Sun God Marvel

Chapter 843

Sukezo Ohara is a staff member at Tokyo Airport. Of course, he is not a glamorous character like the captain, who can be admired when he speaks it out, nor is he a guy who looks glamorous and has a relatively easy job, such as air security and tower staff. He is just a grassroots crew maintenance staff, that is, the type with the hardest and most tiring work and the relatively least salary.

There is no day and night in this job. As long as there is a plane you work on on your watch that needs to take off and land, you have to be busy until you squeeze oneself’s last effort The ground is clean.

This work is not only hard, but also heavy responsibility. Any small problem on the aircraft is the responsibility of the crew maintenance personnel, which means that even if a part is loose, they must be debugged and maintained. The safety of the entire aircraft is maintained in their hands, and their hands shake, that is the rhythm of big events.

So seriously, this job is really not something ordinary people can do. Especially for Tokyoites whose lives are depressed, it is even more difficult for them to persist in such a heavy workload. However, Sukezo Ohara is an exception, because he has been in this position for 20 years and has always maintained an excellent performance with zero accident rate.

This made him boasted and respected by many colleagues, and even in the entire Tokyo airport, no one dared to put a little bit of air on this old employee. You know, as long as anyone who works on an airplane, the most fearful thing is that the airplane may have any safety problems. As the only one that can ensure that oneself maintains the aircraft without any problems, Sukezo Ohara is undoubtedly the same role as the body protection symbol in everyone’s eyes. For such a character, it is too late for them to get close, so how dare to make a face to him easily.

So, those youngsters who have just come to work at Tokyo Airport will always see this situation, that is, in their eyes, the aloof and remote aircraft captain, with a friendly face and working with them Sukezo Ohara, who works the same way, took the initiative to say hello and hello. This makes their young hearts always have an unspeakable surprise. And when they knew that the owner’s boss would be such a special existence, they could always quickly turn this surprise into a longing.

For them, the story of Sukezo Ohara is a living and inspirational Legendary. As long as oneself can reach his level, will winning the happy life of a flight attendant be a dream? Regarding this point, Sukezo Ohara, who has successfully captured a flight attendant 16 years ago, can responsibly tell you that this is not a problem.

To some extent, Sukezo Ohara, who has struggled for a half of his life, is already a very successful grassroots template. Relying on his own hard work and persistence, he got the happy life of yearn for something even in dreams. But this does not mean that he has no worries now. On the contrary, he is not only a little distressed now, but also in great trouble.

I don’t know why. Starting today, the entire Tokyo airport’s planes have encountered a very embarrassing problem, that is, they cannot take off. Not only was it unable to take off, but even the energy on the entire airport had problems.

Aircraft is operated by aviation gasoline, and electricity is also generated in this way, strictly speaking, a single aircraft is a separate power operation system. Therefore, there shouldn’t be a problem that all aircraft energy sources fail at the same time. But the current situation is that this kind of thing happened. The same problem occurred with every aircraft that was preparing for take-off. Faced with this problem, Sukezo Ohara and his subordinates checked every possible faulty link, but they did not find any problems.

But the problem does exist because the aircraft does not have enough power to start the engine. This is the most obvious evidence.

And today, the entire Tokyo flight has seven sorties of planes that have been piled up due to these weird reasons. Almost three thousand people have caused flight delays because of the malfunction. This made the Chief-In-Charge staff of the entire Tokyo Airport feel tremendous pressure. In the face of this pressure, it was clearly placed in front of Sukezo Ohara.

At this time, no one cares about Sukezo Ohara’s lofty reputation for 20 years of hard work. The Chief-In-Charge of the airport stood directly in front of him, pointed at his nose and yelled at him.

“Ohara, haven’t you solved the problem? Do you know how many passengers have accumulated in the entire airport because of these problems? Do you know how big a blow this will be to our Tokyo Airport? Is it?”

“However, we have checked it and there is no fault at all.”

Ohara Sukezo still wanted to argue, but was immediately beaten roughly. Broken down.

