Sun God Marvel

Chapter 876

For the citizens of the entire United States, the past few days have not changed much. Except that they have an extra first lady, they not at all feel that the own country is different from the past.

Stable public security environment, normal work and vacation time, also Eternity unchanged tax day. Everything seems to have returned to its original appearance, and even seems to be better. Almost all of this can be attributed to the current Stark government and the omnic machines promoted by the Stark government.

United States, a country with a glamorous appearance. Law and order has always been one of the most serious problems in this country. Those unemployed vagrants, those who do not want to make progress, are idle all day long, do bad things, and only think about cheating relief funds have always been the problem of this country. Not to mention those gangs composed of black people, Russian Ross people, and Italians.

This country has never been as beautiful as others thought. Except for those at the top, most of their lives will inevitably face various threats.

However, this is before. With the spread of omnic machines, even the long-suffering United States has begun to usher in new changes.

Fighting criminals is a difficult problem in the face of previous national governments. Because it’s not just manpower, military force, and the possible sacrifices. What’s more, most of the triad groups in this country are related to the interests of a large number of people.

Just think about how many states in the United States legalize marijuana and drugs to know how deep the benefits are. The federal government has never dared to crack down too much on triad groups because it is worried that it will make oneself face bad. However, all of this is not within Ultron’s consideration.

Its core program is to serve humanity, which is a broad proposition. And the protagonist in this proposition is the vast majority of humans, not the minority of humans. Therefore, his actions will not take into account the feelings of some people at all. This obviously has had a huge impact on the already fixed interest chain.

The omnipotents that came down from the factory’s assembly line have overwhelmed the determination of any criminal gang to fight the conflict with their absolute number advantage. And when the overwhelming majority who could not see the situation were arrested by the omnics in the name of law enforcement, the remaining people could not panic and fear in their hearts after all, and began to seek other methods to prevent the situation from continuing to deteriorate.

And they found out immediately, things were far from being as simple as they thought.

In the past, if their organization was cleansed from the federal government, then money and benefits would undoubtedly be a weapon that can get through various links. In this world, there are very few people who cannot be bought. No matter how big the people above are determined, it is hard to guarantee that those who execute it will not be bought out. And even if they work together to bring the criminal gang to court. Lawyers who have collected money can also rely on their own three-inch tongue to bring them the last chance.

This kind of thing has been verified countless times. In the United States, as long as there is money, there are almost no unsolvable problems.

But now, this move is not working.

The executors are omnipotents forged from steel. These mechanical beings have no material needs. They are simply impossible to be moved by benefits. And the next level is even more useless. Ultron dominates all omnics, and he follows the basic principle of oneself, and he will not be affected by the moths in humans, thus changing his own determination.

In his opinion, it is his duty to fight criminals and maintain the stability of human society. No one can accuse him on this issue. Therefore, he completely followed the idea of ​​own to clean up the pests in this society in an orderly manner. Just like a scavenger, he pulled up by the roots one by one gangs, and pulled out one by one the former dignitaries.

Such actions from the very beginning have touched the interests of many people. And this kind of behavior is obviously intolerable to those people. But it is difficult for them to make any accusations against Ultron, because this is an intelligent system, not a human being. So they can only reflect this to the creator of Ultron, President Tony Stark.

But what Tony is most concerned about is not the interests of these people. The safety of Earth and the threat of Hydra were the focus of his concern, so he directly ignored the ideas of these people, and this led to the accumulation of more and more contradictions.

It’s like an erupting volcano. It is always unavoidable to experience a series of kinetic energy accumulations before it erupts. It wasn’t until an inducement appeared that all this could break out completely. And with the successive destruction of gangs, and a great underworld lord, known as the underground emperor, who was arrested by omnic with strong means, those who were touched by their interests finally made up their minds, do whatever they can To prevent Ultron from doing this.

You must know that underworld lords like Jin Bin’s level always need some special identities to integrate into normal society.

When he was in New York, he was the most well-known real estate developer in New York. The entire Hell’s Kitchen can be said to be his territory. And when he withdrew from New York and expanded his own power to the Los Angeles area. The renowned Beverly Hills and the surrounding area were also swallowed directly into the belly by him in a tiger-wolf-like imposing manner.

