Sun God Marvel

Chapter 868

Little Spider has gained new power, but he is not prepared to promote it to outsiders. In other words, he is only going to tell such things to a small group of people.

Of course, there is no such thing as Rhodey. Although getting along well, he knew in his heart that oneself and Rhodey were not in the same camp. If you insist on dividing the camp, oneself should belong to the old Avengers faction, while Rhodey is a typical military faction. These two do not say incompatible as fire and water, but the relationship is really not much better. Therefore, based on the principle that more is worse than less, the little spider directly excluded Rhodey.

Next, there are not many targets he can choose. There is also a Natasha and a Bruce in the entire Iron Avenger. Bruce is busy doing own things all day long. As one of the creators of the space defense system, he doesn’t have much free time at all. So it is inappropriate to talk to him. So naturally, Natasha became the only choice.

Little spider has a problem with chattering. This kind of thing must be unstoppable. But if you want to say it, you have to add more oil and vinegar. Of course, the lady as the observer is not a foolish guy, relying on oneself’s shrewd head, she quickly stripped out the simplest core content from a lot of words that the little spider was nagging.

“So, the new power you got is very good.”

“Of course. I think I can beat the past ten by one.”

This statement is a bit general, but Natasha can still hear that this is a significant improvement, so she is nodded, expressing agreement, and saying this to him.

“It looks very good, but, will there be any special restrictions?”

Seeing the little spider’s face was immediately stiff, she knew that oneself had reached the point Up. So immediately, she put on a look of interest and stared at him with her own eyes.

Little spider is used to being unreliable in his mouth, but in such matters, he dare not talk nonsense with his mouth open. On the one hand, Natasha is a smart woman, and it is not easy to find a reason to bluff her. On the other hand, the identity of the teammates between them.

For teammates like them who need to cooperate tacitly in battle, a basic understanding of each other is the most basic thing. If it is said that because oneself is blowing the atmosphere, there is a problem with a certain battle plan, and even which teammate has an accident. For the little spider, it will become an unforgivable mistake.

So, on this issue, he behaved very honestly.

“There is a little restriction. As long as it is during the day or in the sun. The new power I gain will be discounted a bit. It can only be equivalent to two or three times my original power. Even if there is an extra part, it won’t be too much. And if it’s night, I can do what the monster can do.”

Hearing this, Natasha couldn’t help but raise her eyebrows. . It’s just said by the little spider, there is not much feeling. But if you add a comparative Captain, then this impression becomes a lot deeper.

The power of Ghost Rider is what Natasha personally feels. Whether it’s the terrifying hell fire, the power of magic equipment, or even the power of the last soul to judge, it’s enough to make any enemy Feel fear. If we say that this kind of power spider also has it, then it will be an incalculable good thing for the entire Iron Avengers and for their faction.

Of course, there is no proof in words. This kind of thing requires real evidence to be convinced. So Natasha took out the own gun directly, placed it in front of Little Spider, and pointed the gun at him.

“Try it and let me see how far you can do it?”

It’s night, and it’s the time when the little spider said you can do that monster level . So in the face of Natasha’s request, Little Spider did not object to it at all. Instead, he stretched out his hand and held the pistol grip, ready to show her the power of oneself.

The flames began to surge in the little spider’s hands. Unlike the Ghost Rider that Natasha has seen, this flame is not a crimson with a little crazy color, but a dim-blue with a cold light. It looks more terrifying and more mysterious. Of course, the others are no different from Ghost Rider. For example, the palm of a small spider burning flames has become a bone at this moment.

The bone was held on the handle of the gun, and as the dim-blue flame spread on it, the whole gun changed strangely.

Natasha’s gun is a privately improved pistol based on the Swedish P226 single- and double-action semi-automatic pistol. It is a special type of gun suitable for special forces. To some extent, this is already a very powerful type of formidable power in pistols. Even said that it is difficult to improve.

However, in the hands of Little Spider, this is not the case. It is being improved. Although he is not an expert in this area, Natasha can feel this change in the nature of progress. And this change is more intuitively reflected in the appearance.

