Sun God Marvel

Chapter 869

until now, Natasha has maintained a good relationship with Zhou Yi’s family. A large part of this is because of Shirley’s existence, she plays the role of a bridge in this relationship, and the rest is because of Ada.

Although the relationship with Ada was not very good before, there are even some contradictions. But after all, it was before. With Ada’s change of career and the frequent exchanges between them, their relationship naturally slowly got closer.

This leads to an unknown identity for Natasha, that is, he is also a spy planted outside by Huiyao City. In this regard, even if the Skyhammer was established, she joined the Iron Avengers and nothing changed.

If there is no interest involved, it is equivalent to no motivation. Without motivation, no matter how genius is, it is impossible to understand the truth behind it. In this way, Natasha betrayed the past SHIELD, and now the Sky Hammer game countless times. Of course, this is just a betrayal with a bottom line. Because Huiyao City doesn’t need her to do anything without bottom line.

Of course, no matter what, this connection has been fixed. So as long as Natasha wants to, she can contact people in Huiyao City through some hidden means. And this time, she did the same.

Leaving Helicarrier and returning to oneself’s residence on the west coast in the name of temporary rest. Natasha quietly called Ada while no one was paying attention.

Now Ada is no longer an object that ordinary people can contact casually. Except for some close people, most people are basically impossible to know her contact information, and also impossible to get through her number. But Natasha was obviously not in this list, so she heard Ada’s voice soon.

“Natasha? Are you looking for me?”

“Yes, what are you up to?”

As a special form of girlfriends, they The way of greeting each other is normal. It’s just that very soon, everything is revealed.

“Do you care about what I did? Stop talking nonsense, and talk about something as soon as possible. There are a lot of things to be busy recently, and I don’t have that many spare time to toss with you.”

“Okay, okay. You are a fierce woman, I really don’t know how you found such a boyfriend based on your personality.”

“Why? Envy , You can come over if you have the ability. Anyway, I already have so many competitors, and I don’t mind having one more.”

The medicinal smell of this kind of thing is half a United States can feel it, and Natasha is naturally not stupid enough to pick her up. So she cleared her throat immediately and said to Ada seriously.

“Forget it, there is business. I want to ask you, do you know the name Mephisto?”

“Mephisto, it sounds like a name in a religious text, What, what? Does this guy have any problems?”

Ada thought about it for a while and quickly gave an own answer. And hearing her say so, Natasha immediately suggested to her.

“This guy’s situation is a bit special. Now it seems that he has put his idea on you. I remember a woman among you is from the ancient Goddess. I think she should You will know him, you can go and verify.”

“Wait.” Recognizing the seriousness of the matter, Ida frowned and responded. And soon, she got the answer oneself wanted, and then talked to Natasha again.

“I know his identity, the oldest demon lord in the world, the destruction of many ancient civilizations has something to do with him. Why, you said that this guy now hit his ghost Are we on it?”

“Basically, we are sure. We got one of his subordinates and learned some interesting things from him. He seems to be planning to deal with you, just because he didn’t dare to do anything. In addition to what Zhou Yi has done, he will definitely fight against you at all costs.”

Natasha said something ambiguous, but Ada immediately took it to oneself and just listened to Lilith. The incidents are connected. She thought that the feud with Mephisto was referring to Zhou Yi’s burning of hell. This made her immediately show an expression of disdain from her face.

“It’s just a courageous gangster hiding in the dark, afraid to show his head. There is nothing to worry about. As long as he dares to show his claws, we will find a way to give him an unforgettable life A lesson.”

Natasha couldn’t help but smile wryly with this stiff answer. But she knew in her heart that Ada could really do this kind of thing. So there is really no boasting element in this statement. And if it were their Avengers who said these words, then I am afraid that they would not have such deep confidence.

With such a big gap, Natasha is a bit sorry to continue to talk about this matter, anyway, oneself has been reminded in place, I believe that with their strength, just paying attention to it will not be a problem. So she quickly changed the topic of own.

“By the way, what are you up to now? You can still hear the news of your city from the Intelligence Section a while ago. Now there is even less news. If not I can still get through with your calls. I thought you moved out from Earth?”

