Sun God Marvel

Chapter 860

Natasha reacted as soon as he heard this noise. She regarded this as an attack on oneself and Ganata, a possible ally. But the blows that have not waited for a long time proved that her judgment had a biased error.

This made her stand up immediately and carefully observe everything around her, wanting to see what caused the noise. But when she did this, Ganata beside her had already shown her a meaningful smile.

“I think you should help your friends, their situation is not so good now.”

This sentence made Natasha instinctively feel bad, but Haven’t waited until the question came out. Ganata’s so-called bad situation has been directly shown before her eyes.

Because a certain floor of the building in front of her was in a bang, a big hole had been punched out of the middle. Countless pieces of glass were blown to pieces, and it flew towards their heads amidst the screams of the pedestrians. And in this sudden outbreak, a bright flame became unusually conspicuous.

Natasha doesn’t have the kung fu and idleness to scream ordinary victims. All her attention is focused on the sudden fire light and the constantly jumping around the fire light, like fleas. The same silhouette.

She saw clearly that it was her teammate Peter Parker. With his current scene of jumping up and down and the circumstances that just happened, it is no doubt that they have encountered it. The enemy’s attack. And their enemy…. Thinking of this, Natasha couldn’t help but direct her own attention to the conspicuous firelight, and as her retina continued to distinguish the firelight, she finally saw clearly the true appearance of the enemy shrouded in the firelight. And this also made her cry out immediately.

“Damn, what kind of monster is this?”

The blazing flame is burning on the position of a person’s head like a dancing devil. This weird scene has made people feel bizarre and terrible instinctively. And if you add the skull that is clearly visible in the flame, then this feeling will undoubtedly rise to a feeling of horror and shock.

A skull wrapped in flames, a skeleton of bones walking in the fire, such a existence is enough to remind people of this thing of the devil. And his next actions made people even more likely to draw him closer to that image.

He waved the iron chain in his hand. This iron chain was as magical as the chain of death in his hand. Natasha saw this iron chain bend and stretch like a living thing. Like a Viper, it continuously attacks the small spiders that are running around.

Every time it hits a place, a place is like being bitten fiercely by something, and it is directly melted into liquid by the entangled flame on it. When the chain can unscientifically extend more than ten meters, or even count ten meters, this destructive power has already caused immeasurable losses to nearby buildings.

The little spider just jumped to the corner of an office building, and then the entire chain stretched over his body and volleyed fiercely at him. Although relying on his own spider sense, Peter dodged before he was attacked. But the whole office building does not have his flexibility.

So immediately, the entire office building was like cheese cut by a knife. With glass, steel and concrete, a large fragment of several tons was cut off.

This kind of scene is really disastrous for the people around. Although it has the support of omnic, chaos inevitably appears in the crowd.

This situation made Natasha realize that things can no longer continue like this, so she immediately opened the communicator that she had deliberately closed to deal with Ganata, and screamed into it. The little spider said.

“Peter, can’t mess around in the city anymore. Take him to a sparsely populated place.”

“Damn it, I want to. But I don’t know where Where did the bastard come out chasing me too tightly. Hear no, you bastard, I am not your bones, get me away.”

Peter’s last sentence is obviously To the skull who kept chasing him behind, and such obvious depreciation made this terrible guy suddenly let out a silent scream.

He obviously has no vocal cords, but he can make sounds. And that kind of voice reaches everyone’s heart even more, making people panic and fear from the bottom of their hearts. No one will doubt the identity of this monster again. And this recognition will only expand the panic in the crowd even more.

Natasha has noticed the increase in the surrounding omnics. Obviously, this is the arrangement that Ultron discovered the problem here and specifically Sect to prevent the situation from getting worse. But the riots of the crowd spread too quickly, and the support of the omnic was almost too late to control the situation. If this continues, it is very likely that the casualties will be further expanded on the level of innocent people.

This is something that the Avengers absolutely cannot accept. Of course, Natasha cannot accept either. So her first reaction subconsciously was to oneself, the ally who had just expressed kindness to ask for help. But as soon as she turned her head, she immediately found the empty seat beside oneself. This made her immediately understand what Ganata meant.

This star-swallowing girl with a special identity simply does not want to participate in the contradiction among human beings, that is to say, expecting her and not expecting basically mean the same thing.

Since this person who has the ability to end all of this can no longer be counted on, then oneself is undoubtedly the best way to solve the problem right now. As a woman with many years of spying experience, Natasha’s mobility is naturally Peak’s. Almost when she thought so, she already started to act.

I got on the plane when I came, and while flying through the towering buildings at low altitude, I approached the small spiders and flame skeletons who were chasing. During the approach, Natasha found several police helicopters approaching. This must be the local government’s response to the current situation. But for this situation, she didn’t think it was a wise approach at all.

So at the moment, she connected to the police channel of the other party and ordered the police.

“This is the Iron Avenger under the Skyhammer Bureau. Now follow my orders and immediately evacuate from here. This is not a situation you can handle. What you have to do now is to evacuate the nearby people quickly. “

There was a whispering voice on the channel first, and then Natasha heard a response with a French accent.

“Sorry, ma’am. We have to be responsible for the own people. So we cannot accept your orders.”

Just finished the answer, those police helicopters He pressed directly towards the flame skull on the ground. As a member of the former Avengers, Little Spider still has some popularity. So these French policemen did not regard him as the target of the attack, but concentrated all the own vitality on the devil-like monster.

This is the right choice, but it is also useless. Because their firepower simply did not play any role. All the bullets had been melted into scattered blue smoke when they first touched the flame skull. However, this behavior that did not achieve the expected situation at all angered the flame skeletons who were chasing the little spider, and made him directly direct his own attack to these police officers.

Although these police officers showed extraordinary qualities, their fate is completely destined under the supernatural power driven by this angry monster.

With a wave of the chain, the chain of burning fire is like a dragon and snake that swims, swimming quickly in the dark night sky. Compared with the quick action of the chain, the helicopters that are constantly pulling up and want to leave are just cumbersome living targets, and there is no room for dodge.

And just a little bit by this chain, the entire helicopter immediately turned into a blooming fireball, making the dark night sky brighter.

One after another, soon all the helicopters followed the explosion. Looking at this situation, even if he was very confident in own operation skills, Natasha wisely chose to raise the own position and keep a safe distance from the monster.

This made her feel a little frustrated. It is really helpless that the technological power she has always believed to rely on has shown such powerlessness in this mythological monster. But after accepting the reality, she could only give up the idea of ​​solving this monster, and then began to change her own strategy.

Since the main attack fails, then only assists. Although Peter obviously does not have any ability to fight against this monster, the only solution for the present is to temporarily entrust his hope to him. After all, this monster’s target has always been him. This can be seen from the fact that he chased Peter again after he had solved the planes.

Attentively, Natasha called out the Terrain Map of this city. After a careful survey, she immediately connected the communication of the little spider and ordered him.

“Peter, walk toward the south. There is a bridge, fight him on the bridge, and then we find a way to get him into the water.”

The enemy of fire, mankind’s subconsciously response is to use water to deal with him. I’m afraid there is nothing more appropriate than a river. So the little spider naturally agreed with her, and leaped in the direction she specified.

While watching the little spider running away gradually pulled away from oneself, the fire-covered skeleton monster immediately howled, and then grabbed a motorcycle next to it , As soon as he stepped on the gas pedal, he chased the little spider.

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