With his accumulation, he can be among the most upper-class society. Even if you don’t count the underground forces he controls, just his companies on the surface can directly affect the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of people and the flow of funds of 1 billion. Once such a person is arrested, it will be a huge earthquake for the entire society.

In the face of morality, interest is more important. Even if Ultron has conclusive evidence in his hands, the human court still cannot make a correct judgment on a guy like Jin. There are too many people’s support behind them, and this support has reached the point where the law cannot be tried in a fair manner.

This kind of favoritism has caused Ultron’s actions to fail again and again. But Ultron not at all therefore has any meaning to give up. He is an intelligent life, and the execution power of an intelligent system is absolutely beyond human beings. He will not be discouraged, let alone give up. For him, the court trial was just an error. If it is wrong, then it is absolutely necessary to repeat the operation.

So a somewhat funny scene for the court just appeared in front of the public. That is, the omnipotents took the gold and left the dock when the judge acquitted them. Then they went around in a big circle, put him on the dock again, and charged him with the same charges. A lawsuit was filed.

This behavior is tantamount to slapping the face for the influential figure that controls the entire California court, and the actions of omnics also make it unacceptable for all people who feel that their interests have been violated because of their actions. Therefore, when the omnics did this for the third time, the defense lawyer who represented the mouthpiece of the interest group behind Jinhe couldn’t help it anymore. In front of the court and countless media, he cursed the omnic.

“You damn machines. Don’t you understand? The court has pronounced the verdict. It is impossible for you to change and so on. Stop your stupid behavior, or I will represent me The parties and all the collectives that have been violated by your behavior appealed to White House. They demanded that you all be thrown into the waste recycling plant and rebuilt!”

This kind of angry roar is simply impossible Touch the nerves of the omnic. For the third time, directly pressing Jin Bin’s shoulders, firmly pressing him on the dock, and repeating to the judge above.

“The defendant, Jin Bin, has been identified as the chief messenger of an illegal interest group. The group has charges of illegal drug trafficking, gun trafficking, and murder. All the suspects have been arrested. Please judge by you. !”

As a judge who was deliberately selected. When they heard this for the first time, they sneered in their hearts. And the second time, anger began to grow uncontrollably. As for the third time, apart from anger in their hearts, panic began to spread.

Law this thing, it sounds majestic. This is also the reason why these judges can aloof and remote and show off one’s military strength in court. But when it is repeatedly questioned and denied, its majesty will be continuously discounted, and it will eventually be trampled into the dust.

This is what the Supreme Court of the Federal Government has already experienced in Zhou Yi. Therefore, the California government’s courts don’t want to experience this feeling again in a group of machines. When the buzzing discussion sounded from the jury stand and the auditorium, the judge in charge of presiding on the stage immediately slammed the own hammer and said loudly to the omnic.

“The court has made a trial, and the final result has been unanimously recognized by us. As a law enforcement officer, what you have to do is to comply with our decisions and maintain the dignity of the law. We are here to question our decision. I order you to release Mr. Jin and immediately! Right away, right away!”

The court that has begun to panic wants to use its own rights and majesty to forcefully control the actions of omnics. But they overlooked a very serious problem, that is, omnibus is not under the jurisdiction of any government. It is a new system, a new thing to maintain human security and ensure that human society maintains stability during possible changes.

Even Tony Stark, the president, could not order them, and the courts in a trifling state were even more unable to do so. So immediately, the court got Ultron’s answer.

“I refuse, sir. According to the Federal Constitution, the trial in this court has completely violated the requirements of the Constitution. In addition, it has also adopted an unfair trial for the facts. Proceeding from the interests of mankind, I hope that the court can realign its attitude and issue new trial results to the defendant.”

This answer brought all established procedures to a deadlock. Seeing the scene getting more and more chaotic, the sound of people’s discussions turned the supposedly majestic court into a noisy market. The judge of hair stands up in anger can only fiercely beat the hammer in his hand and shouted.

“Adjournment, adjournment!”

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