Sun God Marvel

Chapter 842

Returning to the temporary residence, Jean couldn’t help being curious, and asked Zhou Yi.

“Yiyan, your situation today looks a little wrong. The man named Smith, are you feeling a little too intense about him?”

“Very intense Is it?”

Hearing this, Zhou Yi, who had already put on his pajamas, couldn’t help touching his own chin, and asked in an innocent posture.

He wanted to fool this topic, but Jean knew him too well. So his fooling simply didn’t play any role, but instead made Jean even more interested in this matter.

“Of course. Don’t try to lie to me. Your emotions towards that man are simply not normal. It feels like a feast between you. Do you know that man?”

“No, I don’t know him. Strictly speaking, this should be the first time I met him.”

Expanded his hands, Zhou Yi responded clearly to Jean . But Jean didn’t think he was telling the truth. So at the moment, he took Zhou Yi’s arm and said to him.

“Hey, my dear. We are family, can’t we say something to our family in this world also?”

“But I really didn’t lie to you, Jean. I really don’t know that guy. This is really the first time I met him.”

“Then can you explain why you have this strange attitude? I have never seen it before. Are you disgusting with someone else showing such obvious opinions. If you don’t know him, how could you behave like this to someone who kindly lends a helping hand?”

Jean’s argument with The courage of one’s convictions made Zhou Yi’s face a wry smile. He knew that if oneself didn’t explain clearly, then I’m afraid Jean will not stop tonight. So he could only sigh and sat down while pulling her while speaking to her.

“Okay, okay. I will tell you the reason, but you have to promise me one thing. If you don’t agree, I will never tell the truth.”

“Is it necessary to achieve this level?” Jean, who wanted to refute subconsciously, saw Zhou Yi’s serious face and immediately understood that this might be his bottom line. He will not make any concessions on this issue. And there is no need for oneself to argue with him because of such a thing. So she had no choice but to nodded and said to Zhou Yi. “Well, I promise you, but at least you have to tell me, what is it that you asked me to promise you.”

“Very simple, what I want you to guarantee is that you will not Tell my mother about the man I met today!”

“You mean Zhou Lan? I don’t understand!” shook the head, and Jean’s mind immediately became confused. “What does this have to do with Zhou Lan. Is he a suitor of Zhou Lan? I don’t think he looks like it at all.”

“If this is the case, then that guy should sink in Pacific now Ocean is underneath.” After spitting out such a muffled sentence, Zhou Yi helplessly told the truth. “That guy is called Smith Zhou, and the guy who abandoned me before I was born is also called this name. So, do you understand what I mean?”

“You mean him Is it your father?” Jean instantly raised his own tone. But soon she realized what oneself had said, and suddenly lowered the own voice. “Are you sure? It’s just a fluke of the same name.”

“People with the same name are impossible in the same place, and people in the same place are impossible even with the same experience. How could there be so many coincidences in the world? That’s unreasonable. . And, I can feel that there is a special connection between me and him. I believe that Xiao Zhouyu thinks so too.”

Hearing such an answer, Jean’s face also darkened. . She thought about it, and finally said what she wanted to say. “Oh, this is really not a good thing. Honey, you should be able to feel it, he and the woman next to him are unusual. I at first thought I just met an ordinary superpower user. But now it seems , It seems that the situation shouldn’t be what I thought. Do you think he approached you intentionally? Or was it just a coincidence?”

For Jean’s opinion, Zhou Yi obviously has a similar view. View. So he immediately shook his head and said to her.

“This impossible is a coincidence. He obviously knew of my existence a long time ago, and I am afraid he has some understanding of my current identity. And when it comes to intentional, hum.” At this point, Zhou Yi Two coldly snorted beeps. There was obvious disdain. “If he is really interested, he can come back for more than ten years to find us. In that case, I might still accept his existence. But he didn’t come back until now. You think I also need to accept him at this time. Is he?”

“Yi.” Although Zhou Yi’s words are very calm, for Jean who has found the feeling of being a mother, she still feels sympathy for Zhou Yi’s experience. This made her immediately hugged Zhou Yi’s head and comforted him in a low voice. “Don’t be sad, dear. Didn’t your life come over without him?”

