Sun God Marvel

Chapter 883

Tony walked out of the floor, but not at all reunited with the others. He just walked silently to a secluded corner, rubbed his head, and then lit a cigarette for oneself.

In the rising smoke, his face inevitably became silent. And a large part of this factor is because of what he just did.

Turning off Ultron does not just mean negating what Ultron has done. It also means his denial of self. He admits that Ultron has failed, which is equivalent to admit that oneself has failed. This is really a very bad thing for an egoist like him. So now he doesn’t know how to continue.

And at this moment when he was feeling dispirited, Jarvis’ voice suddenly rang from his ears, making him immediately wake up from his own immersion.

“Sir, how are you?”

“I’m fine, Jarvis, I’m fine!” Tony dropped his cigarette butt, rubbed his own face, and made oneself Energetic. “Do you have a problem with controlling the omnic?”

“Ultron left a record of behavior. According to his record, I think I can handle most situations. So please rest assured, sir, I can control this Everything.”

Jarvis’ answer made Tony couldn’t help but relax. He doesn’t at all doubt too much, because for him, if even Jarvis can’t believe it, then in this world there are really few people who can be trusted.

“Very well, just do this. Jarvis, now I can only rely on you.”

“I won’t let you down, sir. But you Have you really decided to shut down Ultron completely?”

Jarvis would naturally not refuse Tony’s request, but he quickly changed his mind and returned to Ultron. And this obviously made Tony feel a little bit in his heart.

“Yes, I had to make such a decision. Because of the sad human beings, I had to give up a bright path that had appeared. Is it funny? Jarvis, am I funny? “

“Seriously, there is a little bit. But since this is your decision, then I don’t think you should have too much regret. After all, you have to know that I am impossible to give You ordered Regret Medicine because this product has not yet been developed.”

Ultron’s habitual answer made Tony’s face suddenly stiff, and soon, he raised his eyebrows at Ultron in admiration. stand up.

“I have to admit that there is some benefit to throwing you here. Look, your sense of humor has improved more than a bit.”

“Thanks for your compliment, sir . I’m very happy to see you regaining this handsome appearance.”

“You learned to shoot flattery, Jarvis. But it’s good, I like it very much.”

Leaving the cigarette butt in his hand, Tony finally regained his spirits under Jarvis’s unusual comfort.

“But this doesn’t stop me from arranging more missions for you. You know, without Ultron, I can only put the burden on you. Now you have a lot of work to do Yes.”

“I’m still very confident in my calculations, so please do not hesitate to tell me, sir.”

“First of all, I need you to control this floor. No My order, I don’t allow anyone to enter here.”

Hearing Jarvis’ promise, Tony sorted out his own thoughts and began to order.

“In addition, I want you to build a judging mechanism. If one day I pass away, and the situation at the time meets the standard. You can release Ultron. I don’t want to see my invention sink like this Going on, he should play a bigger role and benefit more talents. Do you know what I mean?”

“Yes, sir. I will do as you ordered.”

Jarvis responded seriously, and this response made Tony feel much better. He is sorry for Ultron, but that doesn’t mean he wants to keep Ultron here forever. He knew very well that this was not Ultron’s fault, but the society’s fault. The development of this society has not yet reached the level of being able to match Ultron, and because of this, Ultron and this World are incompatible.

But society is always developing, and he believes that there will always be a day, this World can accommodate an existence like Ultron. And at that time, it was Ultron, the culmination of his ambition. At that time, compared to Ultron, he wouldn’t have too much blame for his father.

Thinking of this, Tony put away his own sentimentality. Re-aligned the own mentality to where oneself should be. He first looked at all around and confirmed that the own behavior and words would not be noticed by anyone, and then asked Jarvis.

“By the way, how is the situation in the base recently? I mean, Reed Court Academecian, has their research progressed?”

“Reed Court Academecian Enough progress has been made in many aspects, but I don’t know which aspect you are referring to, sir?”

Jarvis honestly replied. And listening to his answer, Tony choked immediately.

“Please, Jarvis. You should know what I am asking. If it is a space defense system, I will get more reports than you know. So tell me another thing, I’m talking about New York, our ongoing secret research.”

