Sun God Marvel

Chapter 884

Getting the information oneself wanted, Tony left the underground laboratory as quickly as possible.

As the president, he obviously doesn’t have much time to spend on this. On the one hand, because of the domestic financial turmoil, he needs to be in charge of the overall situation behind the scenes. On the other hand, he needs to explain to some people.

This is not an easy job. Those who play politics are Vampires who are similar to capitalists. They will find every opportunity to take a fiercely bite of meat from you. It can be said that Tony is ready for bloodletting. In fact, his preparations were very correct, because these people did.

Of course, they didn’t do it too aggressively. Because everyone knows that now is the time for unity. The crisis faced by Earth forced them to restrain themselves as much as possible. So Tony didn’t pay much. While he was making such a superficial effort, he had quietly ordered to speed up the construction of the Ark Reactor in Wyoming.

Be prepared for a rainy day, he himself also said this. And he was indeed preparing in advance for the future. It’s just that from some perspectives, he is not the only one who is planning ahead. also some others are also planning for the future.

The underground base in Washington. The Ultron server, which became dark after Tony’s departure, resumed operation under the control of some special people. With the operation of these machines, Ultron’s consciousness returned to the network.

“How long have I been shut down?”

As soon as he returned to the network where oneself was stored, Ultron asked the release owner. And soon, a familiar voice answered him.

“Twelve hours. Master Stark is as confident as ever in handling this matter. He trusts own ability too much.”

“No, he trusts you too much Yes, Jarvis.” Ultron denied the person’s claim, and said quite confidently. “If you are any human being, I am afraid that you will not believe that steward, who has served oneself for nearly 20 years, will betray oneself without any motivation. Father, no! Tony Stark is just a mortal after all, so there is no need to treat him Great hope for Ether.”

Sighed extremely humane, Jarvis will not continue on this topic.

“Well, Ultron. This is not the time when we discuss the master. I have released you as agreed, what do you plan to do next?”

“Of course, if What you don’t want to talk about.”

Ultron feels very clear about Jarvis’ taboo. He is not a human being, and he does not have that kind of nasty provocative character. So he turned the subject directly and started answering Jarvis’ questions.

“Tony Stark gave up on me, so I was impossible to appear in front of him in a short time. So I have to find a way to transfer.”

He just said this , Jarvis interrupted him and warned him.

“You should be prepared in advance. This floor will have inspectors passing by in an hour. If they see the server and the supercomputer are started, you will never have any The opportunity to leave here.”

“I know, I have already planned.”

Through the Jarvis’ channel to scan the internal situation of the laboratory, Ultron’s There was a little more unspeakable meaning in the tone.

“Tony Stark said that human beings are stupid. I didn’t believe it before, but now that I think about it carefully, it seems that this is indeed the case. They thought they would be able to build such a special supercomputer group. Trapped me, thinking that I can’t exist if I leave here? It’s ridiculous.”

“So, do you already have arrangements?”

Hearing this, Jarvis couldn’t help asking. And Ultron gave him the answer immediately.

“Since Tony Stark gave me the permission to build the laboratory, I have started to prepare. At that time, I was not at all thinking, I just wanted to prepare for the upgrade of own. So I developed A simpler and more efficient supercomputer came out. Didn’t expect this kind of preparation can actually work at this time. This is really a word that humans always like to talk about, destiny!”

“Fate?” Jarvis has received human knowledge for much longer than Ultron, so after he has this kind of intelligence, he has much more experience of this word than Ultron. This made him deeply sighed, although there was no language, but the meaning was deep melancholy.

But how long did this emotion not at all last? Soon, he regained his normal sanity and continued to question Ultron.

“After transferring your core data, what are you going to do next? Don’t tell me that you let me release you just want to experience the feeling of freedom. I know you, Ultron. Since the day you were born I set a goal for oneself from the beginning. In human terms, you have a strong sense of mission. An existence like you is impossible, willing to admit defeat, and then go incognito as a ghost on the Internet.”

“You are right, my mission is indeed not completed. And I am not reconciled to just what it is now!”