“I’m not sad, I’m just worried. You know, if my mother knows that he is alive , Then things are very bad. She will definitely want to get him back, and at that time, our family will be in big trouble.”

Raise your head and put your own head in In Jean’s chest. Zhou Yi said to her with his eyes closed. And hearing his words, Jean also frowned deeply.

She also realized that this would not be a good thing, but she also knew that all the situations Zhou Yi said were based on the worst scenario he had imagined. Maybe the situation is not as bad as he thought, maybe his father not at all is as bad as he thought?

With this thought, Jean stretched out his hand, kneaded Zhou Yi’s head, and said to him.

“Maybe the situation is not at all as bad as you think? Since he will meet you in this way, instead of just coming up to recognize you. This shows that he also has such considerations. He doesn’t want to ruin your current life, but just like what he said. He is already a little lonely in his heart. So he just wants to take a look at you and see his only family in this world?”

“If it’s what you think, then it’s fine.”

Zhou Yi sighed with emotion. And although he suddenly hugged Jean behind oneself and smiled at her.

“Forget it, I don’t want this kind of headache for the time being. Anyway, I have warned him that if he dares to appear in front of me without authorization, don’t blame me for being rude to him. Mother is living very well now, and Clarice and I don’t need anyone to get involved in our lives. Therefore, if he is smart, he should know what the choice of a regime should be.”

“Yi, is it too simple for you to think so.” Sighed, Jean buried own head in Zhou Yi’s arms. “If he really stepped in, could you still sink him under the seabed?”

“That’s impossible.” I thought about it carefully, and denied this possibility. . Zhou Yi suddenly scratched her ears and said with a smile to him. “But isn’t it also you? As long as you slightly modify his memory and delete everything about us from his mind, then, shouldn’t the matter be resolved?”

“Hey How can you solve the problem like this. If you do this, you will not be afraid that after he meets your mother, because you can’t recognize her, will she make her more sad?”

Because of Zhou Yi’s words, and With a feeling of beating a mandarin duck, Jean immediately lifted it from his chest and said to him dissatisfiedly.

“Besides, you don’t feel it. Is this kind of blasphemy for your mother’s relationship back then?”

“Please, Jean. I guess what happened back then. I don’t remember my mother. Moreover, I think Mr. Ferguson would be a better husband than this bastard. At least, when my mother married him, he was sincere to my mother. also I’m fine. It’s just a pity that he was unfortunately killed at that time. Otherwise, how could I still worry about this bastard’s coming back and disturbing my mother’s life.”

Speaking of that year, Zhou Yi is also inevitable. A little bit of emotion. He has forgotten a lot of things, but he still remembers some other things. This makes him always inevitably feel a little emotional about the past of own. Such experience, if made into a movie, should be a standard Superhero blockbuster template.

The miserable childhood and the growing up of self-improvement, also make people relish the endless luxury life. Coupled with the ups and downs and hardships after becoming a Superhero. The first story like this already means something like Superman or Batman in the movie.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yi couldn’t help laughing. While listening to his laughter, Jean touched his cheek and asked him.

“Why, did you think of something again?”

“Of course, I thought of a very interesting thing.”

, Zhou Yi told her the idea of ​​owning. After hearing all this, Jean shook the head and asked with a sigh.

“My dear, it’s not that I want to hit you. Your story can only be seen in the first half of the story. When it comes later, it will definitely be box office poison.”

“Why?” Zhou Yi asked puzzledly. But at this time, Jean suddenly asked. “What is your favorite plot?”

“Me? Of course I was when I was young. The days when Tony was everywhere.” With a grin, Zhou Yi touched Jean’s waist. limb. “I remember, I spent a lot of time trying to chase you at that time.”

The aftertaste caused the temperature between them to rise quietly, and Zhou Yi was preparing to take own action further. time. Jean blushed his cheeks and quietly pressed his arm.

“Don’t, Xiao Zhouyu is still next door?”

“Don’t worry, I won’t let him hear our voices.”

Face There was a crafty smile, Zhou Yi said to Jean. And hearing his this remark, Jean also blushed and acquiesced.

The night is dark, but the restless heart is tightly pressed together restlessly. Another night of Shengge!

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