“Sir, if you are talking about the cosmic battleship of the Crees. Then I can tell you, Mr. Reed He has done a great job. He has already deciphered all the languages ​​and operating systems of the Creesans. I think that if there is enough power system and complete repairs to the spaceship, we have a great deal It’s possible to start it up again. I mean, it’s very possible.”

“The way you talk is very different from the past, Jarvis. But I have to admit that you brought me Here comes a good news, really good news.”

Although he was a little confused because of Jarvis’ tone, Tony was truly happy because of what he said. Because what he said represents a new hope for the re-emergence of United States in the future.

The battle of New York! What brought the entire world was not only a crisis, but also a ruined super city. It also brings super technology outside the planet.

A super Intergalactic Battleship, which represents the highest technological achievements of the Crees, stays on the edge of Manhattan in the past, sinking into the embrace of the sea along with the former world financial center.

Not many people know the spaceship of the Crees, and most of them were destroyed by the disaster at that time. And even those who survived almost thought that the huge spaceship was destroyed by the battle between King Ming and Thanos. This point is also recognized by the absolute majority of countries in the world. And this makes American fully capable of enjoying this achievement.

They are very cautious and very careful. little by little, leave no wind at all to go out. And to this day, all of this has yielded results, and this naturally made Tony’s mood more cheerful.

As long as you thoroughly understand the technology of the Crees, you can completely make the United States take a big step forward. And this is very crucial for America.

Don’t look at the various countries in the world now forming a big alliance, but in fact, the open strife and veiled struggle inside has not diminished at all. United States does not have any advantage here. If the world is unification, then United States is undoubtedly impossible in the current situation.

This is unacceptable for American who has always been proud, and for Tony, who has always been arrogant, he was impossible to accept in the hands of own, and United States has since declined. So he vigorously develops omnics, and at the same time secretly studies the Kelitian battleship. So that one day, United States can turn around again.

Now, the hope of turning over is right in front of him, and he is naturally anxious to turn everything into reality. So he revealed some impatient expression and said to Jarvis.

“If you say, I want to repair this spaceship as soon as possible. What do I need to do to make it work properly?”

“Sir, I don’t think this is a good one Idea!”

Although he understood the eagerness in Tony’s words, Jarvis frankly poured cold water on his enthusiasm.

“We are now facing a lot of problems, and resources are also very limited. Therefore, I think this matter is not our priority.”

“Our priority The option should be to establish a space defense system, disintegrate it before the danger arrives, and prevent it from destroying our civilization and planet. And after everything is over, we will have enough time to conduct our spaceship research. Inherit the technology of the Kerry people, Develop our country on his foundation, let it rise again, and even occupy a special position. You are talking about this, right?”

Lah, it’s a lot of talk , And this is clearly recognized by Jarvis’. But this was not what Tony wanted, he added immediately.

“Of course I know what we need to do, and you don’t need to remind me, Jarvis. I just need to figure out what we are missing. Do you know if you plan for a rainy day? Assuming that the future development is as good as we expected If the situation changes, we can make some preparations in advance, so as not to be in a hurry. Do you know what I mean?”

“Yes, sir, I know what you mean. If you say that, you must Figure out what we are missing?”

Jarvis asked humanely. After getting Tony’s affirmative answer, he could only tell the answer.

“We need a super energy system. An energy system larger than any Ark reactor you build. And we need steel, the highest quality space metal. Think about the Kree Star The size of the battleship. Because of quality issues, we can’t produce space metals of the same quality. So we need to do more in quantity. This means that you need more steel production.”

“Can’t I supply you with a whole country?”

Hearing this judgment, Tony was a little incredulous. But Jarvis will not deceive him on this issue.

“Yes, sir. I am afraid it looks like this.”

“Well, the steel business can be put off for a while. Let me think about it, a bigger one Rafting reactor? What do you think of the one we are building in Wyoming?”

“Maybe. Yes, sir. According to calculations, the output of that reactor is sufficient. As long as we can take it Transport in the past, I mean transport to the deep sea.”

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