Sun God Marvel

Chapter 847

“What the hell are you damned thing?”

Alice looked at the silver shadow man in front of oneself and asked this question again, and when she asked when. An agent had come to her and said to her.

“Sir, the headquarters has a new order. We are going to build a new base here to take care of this prisoner. Without permission from the headquarters, no one can privately and target Some contact. This is the same with you.”

“Me too?” Upon hearing this, Alice couldn’t help but question. You know, she is currently one of the few Level 7 agents in the Skyhammer game. Her authority is so high that she can almost access most of the secrets in the entire Skyhammer Bureau. Now, this person actually tells oneself that oneself is not qualified to stay here, which seems a bit strange.

The agent who delivered the order obviously saw the expression of distrust on Alice’s face, so he immediately smiled bitterly and explained to her.

“This is an order from above. The above means that this temporary prison will use Level 9 permissions.”

Level 9 permissions, that means the entire sky hammer The second secret level in the bureau. Unless two of the three directors in charge of everything in the Tianhammer Bureau signed and agreed, no one was qualified to explore its contents. In this regard, even Alice, who is a Level 7 agent, is no exception.

On this issue, Alice didn’t think the agent had the need to deceive the owner, so she could only take the file in the agent’s hand with a cold face, and after a closer look, she Go outside.

And before she left here, a voice suddenly reached her ears.

“Alice Jovovich, just a moment please, maybe you shouldn’t leave here now.”

This sudden voice made Alice feel a little bit It’s strange, she doesn’t believe that in this small East Asian country, also people can have such a deep understanding of own identity. And when she turned her head and looked towards the source of the sound, she immediately recognized a special existence.

“Are you, Chairman Wang?”

“You know me, then things are easy to say.” The elegant middle-aged man walked up with a smile and was kind He stretched out his own right hand to Alice. “May we have a chat?”

“Of course, sir. Please tell me if you have anything!”

Shook hands perfunctorily, and Alice just turned to own. The chief responded. After hearing her reply, the chairman of the board of directors surnamed Wang also didn’t care at all. He is very clear that this special agent is serious in his work, but he does not have any interest in things outside of work. According to the survey, this is a guy with a very story. And such a guy is just right for him.

So he immediately straight to the point and said calmly to her.

“I wonder if you have heard about the formation of the new Avengers?”

“Yes, sir, I have heard of this.” Hear this. , Alice couldn’t help raising her eyebrows. Then asked him strangely. “Does this have anything to do with what we are going to talk about?”

“Of course. It’s just that this matter is highly confidential. If you want to know it, then you must be prepared to keep it confidential. Do you understand what I mean?”

The chairman of the board surnamed Wang laughed and showed a profound mystery expression to Alice. And seeing this expression, Alice knew that it was time for oneself to make a choice. So she hesitated for a moment, and then immediately responded.

“Yes, sir. I think I’m ready.”

“Very good!” Nodded, Chairman Wang said directly to her. “I’m glad you made such a decision, Alice Young Lady. Tell you this, because of some special reasons, we urgently need to organize the new Avengers and let them become combat effective. And I hope You can accept my invitation to join the new Avengers and become one of them. I know this is a very dangerous mission, but I believe you have this ability and determination. I don’t know what your answer is How about it?”

For such an invitation, Alice was obviously at a loss. But soon, she calmed down and asked Chairman Wang.

“Sir, I am honored to accept this invitation from you. It’s just that I don’t understand, why is it now?”

“What should I tell you, Alice Young Lady. “With a wry smile, Chairman Wang rubbed his eyebrows and told her the truth. “This is confidential, but now that you have joined in. Then you also have the right to know about this. Of course, you need to keep it secret!” Listening to this, Alice nodded. And she soon got a news that seemed like a blockbuster.

“Captain America has defected. Now we have sufficient evidence to prove that he is a member of Hydra lurking among us. You must also know what a great tactician Captain America is. Yes. With his joining, Hydra’s power will inevitably get an irresistible expansion, and this is definitely not a good thing for us. Therefore, we must respond as quickly as possible. This is me The reason why you are so eager to invite you to join. Alice Young Lady, because I believe in your loyalty and your hatred for Hydra as a whole.”

