Sun God Marvel

Chapter 846

No one can describe the radiance they see right now. Brilliant and fierce, it looks like a pain of looking directly at the sun at a glance.

So almost subconsciously, all the people in the plane closed their own eyes tightly. And with their actions, their brains also became blank.

With radiance, an invisible force penetrated into everyone’s brains here, making them forcibly forget what oneself saw in front of them, and forget what oneself had on this plane experience. They are ignorant and simply don’t know the current situation. The current situation is that the aircraft has begun to fall, and it is still increasing in speed.

At this moment, the aircraft has completely lost control. The captain who took the vodka courage is now, like most people, trapped in a void of thought. In this case, the aircraft without power is equivalent to losing the final operation. It will behave like a wild horse, which is completely as it should be by rights.

However, this is just the beginning. With the surging of this sun-like radiance, the entire plane suddenly lost its downward trend and landed slowly in a nearly vertical manner. This makes the plane look like a big bird wrapped in a golden radiance, with an indescribable sense of sacredness.

To some extent, this is even shocking. Sukezo Ohara had never seen such a magical scene before, so that he immediately bent his own knee in front of this natural phenomenon and fell to the ground religiously.

But when he did this, he immediately noticed a scene that made him almost shout. That was the silver silhouette that he regarded as a demon. It was like a lightning bolt, and rushed towards the plane.

At the same time, Zhou Yi, who was sitting in the plane, could not help but raised the corner of his own mouth, showing a very disdainful smile.

“The worm shakes the tree, overestimate one’s capabilities.”

He can feel a small existence continuously absorbing own power. However, just as the power of the sun swaying into the endless deep sky every second is enough to ignite the entire Earth, as a sun god with endless power, he doesn’t care about such a small loss at all. However, he did not like the feeling of being bitten by a mosquito.

So immediately, he tapped his own finger and made a special decision. And this made a huge force beyond imagination, along the energy absorption channel established by the constantly sucking mosquito, burst into the body of the insect.

This caused the small insect to undergo mutation immediately. In Ohara Sukezo’s eyes, the terrifying silver radiance suddenly became so dazzling that he felt a demon over God in an instant.

But at the next moment, everything changed. Silver’s radiance seemed to have been scorched by a fire, and immediately separated from the plane, and fled towards the city at a speed that was difficult to distinguish between light and shadow.

Sukezo Ohara immediately realized something like this fledgling look, and immediately after that, he saw the golden light, which followed like lightning, which he saw as a demon. silver light and shadow, chased up.

This radiance passed through the city in an instant, and fiercely entangled together. In unknown circumstances, Zhou Yi’s face was already smiling. It was like seeing a hunter who had fallen into a trap with a smile.

Looking at the smile on his face, Jean immediately asked him questions.

“Why, I have found the restless mice?”

“Of course, greedy mice never live long. Honey, how are you going to write this memory? “To Jean laughed, Zhou Yi shook her hand. “Choose an interesting script, okay?”

“Of course, I have already thought of a script, a very interesting script.” Laughed playfully, Jean’s face showed something rare Playful expression. “A drunk captain completed the forced landing of the plane under the most incredible circumstances. The most interesting thing is that there are also two similar experiences in his family. Do you think this can be regarded as one? Is it an interesting topic in the movie script?”

“Very good, if you can add some interesting passengers, it would be better!”

Give a reply like this, Zhou Yi hugged his own son and said to him.

“Baby, I think you It shouldn’t be you want to be with these unfortunate gentlemen and ladies, surrounded by a group of reporters.”

“Of course, father. We Is this leaving? Secretly?”

Xiao Zhouyu is very smart. He understands the meaning of oneself father, and directly nodded to him. And when he responded, Zhou Yi took his hand and disappeared in the cockpit of the plane with his mother. At this time, the plane was full of passengers who avoided a catastrophe, and landed steadily on the ground.

As soon as the plane landed, almost every passenger yelled. With the landing of the plane, the airport gradually recovered its brightness, showing what a modern airport should look like.

The cries of rejoicing almost spread all over the airport, and it was only then that no one discovered the whereabouts of the plane.

