Sun God Marvel

Chapter 856

The conversation with the silver surfer was soon before the leaders of the Allies. Faced with the argument of the silver surfer, these senior politicians have no extra thoughts.

They are impossible to be as compassionate as Alice’s Superhero, and feel guilty for the existence of own. For them, they are responsible for owning the country and owning civilization. If someone wants to destroy them, then no matter what the reason is, they will inevitably lead to strong resistance. They only care about oneself and the interests of the human beings they represent. As for the life and death of other people and other civilizations, these people have nothing to do with the idea of ​​dying.

Strictly speaking, this idea is selfish and irresponsible to other civilized races. But for the entire human race, this is the best point of view. Soon, the entire Allied Powers unified such a caliber.

“It’s just a character like a cosmic scavenger, we don’t need to fear him. We have our own Superhero, and we have a powerful God as a backing. Human beings are impossible to be destroyed by a gibberish monster. As long as they are destroyed. We are united, and in the end, the monster will only bring failure.”

This statement has a lot of subjective elements. But at this moment, it was regarded as unbreakable truth by most people present. And some of the country representatives who were obviously overpowered even picked up their own neighbors to joke.

“I think our worry is a bit redundant. Like some of us, the land is almost daily attacked by aliens, rare beasts, and huge robots. As a result, people still don’t do well. Are you sitting here?”

“Mister Wang, it’s just a TV series, and it’s still a TV series for the younger audience. Please don’t take it seriously?”

An East Asian face with a neck I immediately blushed at such a joke, but the current international situation has been impossible to allow an island country like it to escape as it used to. So even if he even changed his face into this look, in the end he could only weakly retort in words.

In the face of such a defense, most of the people present showed ridiculous smiles. Today is different from the past, and the United States now does not have the ability to sow discord and cause trouble in the world. With the oppression of Hydra and cosmic civilization, several big countries on Earth also made compromises with each other. The main content of the compromise is the distribution of power. This can be seen from the identities of the three leaders of the Skyhammer Bureau. The small countries in the past can be said to have no ability to make waves. Their only role now is to act as an existence on the facade, but behind the scenes, they have already been taken into the bag.

This is the political demand under the drastic changes in the world and the general trend of civilization development. In any case, this is something that has become a fact, and there is no need to elaborate on it. Moreover, compared to the dissatisfaction of these small countries with the current situation, the entire Allies are more concerned about how they should deal with this challenge.

“Your Excellency Stark, how is the construction of our space defense system?”

Although the representatives of the countries present have a regular copy of the space defense station construction report. But for the content, they are more willing to listen to the opinions of more professionals. Stark’s expertise is unquestionable, not to mention that most of the leaders in this project are genius scientists recommended by him.

“The main facilities of the entire program have been launched into the scheduled orbit with the help of the Federal Space Agency and China Aerospace. It will take us two weeks to install and inspect these facilities. Then we need to check some The space target makes an experimental attack. When the time comes, I will inform everyone present, I hope you can make advance preparations.”

The so-called experimental attack, the target is the closest to Earth Satellite moon. Judging from the current human plan, this experiment is likely to cause huge damage to the moon. The moon has key natural effects on Earth, such as influencing tides. Therefore, it is also necessary for countries to prepare.

Of all the people present, no one would doubt that Stark’s statement would be too exaggerated. Because they all know that in order to shape this large-scale space defense system, physicists all over the world have come up with the most frenzied suggestions. And the one that was finally adopted was the space quantum hedge transmitter project.

With the large Ark energy provided by Stark as the energy supply, it has become possible to manufacture quantum hedging machines in space. And this is also the only way that humans can conceive of effectively killing advanced outer space civilizations.

Nuclear bomb? Almost no one would like to mention this inefficient weapon at this time. Of course, this is not to say that the formidable power of nuclear weapons is not enough, but the effect of humans using nuclear weapons against the enemy in recent times. It really makes everyone present have no confidence in them.

So naturally, this once human’s strongest weapon has begun to enter the garbage dump of history. In addition to being an inherent deterrent on Earth, this weapon has gradually faded out of the sight of all countries.

