Sun God Marvel

Chapter 875

Listening to Smith Zhou, the actual controller of Hydra, a partner of Mephisto said this to oneself. Victor’s heart couldn’t help beating fiercely.

He knew that oneself had discovered a huge secret, and one step forward was when everything was revealed in front of him. But he rationally stopped own curiosity, and forced oneself to control oneself, so that oneself stopped owning in front of this secret.

“I’m sorry, Lord Baron. I didn’t mean to disturb you. If I knew you were the person I was looking for, trust me, I wouldn’t do such a reckless move.”

Victor solemnly vowed, even if you can’t see the expression under his mask, you can still hear his sincerity in his tone. However, as a person who has very experience and can use a hundred years as a base, Smith Zhou has already passed the time of judging the truth from the words of others.

He was indifferent to Victor’s words, just smiled and looked into his eyes. It wasn’t until Victor couldn’t stand the pressure and quietly deflected his own eyes, that he squinted and said to him.

“Mr. Dum. I know you to a certain extent. I know your past, how you and Mephisto met. Also how did he use you. Of course, I know some other interesting things Things.”

Speaking of which, he noticed some uneasy little movements of Victor. This made the smile on his face even more weird.

“I know you have been in contact with Wilson. Through that guy, what kind of agreement you want to reach with me. But before your message reaches me, you are discovered by Mephisto. Then it seems that something very unpleasant happened between you. Am I right?”

“Since you already know this, then why do you want to say it. Yes. In order to humiliate me?”

It is not a pleasant thing to be exposed to the tragic past. So Victor immediately resembled an injured beast-like, shouting at Smith Zhou. He even stepped forward involuntarily, showing a violent backlash that was suppressed to the limit.

Seeing his actions like this, Smith Zhou hasn’t responded. Alexia behind him had already stretched out his hand to him and warned him.

“Stop, stop there. If you approach without authorization, don’t blame me for being rude to you.”

A woman who said this is obviously not deterrent enough of. But when he heard her, Victor stopped his own footsteps very restrained, and showed no impulse anymore. In the first moment, although he was overwhelmed by anger, his brain was still very clear.

What kind of woman Alexia is, although he does not have a deep enough understanding. But he knew very well that this woman was definitely not a simple existence. Her twin big brother, Alfred, is not something to provoke, even more how she was kept by Baron.

He even said that he has every reason to believe that Alexia will be stronger and more terrifying than Alfred. Only in this way can she gain Baron’s trust and stay by his side.

Hydra is supreme in strength, without strength, even if she is trusted by her superiors, it is absolutely impossible to get to where she is now. So he has every reason to see her as a threat, a threat enough to make oneself Death.

Victor’s jealousy also his control of oneself’s mind was nodded by Smith Zhou with satisfaction. He stopped Alexia’s movements behind Oneself, and made her the quiet lady again. Then said with a smile to Victor.

“Excuse me, Mr. Doum. I don’t mean to laugh at or humiliate you. I’m just sorry, if you contact me at first for your purpose, then the situation may not change. It’s so bad. I can only tell you that you touched a wrong target.”

Hearing this, Victor raised his head subconsciously.

He stared deeply at Smith Zhou, who had been smiling all the time. After knowing it for a while, he lowered his own voice and asked him.

“What do you mean by this sentence?”

“It’s very simple, Mr. Dum. Wilson is an untrustworthy person. While working for me, he also Working for the cunning guy from Mephisto. It can be said that he is a person who walks between the two sides and is always ready to make profit for oneself. If you find him, it is equivalent to putting a red envelope into his pocket. “

“What? How could this happen? I thought…Damn, son of a bitch.”

Victor who feels oneself has been fooled First he was shocked, then he cursed fiercely fiercely. If you know how tortured him at Mephisto, then you know what kind of hatred he has for Wilson right now. It can be said that if it weren’t because he is here now, Hydra’s BigBoss is in front of him. Then he must have rushed out impulsively, trying his best to recover everything that oneself suffered from Wilson.