“You people wish we moved out from Earth!” With a mutter, Ida was back to life. The tone of chatting with a girlfriend. “Yi brought Jean and them back two days ago. Recently, I have been busy making a wedding gift for Tony. I didn’t even eat a few bites of food. Sometimes I want to scold him, instead of having this skill. If you care about Tony, it’s better to care about us. So far we haven’t even received a ring.”

“Please, Ada. What you received is more precious than any ring, good Is it?”

Natasha couldn’t help but said sourly when he heard Ada’s complaint. In this regard, Ada obviously has an own opinion.

“You don’t understand, Natasha. This is a promise, a promise that a man should shoulder. Even a wedding, and now he doesn’t even give the ring. I really doubt whether he has us in his heart. “

“Well, you always make sense. By the way, what did you just say, he only went back two days ago?”

Answered perfunctorily. Natasha suddenly thought of something in her heart, and immediately asked Ada.

Perhaps I was still immersed in own grievances, Ida not at all heard the strange place in Natasha’s tone. She just answered obediently and honestly.

“Yes, now he is still busy in the underground base. He said he was going to give that bastard Stark a big surprise. Hey, he delivered the thing, and I immediately complained to the president Take bribes. Even if this move is no longer useful, I will make Stark uncomfortable for a few days.”

“You are right, you are right.”

Natasha Absent-mindedly perfunctory, but already thinking of other places.

If Zhou Yi had been staying in their house, who would be the Zhou Yi that appeared in front of oneself? Fake?

As soon as this thought came up in her mind, Natasha immediately eliminated it. Although she had not been in contact with Zhou Yi for a while, she was still impressed enough with him. Most people pretend to be someone else and avoid getting along with people who are familiar with the person they are pretending to, because any subtle movement may make people feel suspicious.

As a professional-level agent, Natasha has plenty of experience in this area. It can be said that even if it is a fake, even the fingerprint pupil is changed. As long as she had been in contact with the original deity, this disguise would be meaningless to her.

She has already habitually remembered the attitudes and movements of some people. Through this comparison, no one can hide from her eyes. So she was pretty sure that the person she saw that night was Zhou Yi, otherwise she would not have the same reaction at the time. However, Ada has no reason to deceive oneself in this regard. Is oneself wrong? For a while, Natasha oneself also wandered a little.

She began to recall the situation in her own brain, comparing the differences between the two Zhou Yi in her memory little by little. But no matter how she compared them, she didn’t find any difference between the two Zhou Yi’s looks and actions. If you insist on saying yes, it is only in clothing.

The Zhou Yi she remembered earlier was wearing the armor of Dawn Knight, or she was dressed like a normal person. Since Zhou Yi gave up his identity as oneself Dawn Knight in public, the black armor that represents the hero has been completely sealed in dust. Zhou Yi won’t wear that kind of thing anymore. Natasha is sure of this.

Although Zhou Yi I saw two days ago is also wearing a black armor, it is not Dawn Knight armor. That is a set of things that looks very primitive. Although the whole body is pitch black, there is not even the slightest gloss. But in terms of styling, it is full of low-key gorgeousness. There is a style of God of Thunder Thor.

She had heard that God of Thunder Thor represents Asgard behind him and gave Zhou Yi a new set of armor belonging to God. That’s it if you want to come. Only if this is the case, then the identity of Zhou Yi should be more certain. His impossible is fake, his appearance, demeanor and even the origin of his armor can prove his identity.

Furthermore, with his kind of power, others just want to imitate, and it is impossible to imitate. Therefore, he is Zhou Yi.

He said quietly in his heart. But subconsciously, Natasha began to refute this idea again. She is increasingly uncertain whether this is true or false. It feels like everything has become confused for a moment. And just when she continued to think about it. Ada’s voice rang in her ears.

“Natasha? Natasha? Are you listening to me?”

This voice made Natasha abrupt. Then she immediately had an idea in her heart.

“Sorry, Ada, I just walked away a bit. By the way, can Zhou Yi answer the call? I have something to ask him!”

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