Sun God Marvel

Chapter 844

As for the red spot of Blink, Sukezo Ohara is naturally no stranger. In countless nights, he would not have greeted how many such light spots landed on the airport. It can be said that every time this light spot, which represents an airplane, lands on the runway he maintains, it adds to his resume.

But now, he dare not think so. The reason for this is entirely because of the silver light and shadow in front of him.

He has worked at the airport for 20 years and has never seen anything like today. In the same way, he has never encountered what happened in the airport today. It is conceivable that the two are necessarily related. And what this inevitable connection means is an answer that scares Ohara Sukezo.

At this time, he can only hope, and even pray, that the plane in the sky can find something wrong with the airport, and then respond in time. However, to some extent, it is too late. The plane that has entered the sky above Tokyo Airport is already in trouble at this moment.

“Tower, tower. This is Flight 180. Please turn on the runway indicator light, please turn on the runway indicator light.”

The captain of Air Flight 180 is holding the communicator over and over again With such a conversation, it was proved from the silence that he heard that his request was not answered at all. This made him couldn’t help cursing.

“Damn it. What the hell are these Japanese doing? Don’t you know that there is a plane landing today?”

As his deputy captain, a typical Japanese. When he heard such words, he inevitably felt a little embarrassed. However, this foreign captain is notoriously violent, and he doesn’t have the confidence to fight him upright. So he can only defend it tactfully.

“Did we fly the wrong course?”

“Fly the wrong course? Did you work on the plane the first day? If so, then I still suggest you, Find another job obediently and honestly.” The unceremonious captain immediately ridiculed him, and he quickly noticed the amount of his own fuel. “The plane is impossible and thinking about returning. We can only choose to force landing. Damn, contact the tower again, no matter what the reason, let them clear a visible runway for us as soon as possible.”

“Tower tower, tower tower. This is Flight 180, please reply if you hear it, please reply if you hear it.”

The silent echo is repeated over and over again, and this directly makes the original The captain, who was already enduring his anger, couldn’t help it anymore.

“It doesn’t matter, we will land forcibly.”

When he heard this, the Japanese deputy captain was immediately confused. He knew that the captain of oneself’s family was tough and grumpy. Is a typical Russian Ross fighting national character. It’s just that he never thought that this guy would have this kind of fantasy story idea.

You know, this is early morning. There is no light indication, let alone the runway, they can’t even see the location of the tower and the airport. In this case, the plane is forced to land, which is simply a desperate look.

So at the moment, he immediately adhered to the principle of taking the safety of passengers into consideration, especially the principle of owning safety, and exhorted the captain with magical thinking.

“Captain Koviev, how can we land without an indicator light? Or let’s wait, at least until we can see a little bit.”

“What to look at, what to wait for. You guys in Japanese just like to grind, isn’t it just a plane crash landing? There’s something at worst. You need to know, my cousin who flies a plane on Ross Airlines, However, the plane can still make an emergency landing without one wheel. And my cousin who flies around on European routes can complete an emergency landing with one engine missing. This kind of thing For the Russian pilots of the Ross nationality, simply is not a problem.”

Captain Koviev’s words made the Japanese captain even more desperate. He knows the problem with the captain of own, and he who likes bossing skin also has an unspeakable vigor. If you talk about him, he will immediately be able to give you a big dive and let you see his skills. If you don’t say anything about him, then it will inevitably end up with an emergency landing.

This made the Japanese captain almost have an urge to cry at this moment. If he could get rid of the terrible idea of ​​oneself by calling the Russian captain father, he would now kneel on the ground and call him father. But he knew this was impossible, so he could only make a bitter face and continue to persuade.

“Captain Koviev, wait another half an hour, okay?”

“Half an hour, I’m pooh.” This sentence is not It was a curse, but the Russian captain named Koviev did not know where he took out a bottle of vodka and then bit off the cap with his mouth. “Well, I’ll give you half an hour. When I finish this glass, the time is almost the same. Ha, vodka is a good thing. As long as there is vodka, even if the plane is turned off, I can make it land safely.”