Smith Zhou can understand his current mood, and he also understands exactly what kind of personality this man has. Any kind of hatred can plant seeds in his heart. For these things, he can persevere in action, regardless of hardships and dangers, as long as he is satisfied with the success of revenge in his heart.

This is a very precious quality, which is right for him. Of course, what is more valuable is that he has a clever mind, strong power, and a heart that doesn’t care about good or evil at all.

Such characteristics are rare, let alone gathered in one person. Therefore, Smith Zhou attaches great importance to him. When he couldn’t help being upset, resentful and cursing, he immediately opened his mouth and persuaded him.

“Don’t be too sad, youngster. Now you can’t see the nature of some cunning people. It’s normal to be used as pawns by them accidentally. There is a Chinese saying called wisdom comes by suffering. When your experience is rich enough, you will naturally no longer be deceived by such superficial things.”

“Thank you for your kindness, Lord Baron.” With the anger in his heart, Victor pulled the cloak on oneself and made a move to leave. “But I think I should leave. I am sorry to disturb you. If there is an opportunity, I will find a way to apologize to you about this matter.”

“No, don’t worry .Mr. Dom. I’m pretty sure you didn’t come to this place in this way to discuss this matter with me. Can you sit down and have a chat? I think, I shouldn’t be disappointed. “

With a slight smile, Smith Zhou acted like a tolerant and anxious elder. But Victor would not be easily deceived by his appearance. He was very sure that the guy in front of oneself was a demon who was like Mephisto who could eat no bones. The reason for behaving like this must be because he has some unspeakable plot. It’s like everything Mephisto did when he fooled those bad luck eggs. But at this time, he was inevitably a little curious, why this guy would say these things to oneself, and what oneself could use for him.

A smart person uses his brain before speaking, and so does he. After thinking and thinking, he quickly searched out a possibility in his mind, a very special possibility. This made him immediately stop oneself’s attention that he wanted to leave, and then looked towards Smith Zhou, and said to him.

“Do you want to deal with Mephisto?”

“Yes!” Hearing his guess, Smith Zhou showed a bright smile on his face. He was blunt, admitted everything he had guessed cleanly, and added it on the basis of his guess. “However, your statement is not complete. I think it’s not just me who wants to deal with him. Mr. Dum, you should have the same idea as me.”

” Ridiculous.” Victor subconsciously wanted to deny, want to hide something. But before he could say too much, Smith Zhou said to him.

“I left this door more than 300 years ago. It was to find some talented people to help me complete a special plan. Many years ago, I gave up All of this, no longer use them. But there are always one or two people who took this thing as a legend. So there is such a saying in magician. Find me, you can satisfy a person’s wish . Mr. Dum, what is your wish? Money or power, or spiritual satisfaction?”

For smart people, lying is meaningless. Victor quickly realized this, so he quickly gave up the idea of ​​pretending.

“I know this is not a legend. The King of Sorcerer does exist. My ancestors passed this on to my mother, and my mother told me about it. But I didn’t expect it , The legendary unfathomable, has endless power, almost the same as God’s king of sorcerer will be you, Lord Baron. This is really incredible!”

“There is nothing incredible, Mr. Doum. I said that I have a lot of identities, and all you know is only a part of them. My history is more complicated than you think.”

Lift up With his hand, an illusory shadow gradually appeared on the floor, and then the illusory shadow gradually became a reality that couldn’t be more real. When a chair and a table full of food appeared in front of Victor, Smith laughed at him like this.

“Please sit down, Mr. Dum. We should have a drink and talk slowly. Also, please keep it secret. Even Mephisto doesn’t understand this identity. If you want to talk to If I deal with him together, keeping this secret is undoubtedly a condition that can cause a fatal blow to him. So…”

“I understand!” A smile appeared on his face, Victor tall Raised the glass in front of him. “Then wish us a happy cooperation, Lord Baron!”

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