kiss, turned and left the room. And Zhou Yi also stood up at this time. The black armor covered his body, and he was ready to fight.

Once dawn rises, everything will be determined. Is Magneto continuing to dominate Mutant’s everything, or is a new era coming. Everything will be decided in this battle.

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