Sun God Marvel

Chapter 855

When a crazy person says these things in a manic tone, it is bound to make people feel repelled instinctively. Because emotions are contagious, a person who is not very rational is naturally impossible to calm others down. And what such a person expresses is certainly not convincing.

However, silver surfers are not crazy guys. From start to finish, he behaved unusually rational, just like a robot. And when such a rational existence said that humans are cancer cells, even though Alice was very repulsive in her heart, her sanity had to admit that what he said seemed to make sense.

The reason is of course argued. As a woman with a rich experience, Alice was impossible as before, and she was persuaded by a few words. So she immediately opened her own eyes, tried to make an angry threat, and snarled at the silver surfer.

“Why did you make this judgment? What qualifications do you have to replace others, thinking that we humans need to be eliminated?”

“This question is very interesting, human Madam. Of course, I think I can make a reasonable explanation for this question.”

“Since human beings were born on this planet, they have begun to ask for the energy necessary for development from this planet itself. There is nothing wrong with this, after all, any civilization started like this. The planet itself in the universe also bears the responsibility of nurturing civilization. However, unlike those civilizations of other planets, the human species has shown unimaginable greed and ambition. “

“I have stayed on this planet for a while, and I have studied the past and development of all civilizations that appeared on this planet. From the 1st Step of your civilization, thousands of In the years, you are still desperately asking for resources from your own home planet. This is very abnormal. Of course, there are examples of slow civilization development. This is abnormal, but it is not unacceptable. But recent In hundreds of years, human civilization has ushered in a sudden leap.”

“It’s like a person who was born disabled suddenly learned to run. The progress of human civilization has reached an almost unprecedented level. To the point. What’s interesting is that such progress still has not allowed you to get rid of the demand for oneself’s home planet. Instead, you have intensified and become more greedy, even reaching out your own brother and compatriots.”

“I have seen an example of a planet giving birth to several completely different brilliant civilizations. I have also seen the companion civilization of Blink, like the twin stars, taking own steps into the entire universe. But I have never I have seen such a special civilization. Greed, bloody, almost every step of the progress of civilization is accompanied by endless blood, and a large part of the victims come from this civilization itself. A civilization that even oneself will not cherish, a civilization own mother will not protect civilization. I can hardly imagine how such a civilization would enter the universe.”

“It may not be accurate to describe you as cancer cells. But I believe that you are What the universe itself can do will be more terrifying than the destruction of lifeform by cancer cells. This is my conclusion, human lady. For the universe, you must die.”

Explained this to the owner. In a summary, the silver surfer closed his eyes and assumed a posture of silence is gold. And Alice and the others, who had already been washed over by his words, are now difficult to express because of their psychological complexity.

The scene becomes as ridiculous as a silent silent film for a while, but the inner story in it has no smile at all, instead it is full of oppressive heaviness and sadness.

In the absence of any reference from the development of other planet civilizations, mankind can also use “The damage our civilization has caused to Earth is only temporary. With the advancement of our technology, we can feed back our Earth sooner or later. Mother “cover one’s ears whilst stealing a bell” to fool oneself, and then continue oneself, which is almost endless destruction of nature and Earth. But now, when an alien pulls their fig leaf forcefully, they have to give up the ridiculous statement like a fig leaf.

We are poisoning our own mother! We are digging and burying own grave! With this thought in mind, Alice’s mood naturally became heavier. She is an emotional woman, but also a strong woman with a sense of justice and responsibility. This made her feel even more desperate about everything at hand. Even at this time, she couldn’t help making such a voice at the prisoner in front of oneself.

“Is there no other way? Earth! Human! Is there no other way to change its destiny?”

For such a problem, don’t talk about it It’s a silver surfer as a prisoner. Even Rhodey, who was a teammate, felt a little surprised. But he can understand Alice’s mood. Superhero is mostly a compassionate existence, and he is no exception. It’s just that he is more sober and more restrained, so naturally he won’t show Alice’s appearance.

