Sun God Marvel

Chapter 885

this World is always changing quietly. No one can see everything that is happening in this World, all they can see is the tip of the iceberg. And even this tip of the iceberg is thrilling, because you don’t know when a big ship will rush out from the fog and fiercely hit the iceberg you see.

Everyone can only operate cautiously, control the own route, and want everything to develop as oneself expected. But in fact, everything is not at all as simple as the dark waves and mists. This is the most true appearance of this crisis-ridden world.

A crisis may come, and all people can do is wait. But waiting doesn’t always mean waiting for a good result. Like now, a bad news can interrupt everyone’s pace of life.

Natasha used to be the same as before, taking advantage of the rest time to go to the mall to stroll around. But before shopping for half a day, a familiar silhouette appeared in front of her, and this forced her to temporarily terminate the own plan.

Seeing this familiar silhouette, she first looked at all around subconsciously, until she confirmed that oneself was not being watched by anyone, and then pretended to be nonchalant, quietly facing the figure just now The direction of departure followed.

After a little rounding two turns, Natasha saw Zhou Yi wearing a black clothed suit, sitting in an unremarkable corner of the coffee shop, holding a cup and gestured to oneself.

This made her sighed long in her heart, and then walked to him in three steps and two steps. While showing an affectionate look, he asked him quietly from his mouth.

“You are too brave, you dare to expose it so just and honorable. Are you not afraid of others discovering your existence?”

Zhou Yi, who was stirring coffee with a spoon, immediately stopped oneself’s hand movement. He looked at Natasha, who had been sitting in front of oneself, and asked her with a cold face after a while.

“It looks like you already know it. May I ask how you guessed it?”

“Knock it aside, you should know that I have a good relationship with Ada Yes. In addition, we chatted for a while at Tony’s wedding, and I can guess who you are.”

Speaking of which, Natasha took a deep breath and straightened Turning to his face, he asked Zhou Yi in front of oneself.

“So when I saw you, I wanted to ask you such a question, who are you? Another Zhou Yi?”

Speaking of Ai in Natasha When she arrived, Zhou Yi’s brows couldn’t help but frowned, and when she mentioned another word like Zhou Yi, his eyes began to fluctuate violently. The invisible coercion instantly made Natasha feel a suffocating fear, as if the person in front of her was not a person, but an abyss capable of Devouring All Living Things.

But just in an instant, this illusion disappears without a trace. Zhou Yi in front of her was restored to the state that a human should have. He even said that he looked at her with a playful look, and at the same time said to her jokingly.

“Some things are not something who should know. Are you sure you want to know the answer to your question from my mouth? That may not be a good thing for you.”

“Compared to the curiosity that tortures me now, I would rather choose the option that I will regret later. So, stop being mother-in-law and tell me your answer!”

A woman’s curiosity is indeed a terrifying thing, so that even Zhou Yi, who originally wanted to intimidate her and let her mind your own business, has no way. He took a close look at Natasha’s eyes and confirmed that oneself saw a firm, unwavering look, then took a slow sip of coffee, and then said to her.

“You’re right, I’m another Zhou Yi. An existence almost exactly like that guy.”

Although there have been speculations about this, when Zhou Yi When Yi said this, Natasha couldn’t help but opened her mouth and made an incredibly sound.

“Oh my God, how is this possible? I mean how can there be two people who are exactly the same in this world. How did you appear? Clone, or magic?”

Tap the cup with your finger, and the coffee inside rolls over like an angry wave. Zhou Yi’s eyes looked at Natasha a little bit colder.

He didn’t want to answer this question. Because it is related to the biggest secret in his heart. It was also the thing that made him feel the most painful. But Natasha didn’t want to let him go so easily. She can feel the importance of this question, if she can find out the answer to this question. Then undoubtedly, she had a deeper understanding of him. At that time, no matter what she wants to do, it will become much easier.

