Sun God Marvel

Chapter 886

Sometimes even Natasha oneself does not know, where did oneself have the courage to do so. She clearly knew that no matter how many people came, it was impossible to get the man in front of oneself. As long as oneself avoids the vision of some caring people, it is actually a very simple thing to get away.

But she didn’t do that at all. Instead, she took Zhou Yi’s hand and panicked like a woman who is cheating. Every move is filled with a feeling of trembling in fear. This obviously went against her original intention, but she meant not at all to let go. She kept pulling Zhou Yi and running, until she squeezed him into the own car, she let go of his hand calmly.

“Sorry, I just hope that we will not attract too many people’s attention. You know, if you expose it, the consequences will become very serious.”

“I understand what you mean. In fact, I don’t care about those weak human beings. As long as they don’t come to provoke me, I can treat them as air. So you don’t have to worry about what I will do to them.”

Glanced at the bustling crowd outside the car, Zhou Yi said to Natasha in a completely indifferent way. And this immediately choked Natasha’s words. Only at this time did she realize that the Zhou Yi in front of her was the biggest difference between the others.

The other Zhou Yi is a duplicity. He always said in his mouth that he didn’t care about human beings, and he was completely disappointed in them, but many times, he didn’t do what oneself said. He always comes forward when it matters. To save the world and so on, it is more than one or two times. Even in this situation, which is almost equivalent to retreat, he is the same.

But Zhou Yi in front of me is different. He said that oneself doesn’t care about the ordinary persons outside. This is not nothing serious, it is the most true expression in his heart. Natasha is a very sensitive woman, she can tell many things from her words. The indifference in the discourse and the contempt in the expression all explain Zhou Yi’s true view of mankind.

He doesn’t care about these humans, he treats them as ants or even dust. Natasha can even imagine what terrifying things he would do to humans if necessary.

But compared to what he would do, Natasha cared more about why he did it.

According to his own, his previous experience is almost the same as Zhou Yi of this World. This should also mean that their personalities, outlook on life and even values ​​should be similar. Why is there such an obvious gap between them? Could it be because of the different ending he said?

Thinking of this, Natasha immediately realized something. And this also made her ask Zhou Yi immediately.

“Can I ask what happened afterwards? I mean Thanos, your world, also why did you appear in our in this world?”

“Later? “Closed his eyes, let Natasha start the car, and drive oneself to go somewhere else. Zhou Yi just fell into his own thoughts. “I destroyed Thanos. I avenged everything I lost. But that is not at all! They were destroyed by the power of the Infinity Gem. Everything from the body to the soul. So I wanted to be resurrected They can’t pull them out of the abyss of Death.”

“Without them, my life is equivalent to completely meaningless. As a loser, I can only be like The most embarrassed stray dog ​​wanders aimlessly in the universe. There is no light, no warmth, no hope, and there is no redemption. I have roamed almost all corners of the universe, and I have seen almost all the darkness of the universe. But from the beginning to the end, I couldn’t have another destination.”

This is an unpleasant answer. So Natasha immediately apologized to him in a low voice.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I brought up your sad thing. This is my mistake.

“The irreparable mistake, you have asked it. So, let me answer your question well? “

“Of course. “Nodded, Natasha started to become a qualified listener again.

“I wandered in the endless darkness, almost impossible. And in the darkness, I heard the call of my lost daughter. Call from Aretha. I don’t know if it is the imagination in my mind or the real reality. I just responded to that call subconsciously. Then, the passage between the two worlds appeared in front of me. “

“I saw what I lost again, and I regained everything I had. This is my yearn for something even in dreams, so I came to this World. Although I had to share all this with another me, it was enough for me. Even just looking at them and guarding them is enough for me. “

Zhou Yi’s report gave Natasha a feeling of unpleasantness in her heart. That repressive feeling of pain and the sadness of losing everything made her feel sympathy for this The man is coming.

Although he is indeed strong, so strong that it can almost make the universe tremble. But in his heart, he is not much stronger than others. In this story, he The power of Natasha has completely lost its effect. It can be said that he is just a tragic character who has lost his love, a character that needs to be sympathized and redeemed.

As a female, Natasha is born to be like this The character responded with sympathy. And because of some other emotions in her heart, she would inevitably feel sad because of his encounter. So after listening to this remark, she couldn’t help holding Zhou Yi’s hand. I comforted him.

“Everything is over, everything is over. Stop thinking about the sad things in the past, don’t you now have everything again? “

“I’m just a caregiver of everything I once owned. “Opening his eyes, Zhou Yi’s eyes are a bit more deadly cold and severe. “This is just a humble wish. But even with such a small wish, some people are still unwilling to satisfy me. They want to destroy this World in vain. If it’s just that, I don’t care, but they include everything I value within the scope of their destruction. And this is something I absolutely don’t allow. “

“That’s why I came to you, Natasha. I need your information about Galactus. I have a hunch that the negotiation has broken down! “

“What? you sure? “The brakes were stepped on, and the supercar while driving at high speed struck a huge arc in a violent rubbing sound, and suddenly stopped. Of course, this has attracted the attention of many people, but now Natasha It’s too late to care about these.

Just now Zhou Yi’s words really scared her. If what he said is true, then the entire Earth crisis will invisibly approach one level.

Because of closeness and estrangement! Although Ganata said that she wanted to persuade her father to change her mind. But know that this is not an absolute thing. She may succeed or fail. If it fails, what will it mean?

Think about the authority of father when you were a child. He can always force you, but it is difficult for you to resist him. This is a natural problem, and on this issue, Natasha is not willing to I hope that the father-daughter relationship between aliens will be different from that of humans.

In the worst case scenario, then they will face two monsters that can devour planets. Ganata Although the statement is not obvious, her bloodline is there. And Natasha will not forget how the exquisite girl admitted in front of the owner that she was able to swallow the planet.

The situation is terrible , Very bad. Natasha couldn’t help but start losing one’s head out of fear for a while. But when she suddenly saw the cold statue-like existence beside oneself, she suddenly forgot all her worries.

She almost forgot the existence of the person next to oneself!

Galactus is very terrifying, even if only the name is heard, it is enough to make the humans who can only parasitize on the planet feel Sincerely afraid. However, the person next to him is not much worse.

Natasha, who has seen the records of the Sandal Stars, remembers very clearly how the giant in the distant starry sky is Use oneself’s long sword to smash the stars of Blink. The reality that seems like an ancient myth has clearly told her how this man named Zhou Yi is unmatched.

If you think about it from this perspective, even if the Zhou Yi next to him is a little bit worse than the other one, he should also have the power to shake the universe and slash the stars. With him protecting, Earth should be Safe. Even if there are two monsters that can swallow planets, it is the same. Because on this planet, there are also two Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi gave Natasha great confidence. But he will She wouldn’t do this, but it was something that she couldn’t be sure of, so with some anxiety, she immediately asked Zhou Yi.

“Will you protect us?”

“I will protect the love I have lost.” Having said that, Zhou Yi glanced at Natasha next to him. “Of course, I can protect you with it.”

“Thank you very much” Natasha finally let go of her heart after hearing the assurance. At the same time she began to tease. “Although it sounds like I included it when I charged the phone bill.”

“You have your value, Natasha. Now tell me everything you know.”

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