Seeing that the captain was starting to boasting again, the deputy captain could only grin and default. And for his working hours, especially drinking vodka while flying a plane, he has long been used to it.

This is a guy who can’t do without vodka at all. Even the deputy captain doubts whether it is blood or vodka in his veins. Although at first is also a little worried about his behavior. But I get used to it if I have experienced more. At least up to now, he has not missed anything because of drinking.

In contrast, the current dilemma is what worries him most.

“Tower tower, tower tower. This is Flight 180, please reply if you hear it, please reply if you hear it.”

For the sake of owning the life and safety of the passengers on this plane, he can only do nothing He continued his own efforts, and at this time, a strange silver radiance flashed before his eyes. And then, the entire plane was like a fire like, and completely stopped.

Not only did the airplane’s engine stop moving, but the entire airplane’s built-in power supply completely lost its movement. The entire aircraft instantly became dark, including the dashboard in front of the two captains, completely without any light.

The plane at this time is simply a huge iron can flying in the air. Faced with this situation, both captains were dumbfounded.

The Japanese captain hadn’t figured out what was going on at all. He fiddled with the dashboard in front of oneself over and over again, trying to figure out whether there was a problem with it. And the Russian Captain Ross, who was drinking vodka, couldn’t continue enjoying his own nap at this moment.

He put down the own wine bottle and shouted at the deputy captain own.

“What happened, what did you do, the entire dashboard of the plane went out?”

“It’s not me, not me, I just called the tower, what am I I didn’t do it!”

Facing the captain whose eyes were red from drinking, the deputy captain was so scared that he almost couldn’t hold back the muscles of his bladder. And just when he thought that oneself was about to experience some of the enthusiastic service of the Russian Ross fighting nation, the door of the cockpit suddenly opened, and the flight attendant walked in.

“What happened, why did the power system fail?”

“The power system of the entire aircraft has failed?” The captain came back to his senses immediately from the cockpit His window looked towards the position behind oneself, and as he saw what he saw, he immediately darkened his face completely. “Damn it, the engine turned off. This time we really can only make a crash landing.”

“Crash landing? In this case?”

As soon as I heard this, deputy The captain was scared to death. If the previous crash landing also had a success rate of three to four points, then the crash landing now is really a matter of death. After all, no matter what they said before, their aircraft was still intact, as long as the position of the runway was bet on, with the captain’s experience, there was also some hope of success.

But now, the plane has completely lost control. Airplanes with their engines turned off can only do inertial gliding motion at best, not to mention that they can’t even open the landing gear of the aircraft now. And in this case, simply don’t want to land things. Once they land, they are 100% finished.

The fear of Death came so suddenly, it made the flight attendants’ legs weak, and almost no one knew what to do. At this time, the captain who had drank too much vodka showed fearless heroism, and he immediately shouted.

“What are you doing in a daze, Captain, you take a flashlight and take someone to manually open the landing gear of the aircraft. I remember that the aircraft should have this function. The flight attendant, let the flight attendants comfort the passengers, I don’t want to hear any irritable voices at this time.”

I have to say that the captain at this time seems to be extremely reliable. Even the desperate flight attendant looked towards him and his eyes were full of hope.

“I know, but, Captain. What are you going to do?”

“Of course it was a crash landing. This is a glorious moment for me to surpass my cousin. How could I choose to give up at this time. Believe me, I am the son of the Russian Ross nation. With the power of vodka, I am absolutely impossible to fail on this path.”

If it is normal, listen At this point. The two people present will treat this as madness, as stupid. But now, they have no other choice.

The sense of weightlessness has come, and the fuselage of the aircraft has not been pushed by the engine, and it has become on the verge of collapse in the airflow. If they don’t act, then soon they will only have a dead end. So at this time, even if the captain was unreliable, they could only do what he said.

This is the only hope. At this moment, they can only hold on to their only hope and send their last blessings to each other.

“Good luck, excellency captain!”

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