In the face of Alice’s inquiries, Silver Surfer did not show any refusal to answer. On the contrary, he showed the tolerance of a wise elder. It’s just his answer, but it is extremely desperate.

“I’m sorry, lady of humanity. This is an irreparable mistake. Whether it is human or Earth, everything must be wiped out and cleaned, in order to truly relieve its threat to the universe .”

“Why, why can’t we give us another chance, why can’t we give Earth another chance. That many civilizations in the universe, so advanced technology, can’t all this be changed?”

Alice’s bloody accusation not at all touches an alien’s ability. The wisdom and experience brought about by a long life keep the silver surfer from being moved by the weakness of a woman at all. He just replied plainly, ignoring the cruelty in oneself’s words.

“I’m sorry, lady of humanity. But the change of civilization is not as easy as you think. The so-called civilization is just something rooted in a specific biological group. Human civilization can only Being oneself of human beings, no matter how serious the intervention of the outside world is, even to the point where you humans think of colonization, it is fundamentally impossible to change the nature of your civilization. Your nature is greedy and terrible, and this is the root cause. So if you want to change You, you have to say that you are completely destroyed.”

When it came to this, Alice’s face suddenly twitched. The silver surfer saw this, but did not express anything, but continued.

“This destruction is from the body to the soul. The key is to organize the rebirth of your strange civilization. I have experienced countless similar things, so I know very well that civilization can do it for survival. What’s the matter. Civilization itself is fragile and tough. Sometimes, a sudden disaster can destroy a civilization. But accidentally, an unexpected coincidence may also make a civilization resurrect from a small message Come out. So, to destroy a civilization, you must wipe out the ground together with the soil that it is rooted in. I know this is cruel and unfair to you. But fairness is based on the overwhelming majority. Got it. This is something that must be done for most of the universe.”

Such an answer made Alice immediately aware of a serious problem. That is the kind of inequality in status brought about by differences in power.

You must know that although humans have not come into contact with many aliens, there are other characters at the Overlord level in the universe like Thanos. Can the cosmic civilization led by such a guy be said to be harmless? Who would dare to say this, Alice could immediately take a knife and act as him. But it is such a guy who can live freely in the boundless universe. This in itself can explain a problem, a problem that humans talk about as truth—weak are prey to the strong.

Because humans are too weak, they can only wait for the butcher knife to fall on the owner like meat on a chopping board. If human beings are strong enough, there is simply no need to sacrifice oneself to accommodate the entire universe. It should be the civilization of the entire universe to accommodate the existence of mankind.

Weakness is the original sin. This is the true truth. Facing this truth, the expression on Alice’s face changed several times, and immediately turned into a hard indifference.

“So, do you think that mankind has only one end to perish?”

“Is it also an exception? Human lady?”

silver surfing The author asked rhetorically. And this immediately caused Alice’s emotions to burst out.

“Humanity will never be destroyed. We will fight desperately to survive to own. Don’t think that you are the defenders of the Universe Rule to act wilfully. We live with a reason to continue living. Struggle, fight with anyone who prevents us from living. Your bastard idea is never going to succeed, I swear!”

“Amazing determination, madam. But determination does not represent strength. In front of my master Galactus, you are impossible to withstand a single blow. So, why do you want to do this kind of unnecessary resistance?”

“Because we humans also have God who shelters us. I believe in our efforts. It is for our God to bless us. He is behind us to support us. You and the master behind you will never touch the hair of Earth. Our God envoy will never let you destroy all of this. “

“The God?” Lowered his head, there was a hint of inexplicable emotion in the silver surfer’s eyes. But he quickly shook the head and said to Alice seriously. “A smart God will not go against my master who represents the order of the universe. Your ideas will never come true!”

“Then let us wait and see!”

Leaving such a sentence, Alice left here without looking back. She has given up her verbal efforts. Because at this moment she knows very well that everything can only be changed by action. Only when they act, human beings and the planet representing their homeland can truly have the future.

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