Sun God Marvel

Chapter 861

Seeing that this monster chose one of these vehicles to chase oneself, the little spider who was still swinging in the air immediately let out a long breath.

For the own speed, the little spider still has very much confidence. As long as this guy is not chasing oneself in a plane, then the little spider thinks oneself has no need to worry. So after he completed a leap, he immediately stopped owning and crouched on the upper floor of a building. To prevent this guy from being completely thrown off by oneself.

But when he stopped like this, he immediately saw a scene that shocked oneself. That is, the flame skull is aggressively killing him at an unimaginable speed, with a tail flame like a supersonic airplane.

Obviously it is only a motorcycle, but forcibly let him drive out the terrifying imposing manner of the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses. And not only in the imposing manner, but also in the performance of formidable power, this motorcycle has achieved the same degree.

It was just a flame, and when it was crossing over the entire road, the cars on both sides of the road were all lifted out by the terrifying waves. Even the stores far away on both sides did not survive the disaster. Large tracts of glass were directly smashed under the impact of the shock wave, and at the same time, people in those stores screamed terrifying.

This is a good situation, because almost all people on the street have taken refuge in shops or buildings thanks to the efforts of the omnic. If they are still staying on the street, it is not just the vehicles on the road that are overturned and blown up. I’m afraid this whole street will be stained with blood.

The pursuit of terrifying to this degree made all the onlookers squeeze a cold sweat in their hearts. But if this is the case, then the little spider may not be so lost self-control. After all, he is an aerial player. Using the terrain, he can completely turn the flame skulls that can only gallop on the road.

However, the situation is much more than that. When the flame skeleton drove a motorcycle with a drastically changed shape, it completely overturned Newton’s coffin and galloped straight up along the glass of the building at ninety degrees, the little spider was already in despair, as if burned. Like a turkey with his ass, he jumped straight down the building.

“Damn it, how could this monster become like this. Also, where’s the motorcycle, I want to complain to them, how can a motorcycle of this design be put on the street casually?”

Desperately evading the pursuit of the flame skull, the little spider approached the bridge in the distance, while complaining frantically at Natasha on the other end of the communicator.

At this time, he also blamed the mistake on some damn company that developed this super motorcycle. But Natasha can see clearly that this motorcycle will have such a change, entirely because of the devilish skeleton.

That is obviously just a very ordinary Harley motorcycle. Natasha’s estimate of It shouldn’t be more than 10,000 USD. But it is such cheap goods that have undergone incredible changes in the hands of that monster. Not only the fancy leather all over the body is wrapped in a layer of shiny metal, even the engine and even the metal skeleton have undergone a Heaven and Earth turning upside down change.

It has become a devil’s toy, and because of this, this motorcycle can chase the little spider so there is no way to the sky and no way to the ground.

As the distance between them is getting closer and closer, the space for the little spider to dodge is becoming more and more limited. The little spider had to send an urgent request to Natasha for help.

“Natasha, help me. I can’t hold it anymore!”

“Turn left ahead, at the second intersection. Get ready for the lift!”


As for the current situation of the little spider, Natasha is naturally impossible indifferent. She gave a reply like this from Little Spider, and then directly directed at the intended target and launched two small air-to-surface missiles on board.

This weapon re-equipped by the Skyhammer Bureau quickly lowered its own flight track and moved on unmanned streets, and because of the obstacles of the surrounding high-rise buildings, no one noticed at all. They exist. And just when they were about to enter the expected strike point, the little spider had already appeared there.

As a partner, this is not the first time that Little Spider has cooperated with Natasha like this. So before entering this intersection, he shot a spider silk, allowing oneself to pull up to a sufficient height at the fastest speed. And when he pulled up oneself’s body, the aggressive pursuer behind him was already approaching with a blazing fire. And this made him immediately fall into the trap.

As soon as the missile with its own thermal lock sees the expected target, it directly locks him, and then directly enters the level 2 acceleration state. Within such a short distance, the flame skull and his motorcycle have no evasive probability at all. So immediately, the fireball from the explosion directly enveloped him.

In this case, the average enemy must die too much. But Natasha was not at all relieved. She signaled the little spider to approach the bridge as quickly as possible, while stabilizing the plane in oneself’s hand, carefully monitoring everything in the explosion.