“Then check it again. The plane can’t take off, that’s the problem. Listen, I will give you another hour at most. After an hour, if you and your subordinates can’t solve this If there is a problem, then you all take the blame and resign.”

Speaking of this, Chief-In-Charge dropped a bunch of complaint letters and left here. Looking at the pile of rubbish in front of oneself, Sukezo Ohara laughed and sipped directly at the ground.

“Take the blame and resign, I think you led us to take the blame and resign.”

Sukezo Ohara, who has been up and down for more than a decade, sees the situation very clearly. Although the Chief-In-Charge said that all the responsibilities were thrown on his head. But after all, he is just a small grassroots team leader. Although he has 20 years of work experience, he is obviously not qualified to be a scapegoat. At this time, the only scapegoat who can be the scapegoat is the group of guys who just left. He will be so flustered and exasperated, so he must have felt the pressure of the imminent disaster. Maybe he just reprimanded him for playing oneself oneself here, he will be criticized to death by another group of people when he turns his head.

This is very possible. After all, this is Tokyo, the most competitive place in Japan. Working in this place, even if you have only a small problem, you will be dragged down by the people below. So there is no doubt that this guy must have been utterly exhausted by now.

Although I was mocking the Chief-In-Charge’s sternness in my heart, disaster was imminent. But Ohara Sukezo Oneself also knew that if this problem could not be solved, then he would really have to leave. After more than 20 years of mixing, with the greatest efforts and the most careful attitude, I got to the current position, holding the best salary among the entire crew, which was not much higher than the captain’s salary. It is really unacceptable for him to lose it all at once. So immediately, he cheered up and said to the subordinates of own.

“Young men, let us check the plane again. This time, we have to find out a little problem anyway?”

If it is the past, he said this Talking will make these young men full of energy. But now, they could only reply weakly, and then very slow picked up the guy who was eating alone.

How can there be errors in things that have been checked more than a dozen times? This is just a futile effort. Everyone knows this very well in their hearts, but they have to continue to do so for the sake of their own jobs. This is very helpless, and it almost makes people unable to lift any spirit. But even if it is helpless, as long as they are still on the job, they can only do so.

Ohara Sukezo took his own subordinates into action. But when they started to act, the lights of the entire airport suddenly went out. The airport was instantly dark, and the exclamation that came from the darkness was like a sneaky sound, making everyone in this darkness feel unspeakable fear.

What happened? Many people are asking this question in their hearts, but no one can answer them at this time. They can only touch in the dark, cautiously as if they have entered another world simultaneously.

This situation quickly became annoying, and amid whispering curses, some people took out the own cellphone and planned to rely on the light source of the oneself cellphone to find something for oneself Psychological comfort. But something strange happened.

Although their cellphone was held in the hand, there was no light coming out. It’s as if the entire cellphone has run out of battery. It’s fine if you say that one person is like this. But now, the entire Tokyo airport has accumulated thousands of people. And if all these thousands of people have problems with their cellphones, it is really a hell of a thing.

But the problem right now is that they have indeed seen a ghost. This strange thing did happen. Moreover, not only the cellphone, but also flashlights and emergency lights have problems. It can be said that any light that relies on a power source is now in an unusable dilemma.

This particular situation has caused more and more people to fall into chaos. Many people think that oneself has entered a spiritual world. This made them flee desperately towards the outside of the airport. In this darkness, once this spontaneous survival behavior exceeds a certain limit, it is a terrifying disaster.

One person after another was pushed on the ground, and when he fell to the ground, countless panicked people stepped on him directly. This caused the bad luck guy to start wailing, but as more and more people joined in, his wailing sound continued to weaken until it disappeared.

Things are starting to get worse! Sukezo Ohara knew this very well. This made him subconsciously rush out of the computer room. And when he rushed out of the computer room, his eyes immediately saw a scene that made him scared.

Dark in the sky, several red dots of Blink are approaching continuously. And in the up ahead of these red light spots, right above the airport, a silver light and shadow stood quietly on the air. Just like a demon like a silver.

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