The dark matte gun body became brighter under the burning of dim-blue flames, and at the same time, the originally flat gun body became much more hideous. Layers of scale-like protrusions are densely packed to cover the entire barrel, and along the sides of the gun body, two curved ornaments like horns extend out little by little until behind the hammer. Then he gathered inward and stopped.

At the same time, the grip of the gun body began to become thicker. Originally, the grip of this tactical pistol was heavy enough, but under the tempering of the flame, it became thicker. And, at the point of the grip, a sharp blade like a sickle is stretched out little by little, and the inverted blade looks incomparable sharp.

Before the gun body, the position of the muzzle has also become a weird look. A shape like a giant dragon emerges from the muzzle. The position of the dragon’s head extends all the way to the trigger, which happens to be united with the curved horns, while the dragon’s mouth appears at the muzzle, containing the entire barrel. In the mouth.

Under these changes, the original pistol has become a work of art. But Natasha didn’t think it was just a work of art. She has seen the power displayed by Ghost Rider, so this thing should be just as dangerous.

“Just find a place to try it.”

In order to get more accurate data, Natasha told the little spider. And since the owner had already ordered this, the little spider naturally didn’t have any concerns anymore.

Raising his hand and pointing it in a random direction, he directly pulled the trigger in his hand. With a violent howl like a dragon’s roar, a flame of fire suddenly shot out, instantly shattering the target cabinet.

It may not be accurate enough to describe it by hitting. Strictly speaking, it should be melted. The bullets fired by the modified pistol have terrifying high temperature. The dim-blue firelight only slightly touches, turning wooden boards and the like into ashes, and stone and steel into lava.

This formidable power is far more terrifying, even more how, than pure kinetic energy impact, and its kinetic energy impact is not small at all.

Lightly whistled, Natasha said to the little spider.

“Very well, with this power, our strength has increased by one level. Some things do not need to be so passive.”

“Of course!”

nodded, the little spider agreed with Natasha’s words. Regardless of the fact that the old Avengers faction composed of these three people has an extraordinary position in the Iron Avengers, it seems that they are the strongest one. In fact, things are not that simple at all.

Their strength is entirely supported by the Hulk, Bruce. Compared with Hulk, the strength of the two of them is really the shortcoming of the shortcomings. Not to mention being alone, it is a bit unqualified even to support the field.

Now that the strength of the little spider has been enhanced, some of the past situations can be changed anyway. And the most important thing is that you can hit the opponent completely unprepared.

Mephisto, the devil lord. After getting the power of Zatanos, the little spider also knew a little about this guy. And when he told Natasha about Mephisto, Natasha immediately realized that this would be a troublesome enemy.

A guy who has survived from the ancient Mythological Era to the modern society dominated by mankind, who is still making waves, no matter what, Natasha deserves a 120-point spirit in his heart. Not to mention the treacherous nature of this guy, who always likes to hide in the dark.

Since the record of mankind, the name Mephisto has only existed in a small part of the classics, and it itself only serves as a part of the myth. If it hadn’t been for the existence of Ghost Rider to be exposed, they would simply be kept in the dark.

With such an enemy hiding in the dark, even if he does nothing, it is enough to make people worry. Not to mention, he has now begun to extend his own claws to humans, to their avengers.

What does he want to do, what will he do, and what is his ability? these all are things Natasha desperately wants to know. But even if she inherited SHIELD’s intelligence information from the Skyhammer Bureau, she did not get any useful information. This is a very unfavorable thing, especially when he doesn’t know when he will think of the Avengers launching a second raid.

However, it is not that there is no good news.

Mephisto didn’t know that the little spider got the power of Zatanos. This choice was made secretly by Zatanos, he would only know that Zhou Yi had destroyed his Ghost Rider and destroyed the foundation of his Knight. As long as the operation is reasonable, it is entirely possible for Mephisto to focus on Zhou Yi, and even further trigger the struggle between them.

If high-level humans know about this kind of thing, they will definitely support Natasha’s idea. But Natasha oneself is not willing to do this. On the one hand, she believed that Mephisto would not be so stupid to provoke an existence like Zhou Yi. On the other hand, she is unwilling to do this.

In fact, she has other ideas now.

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