In the absence of any guidance measures, an aircraft landed safely without causing any casualties. This is a blessing for anyone who is in it. The reporters moved after hearing the wind and began to report on the amazing things that happened at Tokyo Airport, especially the 180 passenger plane, which became their top priority. And this as it should be by rights made the headlines on the 2nd day.

“Yesterday morning, a miraculous passenger plane forced landing occurred at Tokyo Airport. When the plane completely lost power and there was no lighting in the entire airport, the captain of the passenger plane Koviev Miraculously completed the urgent landing of the aircraft without any casualties. This is a unique case in the history of aircraft safety. Captain Kvyev can even be called the greatest captain in human history. But now , The captain was facing serious accusations. He was suspected of drinking illegally during the posture and was forced to end his own flying career. Now, let’s hear what the captain said.”

“I said, I didn’t drink alcohol. Can vodka be called alcohol? For Russian Ross people, vodka is simply not alcohol, this is coffee, this is a refreshing agent. If you are not allowed to drink vodka, then it is better to drink coffee? It’s also banned. In short, I want to appeal. I want to sue the airline. I saved so many people, bleeding and sweating for the company, they can’t do this to me!”

Koviev On the one hand, the Chief-In-Charge of Tokyo Airport apologized for brow beaded with sweat under the condemnation of the reporter.

“We have not yet discovered any cause for the paralysis of the airport. But on behalf of the airport, I promise that we will give a reasonable and reasonable explanation from all walks of life. And we will be affected by the airport accident At the same time, I am willing to take the blame and resign. I hope that all sectors of society can give our airport another opportunity to reform.”

The news on TV made all the agents from the Skyhammer Bureau unavoidable. Twitched the corner of his mouth. They know very well that the Chief-In-Charge of the bad luck airport is just a poor scapegoat. And the real cause of all that was the guy trapped in a golden mask in front of oneself.

But it is a pity that they impossible to expose this special existence for the sake of this person’s innocence, so they can only say sorry to this bad luck guy in their hearts.

After sorry, Chief-In-Charge among these agents immediately took out the own communicator and reported to the top of own.

“Sir, we have found the target. It has been determined to be the highest priority guy on the wanted list. What should we do now?”

“Understood. Look at him, Don’t let him take the opportunity to run away. Let’s arrange the recovery work immediately.”

Hearing this command, the agent immediately took own eyes and took a look at the trapped in the light mask. A kind of humanoid guy with silver water and a surfboard under his feet. He was struggling desperately, trying to escape the prison of this light shield. But no matter how he moves, he can’t escape from this mask. Looking at this situation, he immediately responded to his boss like this.

“Sir, I don’t think he can escape from here. It’s just that I don’t think we have the ability to reclaim him.”

The clever agent has escaped from this mask. I guessed something on the board, but he wouldn’t just say the own guess casually. If it is true, it’s okay to say, if not, then he has to bear a certain responsibility.

So, the upper-level person in charge of connecting with him doesn’t understand what he thinks now. They just sent special personnel for recycling in accordance with the oneself plan. However, when the specialized personnel came here, they discovered that the recycling work is not at all carried out in any way.

Golden’s mask is as real as it is, very reliable, and extremely heavy. Even if they have used the military-level helicopter with the largest payload, they cannot lift it at all. Faced with such a situation, the recovery personnel had no choice but to seek help from the ground personnel.

“I am the Level 7 Agent Alice of the Skyhammer Bureau, can you tell me any special findings you have made?”

The heroic brown-haired woman showed it to the agent own credentials, and after looking at the credentials, the agents in charge of ground work saluted her immediately and replied.

“Sir, I have a guess. This may be God’s handwriting. It is also God’s handwriting that we should not change it casually.”

“You Believe in the new god?”

eyebrows raised, Alice asked the agent like this. Upon hearing this question, the agent hesitated for a moment, and nodded obediently and honestly.

“Yes, sir. My family and I are both followers of the Ming Dynasty. Is there a problem?”

“Just know this thing you yourself, don’t talk nonsense.” shook the head, Alice turned Own’s eyes to the other side.

The mask like the sun’s rays is easily reminiscent of his master, and the guy inside is even more caring. And looking at such a guy, Alice couldn’t help but mutter to herself immediately.

“Who are you guys that can actually let someone take action?”

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