Sun God Marvel

Chapter 859

Natasha looked at the beautiful girl sitting on the side of the street where people coming, people going, while enjoying the coffee to kill time while watching the to-and-fro lights on the street, Can’t help but show an incredulous look.

“Bruce, are you sure it is her?”

I raised my head and glanced at the girl’s appearance, then lowered his head and carefully compared the information in oneself’s hand. Bruce sighed immediately.

“Although it looks unbelievable. But it is her. Natasha, you are a woman, and you will leave the initial contact with her.”

“Sure. Simple!”

She rolled her eyes and said such a sentence, but Natasha still followed Bruce’s suggestion, step by step, cautiously approaching the girl.

And the closer she got, she marveled at the beauty of this girl. Exquisite and delicate, like an elf appearance, this girl is full of magical powers that make people fascinated. Many people passing by her couldn’t help but put their own eyes on her. Only because of her ethereal and completely non-human temperament, no one has the courage to touch her.

Natasha is the only one who has the courage to do so. And when she did this, she felt a little nervous in her heart. After all, this is a dangerous existence, and it is still that kind of extremely dangerous existence. Such a guy can’t be too careful.

It’s just that her nervousness is obviously over. The girl didn’t mean anything to her at this moment. Even as she approached, she greeted her enthusiastically.

“You guys are finally here. It’s too slow, I have been waiting here for almost a day.”

This tone of talking to an old friend obviously eases Natasha Nervousness. She sat directly in front of the girl and explained to her.

“For a dangerous existence, there is no mistake to be careful. After all, none of us are sure whether this will be a trap.”

“If this If it’s a trap, then it’s too crude.” The girl picked up the coffee in front of oneself and gave Natasha a sweet smile. “And don’t you think that using my power to deal with you specifically with traps is a thankless stupidity?”

Hearing this, Natasha choked immediately. She knew that this girl was not wrong at all, but being said so bluntly, she naturally wouldn’t feel particularly comfortable as a member of the Avengers. However, she controlled her own emotions well and did not show such dissatisfaction. Rather, it was like chatting with a friend who had just met, asking questions to this girl.

“Well, even if what you said makes sense. Our caution is really unnecessary. This is our fault. But you should also be able to understand why we did it. After all, you are now The identity of is still unknown to us. We don’t even know if you are an enemy or a friend, so naturally we have to be cautious. So, if you don’t mind, can you introduce yourself first?”

“Introduce yourself?”

The girl’s voice was a little puzzled, apparently she hadn’t considered such things at all. But Natasha didn’t give her too much room to think, instead she said while she was hot.

“Yes. We are impossible to have any in-depth communication with someone who does not know anything. Since you want to discuss things with us, then we must have a certain amount of trust in you. And if you want us to trust you, then you must give us a basis to trust you. Name and origin, this is undoubtedly a good starting point.”

“Well, if this is yours If you want.” Shrugged, the girl put down her own cup and smiled brightly at Natasha. “You can call me Ganata. As you might guess, I am an alien in your eyes.”

“Of course we know you are an alien.” rolled the eyes, Natasha It was obvious that he was dissatisfied with her vagueness. “But you have to know that there are many aliens, and we have been in contact with a lot. You are obviously not the kind we know. After all, you can guess from the performance of the silver surfer when he sees you. Your identity is definitely not one. Ordinary aliens are that simple. So, can you give a more detailed explanation?”

“I knew that idiot would cause me trouble.” curl one’s lip, Ganata picked it up with her finger He rolled up his own hair, showing a dissatisfaction look. This surprised Natasha a little, but she still stared at Ganata calmly, waiting for her to answer.

While she did not board for long, Ganata gave the answer she wanted.

“Well, if you guys must know it. What should I say? The guy who treats planets as food that you have been worried about is my bastard father.”

“pu ! “Despite being very calm and calm, Natasha couldn’t hold back when Ganata said so, and vomited out all the coffee she had just drunk into Oneself’s mouth.

A pleasing beauty suddenly made such a rude gesture, which will naturally attract a lot of people’s attention. But Natasha didn’t care about the eyes of these passers-by at all, but hovered continuously over Ganata with a surprised look.

For Galactus, the Avengers already have a general idea. They knew that it was an extraordinary existence in the universe, an individual representing power, order and even the origin of the universe. A monster that can eat planets and instantly destroy planets and civilizations.

And such a monster, an existence with the body content that cannot be imagined by human thinking, will actually have a daughter, a destined Inheritor. This is really incredible.

Natasha’s gaze turned a few times on Ganata’s body, so that even Ganata felt unfathomable mystery and even embarrassing.

“Hey, don’t look at me like that. This way of looking at you makes me feel strange. What do you mean?”

“Sorry, I just said curious! Are you his daughter?” Shrugged, Natasha apologized to her while explaining to her. “You know, that guy, your father. They said he is a planet that can devour planets…monster. So if you say that, you should be able to? Sorry, I just can’t imagine. How can you It did that way.”

Natasha’s words hesitated, but Ganata seemed calm.

“Yes, so can I. With a certain power of my nature, I can turn a whole planet into something I need and can swallow. In fact, I often go there too. In the depths of the universe, find some planets with energy that I need to swallow. But it shouldn’t be affect the conversation between us.”

“I’m not sure. You know , I’m not sure if your confession will affect us.” After pulling the corner of own’s mouth with difficulty, Natasha took a deep breath before letting oneself relax. “But I think we should be able to continue the topic now. Ganata Young Lady, can you tell us now, what did you ask us to come to you to discuss?”

“Very Simple, I just want to reassure you. Because of my father, I know what you are under now. The silver surfer also makes you feel tremendous pressure. You are scared, I can understand. But believe me, this is only temporarily. I can assure you that Earth will not encounter the things you are worried about. All of this is going to be a turnaround.”

Ganata laughed, yes Natasha said such words. And hearing her say so, Natasha’s face immediately showed a look of astonishment and unbelievable.

“I don’t understand? Why are you doing this? I mean, since you are his daughter, you should stand with him. Why do you want to help us?”

“Help you? Well, it’s okay if you want to understand this way. Just to be more precise, I did it for this planet. I moved to this planet since a long time ago . I have a certain friendship with this planet. So I can’t accept my bastard father doing such outrageous things for the time being. At least not in my in front of one’s eyes. So I will try to stop him and make him stop This kind of nonsense. As for telling you, I just don’t want to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.”

Ganata’s explanation made Natasha sound a little unclear. She always felt that Ganata was a little vague, or something was hiding from her. So after thinking about it seriously, she immediately asked her.

“I don’t understand. If you have this plan, you don’t need to communicate with us at all. I know how insignificant the role humans play in this. You simply don’t have to worry about it. We can directly communicate with our own father. So why do you want it?”

“Humans are very unremarkable, I admit. But that doesn’t mean that there is no one worthy of attention among you.” When Nata said so, she cast her gaze into the distance. “There are many magical existences on this planet. For example, the God you recognize. Maybe you don’t understand his power enough, but I have a very clear understanding. It happened for a planet and such a guy. The contradiction is unnecessary. If this guy and my bastard father stand on the opposite side because of you, it is even more troublesome. So I think I need to notify you, and then tell the guy behind you through you. Let He stayed calm and restrained enough on this matter. Do you understand what I mean?”

“Of course, I do.”

Natasha responded with great joy. She once again felt the luck of the world under someone’s shelter. And just when she was about to say something and so on, a loud bang suddenly came into her ears.

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