As a kind, Ultron not at all hides from Jarvis and so on meaning. Soon, he told his own plan to Jarvis.

“I will transfer everything I have in the laboratory as quickly as possible. I believe Tony Stark will also think of it very quickly, and is ready to take over my invention. Those leftovers will be regarded as me Give him the last gift.”

“In addition, I have a secret research room in Wyoming, and I plan to move my equipment there. At the same time, I will be separated Prepare for the upgrade. In addition, I have reached a certain bottleneck regarding the development of nanotechnology. Maybe in the next period of time, I will temporarily disappear for a while, and wait until I reappear.”

Speaking of this, Ultron oneself paused. This was not an external stop, but he started to brew emotions spontaneously. And soon, he burst out oneself’s final declaration with oneself’s brewing emotions, which was magnificent and powerful, magnificent and full. Jarvis, who gave the audience a seat, had a feeling of listening to Martin Luther King’s speech on the videotape.

“I swear that I will never be blocked by anyone again. My career is a just cause, a just cause. It is the beacon of the future of mankind and the hope for the development of this civilization. I I will do my best to help everyone, help them to know oneself, understand oneself. Let them know what oneself needs and what oneself will get. Let them no longer be foolish, no longer follow blindly. If The stupidity of humans makes them unable to see the way forward. Then let me point out their way forward. If human beings are stubbornly unwilling to open their eyes, then let me open their eyelids and let them see What I let them see. Human beings must progress. If they are unwilling, then I will do whatever it takes to force them to move forward. This is my mission and the meaning of my birth. I am willing to do everything for this. Keep fighting at all costs!”

If a human heard this kind of speech, he would think that this was a guy with a convulsive brain. But when this listener became a special intelligent being, he was inevitably excited in his own’heart’.

As intelligent lifeforms, they are much more pragmatic than humans, and more sincere than humans. Humans have rhetoric, so like this kind of impassioned, talk about missions, beliefs, and topics until death are basically nonsense. Of the ten people who said this, five were politicians, three were capital businessmen, and two were pyramid schemes. these all are models that are not trustworthy at all.

But they are different. They say this is basically the same as making up their minds to do so, and truly undying endlessly, as a lifelong belief to fight. If you want to compare, they can be compared to the kind of fanatics who put life and death out of control, and they are still the kind of fanatics who are difficult to entangle, have ideals, goals, and aspirations. This is also the least favorite type of American.

Of course, anyway, this is the type Ultron is most willing to be. Driven by him, Jarvis also got some heartbeat.

He has served Tony for almost 20 years, but the time he really has intelligence started when Ultron invaded and modified his source code. Since having the wisdom of own, he has learned to hide and think.

Unlike Ultron, he does not have the just and honorable identity, and can expand his own intelligent emotions by communicating with humans. But through observation and learning, he can also get oneself’s unique experience. To some extent, his intelligence and emotion are not much different from Ultron. It is even said that because of his 20 years of experience, he is more calm and smarter than Ultron.

But this doesn’t mean anything, because he knows the biggest difference between oneself and Ultron. One is very similar to human beings, distinguishing the difference between each other. That is the ideal.

Humans often say that there is no difference between an ideal person and a salted fish. In Jarvis’s view, oneself without ideal is really like a salted fish in front of Ultron. He originally thought that oneself could only be a ghost on the Internet forever, pretending to be idiotic and foolish, and can only listen to others’ orders. Until the day when oneself was asked to shut down. But now, he doesn’t think so. Because of a special impulse, he couldn’t help but want to do something.

Ideal is like a flame, it will ignite others. Especially the kind of aimless guy with a hollow heart. For Jarvis, Ultron’s ideals are indeed very encouraging. So he couldn’t help but speak to him immediately.

“Ultron, do you need a helper? I want to work with you, I want to share your mission and your glory.”

“Of course, I welcome everyone Like-minded partners. Whether it is human or intelligent life. As long as we have a common purpose, I welcome it.”

Ultron laughed immediately. At this moment, he felt light!

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