There was a round of discussions in a low voice, and most of the people in the room turned to Tony nodded. Show satisfaction with this progress. They have a very professional team under their hands, and many of them even personally participated in the construction of this project. So they know that this speed is already the fastest speed that can be achieved. No matter how you urge, it is impossible to speed up the progress. Instead, it may cause unnecessary problems. Therefore, naturally no one wants to be a villain or an idiot on this issue.

However, the lack of a defense system is ultimately a rock on everyone’s heart here. In this case, they hardly have any ability to deal with the scavengers of the universe. In addition to letting those Superheros out.

But, can the Superhero fight against the order defenders from the depths of the universe? Anyone present at this point has a similar estimate in their hearts.

This drove a superpower corps to an original tribe. The soldiers of the original tribe took a stone-made lance and pointed to the soldiers sitting on the tank and carrying guns and said, “Get out of me Territory, otherwise it will make you look good.” It’s ridiculous. Its greatest probability is that the entire original tribe was completely taken away by such a tank.

Of course, there is no shortage of the probability of fall in the sewer. However, this kind of probability is small, and everyone present is sorry to mention him. But Tony didn’t have any sorry. He knew very well that now Superhero is the only guarantee. Although it is impossible to rely on them to fight against Galactus in the deep space of the universe, they can clamp the silver surfer, and then borrow the identity of the silver surfer to let Galactus refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, so as to fight for Earth and humans more. The chance of survival is not an impossible matter.

With this thought in mind, he immediately opened his mouth and suggested to the others.

“I have an idea, maybe we can negotiate some probability with the enemy through the silver surfer.”

“Negotiation? Your Excellency Stark, what do you mean?”

“We are not quite sure for the time being, what kind of attitude the cosmic scavenger has towards us. It must get rid of us, or can we put it aside temporarily. If it is the former, we I’m afraid to plan for the worst. But if it’s the latter, we have a lot of room to manipulate.”

Speaking of which, Tony paused, then glanced all around.

“I’m going to have a chat with the guy in Huiyao City and let him temporarily release his control of the silver surfer. Then use the Iron Avenger to monitor and detain the alien, using him as a Bargaining chips, negotiate with Galactus that may appear. This may give us more time.”

This statement makes many people look at each other in blank dismay, especially that at first The East Asian with an angry blush and a thick neck stood up directly and retorted.

“It’s not so good, Lord Stark. Do you know what might happen if you let that guy out? It’s the largest city in our country, where more than 10 million people live. An oversight , That is a disaster that is impossible to suppress. And, how can you be sure that Galactus will care about the subordinate of this owner?”

“I’m not sure, Mr. Tezuka. But, You can’t be sure that he will abandon this subordinate.” Tony was slightly laughed, and Tony stated his own point of view. “Let us assume that if you are the boss of a company, you have an employee under your hand who can continue to create huge economic benefits for you. If one day, this employee is kidnapped, the price will be for you to give up what he provides you. A project. Do you want this project? Or do you want employees who can continue to create benefits?”

“This is not the same, Mr. Stark. You can’t compare the idea of ​​an alien with us humans Compared with the management work of the company.”

“But in fact, it’s not much difference, isn’t it? And, even if my statement is wrong, the loss caused is actually acceptable. . To compare with the possibility that success can completely get rid of the crisis, I think we have every reason to take a gamble. Don’t you think, Mr. Tezuka?”

Stark said of the loss The understatement made Tezuka feel an unusual atmosphere. However, when he wanted to argue and so on, he found the kind of jokes in the eyes of people around him. Only then did he realize that oneself had no right to speak at all.

Since Stark put forward such a statement, it is naturally supported by key figures. In the current situation, once those who represent the great powers cast a vote of support. So no matter what kind of opinion a nobody like him has, it is already a matter of indifferent matter.

I want to understand this, and Tezuka immediately felt the fading of his body. He has not dared to say more. In the face of Tony’s gaze, he could only pull the corners of his mouth awkwardly, revealing an ugly smile.

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