This sentence is not made up. For Alice, the most worthy of her hatred in this world is in Hydra. So she has this kind of hatred for Hydra, and it is entirely reasonable.

However, after listening to these words, she was still a little unacceptable, and the main thing she couldn’t accept was Captain America’s stuff. This made her subconsciously open her mouth, and asked Chairman Wang.

“Sir, is there something wrong with this? How could Captain belong to Hydra. I mean, I have worked with him. I think I know something about him. He doesn’t It should be that kind of talent.”

“I also hope that he is not, but the reality is that he is indeed, unquestionably. An avenger who was hurt by him identified him, and his All signs also indicate that he does have such an unbelievable identity. Alice Young Lady, now is not the time for us to argue about whether he is such a person. Now, we must It’s time for him to be an enemy and make a response.”

This statement made Alice incredible, but she knew that oneself could only believe this statement. Because the person in front of her had no reason to deceive her, there was absolutely no need for him to lie about this matter that could be arbitrarily verified. So this can only be true. She can only believe that this is true.

“What should I do, sir?”

“What should I do?” Chairman Wang immediately laughed when he heard this. “You don’t need to do anything for the time being, Alice Young Lady. All you need now is to stay here and take care of the important prisoners held here. And try your best to get the information we need from his mouth.”

“Information?” Raising her eyebrows, Alice found that oneself seemed to have come into contact with some incredible news again. This made her curious. “Can I know what kind of information?”

“This should be a secret, Alice Young Lady. But now that you have joined the new Avengers, this secret is for you Naturally, it shouldn’t be a secret anymore. It’s like this. I don’t know if you’ve heard of it. A multinational cooperation space station is planned. This plan actually has a deeper meaning, and it is related to the future of Earth. The meaning of…”

The chairman of the surname Wang is explaining such a thing, and at this moment, in another place, the old Osborn is also doing the same thing. , But he was not facing a senior agent with superpower like Alice, but a familiar guy-General Ross E. Thaddeus.

Of course, now he is no longer a general. He is just a criminal now, a shameless criminal.

However, criminals are also valuable. As for the old Osborn, as long as it is useful, then he doesn’t care what he did in the past. As long as he is willing to be used by oneself, then he can push him to the stage and make him an own spokesperson.

Of course, as long as he is willing to accept a small price, a price he himself proposed.

“General Ross, please forgive me for still calling you by this title. Have you really decided? Let us copy what you have done to you again. And you , Take this to serve us?”

Looking at the pale, but stout old man. Old Osborn had to ask him questions that had already been asked more than once. And the answer he got was always the same.

“Yes, Mr. Osborn. I know exactly what I said. And I also made up my mind. What I have done has hurt my country. This is something that makes me feel guilty for a lifetime. And in order to atone for what I have done, I voluntarily accept everything I say. This is undoubtedly, I don’t need you to tell me more.”

“I respect you very much. The courage of you, General Ross. I have to say that you are an example of a soldier. Everything you do represents what a true patriot does. Anyway, please accept my respect.”

A salute, old Osborn doesn’t have any nonsense. He glanced at the old man in front of oneself for the last time, and then waved his hand resolutely behind him. Seeing his movements, the surrounding staff immediately began to move.

Under the control of the instrument, the thin needle directly pierced into Ross’s spine, and the yellow liquid also penetrated little by little like hot lava. The strong rays illuminate his body, causing his body to change, very rapidly.

He started to become huge and terrifying. The thick muscles, stronger than any rock, covered every corner of his body. , And his skeleton was cracking and groaning, becoming thicker and thicker. In just a few breaths, he became a giant, a giant as terrible as Hulk. With a layer of crimson color covering every inch of his skin, a new monster appeared on this World.

Faced with such a situation, Osborn couldn’t help making such a low cry.

“The red Hulk, a new giant, belongs to our giant!”

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