And just as she imagined, the flame had just risen, and it had not reached the peak of the explosion. Amidst the blazing fire came the terrifying roar of monster. Then, the tattered motorcycle carried his owner out of the flames and stopped directly on the side of the road.

Although there are no eyes, the anger of this flame skeleton can make everyone watching him feel clearly. He was drifting away from the owner’s line of sight, and quickly locked onto Natasha who was flying the plane in the sky. This made him growl at Natasha again, and at the same time the chains tied to him began to jump restlessly.

Obviously, he has the urge to shift the target of his own attack to Natasha. It’s just that Natasha very cleverly raised the own position. With a distance of 400 meters, he has no way to deal with her. So it just gave a low growl, and the monster regained own eyes on the little spider that was farther away.

He grasped the grip of oneself’s motorcycle, and as the flames flowed on his body, the shape of the whole motorcycle became more hideous. Of course, this also means that the motorcycle has been repaired under his power. He didn’t need to change another car at all, so he directly pursued the little spider again.

This makes Natasha sighed unexpectedly. She has the habit of thinking about the worst. But when all this happened, she was always disappointed. But disappointed is disappointed, this does not affect her arrangements. So while she was flying the plane and hanging far behind the monster, she issued a notice to the little spider.

“Be careful, that monster moved towards you again.”

“Damn, how did I provoke him. Why must it be me? Hulk is not a better Is it a good choice?”

The implication is that Bruce has become Hulk. This is not good news, but it is not the most important thing at the moment. Hulk did not cause a riot, indicating that his emotions were still under control. In this case, solving the terrifying monster is the top priority.

“Don’t be distracted, Peter. Lead the monster to the middle of the bridge. I have already greeted the local government and they have evacuated the entire bridge. All you have to do is tow Stay with him and buy time for us to blow up this bridge.”

“Blow up this bridge?” Looking at a bridge with a length of more than two hundred meters, the little spider couldn’t help but be speechless. . “Is this a bit too much? I mean if you do this, the loss is a bit too big. To make it clear in advance, even if you sell me, I can’t pay the related compensation.”

“Without your compensation, the Skyhammer Bureau will pay for this loss. All we have to do is to bury this guy here. He has passed, you are ready.”

As soon as Natasha’s words were finished, the flame skull appeared in the sight of the little spider. The monster was unscrupulous and directly launched a charge towards the little spider entrenched on the top of the bridge. Although he was riding only a motorcycle, under his control, the motorcycle seemed to have its own stunts, and climbed up in a press forward posture along the steel-framed bridge on the bridge.

This makes the little spider subconsciously want to avoid it. But thinking of the own mission, he could only give up this tempting idea, and boldly launched oneself’s consistent language offensive against this monster.

“Come on, you candle head. I have the ability to lick my ass, I am here!”

Such provocative remarks made the monster growl immediately She got up, and at the same time stretched out the chains tied to oneself’s body. With a wave of her arm, she lashed at the little spider.

The little spider who saw how he used this thing to cut a building didn’t dare to hardwire such a thing. He turned over and jumped directly through the complicated steel Iron Bridge beams, leaving the chain of this monster to fall into the empty space.

It seems that the water below is also somewhat dreaded. This monster not at all makes the own chain cut the steel frame of the bridge like it destroyed those buildings before. He just allowed the owner’s chain to entangle on the steel frame, and then pulled it hard, like a small spider. Using this chain as a fulcrum, the owner’s body and the motorcycle under his crotch fell towards a place further away from the small spider. Past.

Little spider dare not let such a guy easily achieve his own goal. So he immediately jumped over the gap between the bridges and launched a sudden attack on the flame skeleton still in midair.

Although it was a bit reckless, the attack did have an effect. Being in mid-air, the monster obviously can’t do any effective dodge. He can only be forcibly kicked flying by little spiders. And just when the little spider was going to win the chase and give him a little bit of color, the flame skull, who was in the air and flew toward the ground, suddenly trembled its own chain.

The Viper-like chain immediately flicked. Before the little spider could dodge, it fiercely entangled his body and dragged him directly in front of the monster.

At this time, the monster, who had climbed up from the ground, strode to the front of the little spider. At the same time, he stretched out the flame-burning bones of his own hands and grasped the little spider tightly. He lifted his neck firmly in front of the owner.

He stared at the eyes of the little spider with oneself’s hollow eyes with only flames, and then made a sound like hell’s echo from the hollow throat.

“Look into my eyes, sinner!”

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