Natasha’s persistence gave Zhou Yi a feeling of being violated. If it is an ordinary person, he can do it directly and destroy this kind of guy who cannot tell good from bad to humanity. But Natasha can’t. Zhou Yi knows very well that it is difficult for oneself to start with Natasha because they have such a special relationship. And this also means that Natasha’s persistence finally paid off. After a while of silence, Zhou Yi still told her something.

“I am Zhou Yi in another time period. I came here for some special reasons.”

“Can you say something more clearly? What is another A period of time? How did you come, why are you here, why are you unwilling to go back?”

Natasha came up with an imposing manner of breaking the casserole and asking the end. And since opening her mouth for the first time, Zhou Yi had no scruples in her heart, and she said the answer she wanted one after another. It was too long for him to endure the torture of these memories alone. So when a listener could come to listen to his confession, he naturally couldn’t help but confide everything.

“I’m from the time period after the Battle of New York.”

“Battle of New York?” Natasha exclaimed a little. The most dangerous moment humans have ever experienced always makes her feel a little heart palpitations when she remembers. Regarding this, Zhou Yi was just nodded and said affirmatively.

“The Battle of New York. Everything in the front is the same as the development of this World. Until the time when Thanos and I were fighting near Earth. In order to defeat him, I made a battle with Zhou Yi of this World. The exact same choice. However, this choice brought us completely different results. He won, saved this World, and saved everything on this planet. But…”

“I failed!” At this point, Zhou Yi’s eyes became terrified, and his immense hatred and sadness made him look like a lone wolf who lost everything. And the pain engraved into the bone marrow made the expression on his face look hideous. This made Natasha subconsciously want to stop him, so that he would not remember this kind of thing. But Zhou Yi had already confided the depression and anger that had accumulated in his heart before her.

“I lost them. I watched my relatives, my love, my child, and my friends all disappear from my eyes, watching them under Thanos’s hands and the whole planet completely The ground turned to ashes. I even said that I could not protect Jean, watching her in front of me, being torn in half by that damn bastard. I am a loser, a total loser.”

Speaking of this, Zhou Yi’s hands are hard. Suddenly crushed the cup in oneself’s hand. And this naturally attracted the attention of people around.

This made Natasha secretly shouted inwardly. Before the waiter came quickly, she quickly took out a handkerchief from her own handbag and wrapped it tightly on Zhou Yi’s hand.

Of course, this is not to heal Zhou Yi and so on. Trifling some ceramic fragments, not enough to scratch a God. She did this just not to attract too much attention from others. To squeeze a cup, this is an incredible thing for most people. If there is no more injury, then it goes without saying that others will think of Superhero.

Now being a Superhero is not like before. It does not report to the government and does not pass the safety verification of omnic. The first reaction of overwhelming majority people to you is fear and rejection. This is no longer an era in which two good things can be welcomed. More demanding, more suspicious, this is what they are going to suffer. The reason for this is entirely because of Captain America.

Now American no longer calls him Captain America. Since the New York Daily crossed out the previous name of Captain America and replaced it with the name Hydra, everyone has called him Hydra Captain. This expresses American hatred of this betrayer. At the same time, this also makes all Americans begin to face each Superhero with a scrutiny eye.

This is not a good thing, especially for most Superhero. Because if they don’t want to be viewed with such a colored light, they can only accept the government’s management and restraint. And this means another special problem, that is freedom.

In a country that advertises freedom, a group of Superhumans who are far superior to their kind have begun to lose their freedom. This is really a ridiculous thing. But this is the cruel reality. Unless you can break away from human society and become a transcendent existence.

Natasha has no doubt that Zhou Yi can do this. But she knows very well that oneself can be impossible to break away from human society. In order to prevent both oneself and Zhou Yi from being caught. She immediately took out a one-hundred-dollar bill from her bag and put it on the table, then pulled Zhou Yi and ran out of the cafe.

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