Sun God Marvel

Chapter 857

At the end of the long meeting, Tony picked up the phone directly and was about to talk to Zhou Yi about opening the cage. But before he started to act, a sudden news reached his ears. He had to let go of this plan and got in touch with Japan as quickly as possible.

As soon as he saw Bruce’s worried face from the projection, he immediately had a bad feeling in his heart.

“How’s it going? What happened?”

“I’m sorry, Tony.” shook the head, and the embarrassment on Bruce’s face became more serious. He didn’t sell it, but said directly. “Our prisoner was taken away. Moreover, Rhodey was also injured and is still undergoing treatment.”

“Damn it.” Cursed fiercely, Tony immediately asked Bruce. Up. “How’s the situation?”

Bruce of course knew that he wasn’t asking about the prisoner’s situation, but about the situation of oneself’s best friend. So he gave Tony an answer quickly.

“Rhodey’s situation is okay. The safety period has passed. It’s just that we really can’t do anything about the silver surfer. This happened too suddenly, and the enemy is too powerful. Now, we didn’t have time to react at all, and it turned out to be like this.”

Tony’s answer made Tony frowned. To be honest, he was really unbelievable about this sudden situation. You know, the one responsible for guarding the silver surfers is the Steel Avenger just formed. And it’s a two-person rotation guard system. In this case, even if they encounter an unstoppable enemy, the two avengers have plenty of time to hold the enemy and wait for rescue from oneself teammates. So logically speaking, it is simply impossible to have who has the ability to take people away. Unless there is who or that organization has the ability to defeat the two Avengers in an instant.

But even so, their plan is impossible to succeed. Because the cage that held the silver surfer was made by Zhou Yi. And this alone is enough to put the strongest shackles on their security system.

You must know that Zhou Yi can fight against the overlord of the universe like Thanos. And even if the cage he created was placed in the entire universe, few people had the ability to open it. If so, it must have been an accident, or something unimaginable power in this person’s hands. Either way, it deserves Tony’s 120 points of attention.

“Who did it? Cerberus?”

After thinking and thinking about it, Tony still couldn’t imagine who could do it to this degree. He can only judge by the method of elimination, and the first suspicious target that popped up in his mind was Hydra’s Cerberus. If anyone in this world also has the ability to easily defeat two Avengers, then Cerberus is obviously one. It’s just that he knew very well in his heart that if it were Cerberus, then they should have nothing to do with Zhou Yi’s power. So their probability is not big. And he was the first to mention them all because of subconsciously worried.

Captain’s betrayal left him a lot of psychological shadow. So once he has doubts, he must put this guy and Hydra on the first place.

But facing his guess, Bruce shook the head directly, and revealed a very strange expression.

“No, this time it shouldn’t have anything to do with Hydra. It’s just that the situation may feel weird.”

“Weird? Also what can be better than our Avengers just Is it even more weird to be defeated by one guy when it is formed?”

Tony was a little angry, but also a little disappointed. And hearing his words, Bruce also showed an embarrassing expression on his face. But he was still a realistic scientist, so soon, he told Tony all the information that oneself knew.

“What should I tell you? The guy who defeated Rhodey and saved the silver surfer looks a bit like an ordinary beautiful girl. I don’t know how to describe her. From our information From the perspective, she defeated Rhodey and the others in just a moment. Then she rescued the silver surfer in less than twenty seconds.”

Bruce’s statement made Tony breathe. Choking. He can accept that a terrifying alien monster has attacked a Japanese base, and he can accept that a cosmic spaceship is killed without anyone noticing. But for a beautiful female child, this statement is really incredible. In other words, it simply made him feel like he was listening to a novel story.

“Bruce, aren’t you cracking a joke with me?”

“I also hope that I was cracking a joke with you, but that’s the truth. Video from the monitor I have sent it to you, you yourself have a look.”

When Bruce said that, Tony immediately opened the file received by oneself. Then he had to admit one thing, and that was that Bruce really didn’t bluff him on this matter.

As a Japanese sub-base related to the future of mankind. There are very high-precision monitoring facilities in the room where the silver surfer is held. Therefore, the entire process of the robbery was clearly recorded.

At 9:2 at 13 points in the evening, a sudden purple silhouette directly penetrated the cell formed by a metal wall two meters behind, and then in less than three seconds, it was directly subdued Rhodey and Alice in the cell.

After the silhouette subdued the two men, it stopped in front of the silver surfer. And until this time, Tony could clearly see the true appearance of this silhouette. Like Bruce said, a beautiful girl. Although she was wearing a big hat with a strange shape, her face was mostly covered. But just from her lithe and graceful posture and sharp, budding chin, it can be seen that this is a very high-quality little beauty, and it looks like the youthful style in her early twenties. type.

But Tony knows very well that if oneself really regards this little beauty as a young and invincible little girl, then oneself is definitely the biggest fool in the world. Because let’s not talk about her glorious record of getting the two Avengers in an instant, just the performance of the silver surfer kneeling down respectfully when facing this little beauty is enough to explain her extraordinary Identity. And then, her clean behavior of eradicating the golden cage set by Zhou Yi just by extending a hand is even more awe-inspiring.

At 9:25, this strange girl left the Japanese sub-base with the silver surfer. In less than 3 minutes, she used her own power to detonate a large bomb in Tony’s heart.

After watching all this, Tony let out a long sigh. He already had a preliminary judgment about this girl. This is an alien, a powerful alien. Tony is very convinced of own judgment. It’s just that he is still a little strange, why this girl would appear as a human. You know, compared with the guy who looks like an alien like a silver surfer, this girl looks completely human. If you don’t look at her dress, you are almost impossible to distinguish her from peers. Does this mean that she is related to humans?

In addition, who is her identity? The owner of Silver Surfer is said to be the maintainer of the order of the universe, one of the greatest beings in the universe. If so, as his messenger, the identity of the silver surfer should also be extraordinary. And it is such an existence that actually kneels to such a female child, then what will the identity of this female child be like?

Finally, is this girl a friend or an enemy to humans?

This is one of Tony’s biggest concerns, and it is also the most important one. Judging from her performance in the Japanese branch, this girl seems harmless, but the power she possesses is terrifying. If you count it carefully, she should be on the same level as Zhou Yi. Such an existence, if there is any kindness towards humans, it is definitely a good thing. But if the situation is reversed, it is definitely a disaster. Earth has had enough trouble, and Tony didn’t want to have such trouble at all. It just seems that this trouble is caused by oneself.

What should I do? Tony began to frown. At this moment, he also saw the hesitant expression on Bruce’s face. This made his heart move, and immediately asked him.

“Why, Bruce, do you have anything to say?”

“That’s it, Tony. I think this girl doesn’t seem to be malicious to us.”

“Are you cracking a joke with me?” As soon as this sentence was said, Tony immediately laughed angrily. “A guy who just and honorable broke into our base, wounded the guards, and robbed our prisoners. You said she didn’t mean anything to us?”

“You don’t understand, Tony . I checked the situation of Rhodey and Alice.” shook the head, Bruce still insisted on own statement. “They just fainted because of lack of physical energy. This situation cannot be called an injury at all. And judging by the girl’s power, she could kill them as easy as blowing off dust, but she didn’t. This can explain something.”

“And, didn’t you find out? This girl can do these things without revealing oneself. But she didn’t do it, but deliberately let the owner Existence is exposed. This behavior is very abnormal, don’t you think so?”

When Bruce said this, Tony immediately realized something. He squinted his own eyes subconsciously, then stared at Bruce and asked him.

“What do you want to say?”

“Find her, Tony. This is our chance!”

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