Sun God Marvel

Chapter 908

On the street where police cars are whistling, all kinds of emergency vehicles have been controlled at this moment. Looking at the Lincoln luxury car that had been engulfed by flames in the middle, the emergency personnel who had just rushed over couldn’t help but ask the police officer beside him.

“Isn’t there an accident? What about the people in need of first aid? Why didn’t I see any of them.”

“You are too late!” While holding a notebook While registering and so on, the policeman raised his head and glanced at him, then replied to him with a regretful look. “Did you see the thing at the back? The person who needs first aid you said is in the car. I guess when the firefighter pulls him out of it, he should be almost confused. If you say that your skills are up to If this level can save people back, then you can wait a little longer.”

Hearing what the police said, look at the firefighter who was sprayed with a sprinkler. The car that was burning for a long time, the ambulanceman immediately shrugged and shook his head.

“Although I have a lot of experience in the treatment of burns, but at this level, I feel that it is more appropriate to call a car in a morgue. It’s horrible, I was resting on a phone call. Shouting here, I thought it was really something urgent? Didn’t expect to collect the body of a dead person. It’s annoying, I’m leaving now!”

“Go, Buddy. Now you But I can’t leave. This is an influential figure. We can’t leave without a final conclusion. Otherwise, you think why those firefighters are desperate to put out the fire and try to rescue him, knowing that the person inside is dead. It’s not because the guy inside is too big. So you should wait here with me.”

“Who is so big? Buddy, do you know?”

Looking at the firefighters who were still carrying a faucet desperately to put out the fire, the first responder felt a cigarette from his pocket and began to close the police officer around him. After receiving his cigarette, the police officer smiled and clamped the notebook in his arm under his arm, and then said to him obviously taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

“hehe, Oscorp’s Sect Master, Norman. Osborn, have you ever heard of it. Here! The guy inside is that guy. How about it, I didn’t expect it.”

“You are Speaking of the controller of the hundreds of billions group? Norman. Osborn? He actually had an accident here, really?”

With a slightly excited expression, the first responder said so quickly. Obviously, hearing this explosive news for him has already caused him to fall into a state of gossip.

“Of course, otherwise who do you think also. I dare say that Oscorp stock must plummet. Maybe some people will lose a lot of money for it.”

It’s not just his observer who has this sentiment, but the police officer who is the narrator also has similar ideas. For this society, they belong to the kind of existence at the bottom. And precisely because of this, when they deal with the influential figures of aloof and remote, sometimes they are not only longing, but also a kind of envy and hatred.

Economics of the world society has made it very clear that where the money of the rich comes from, it is harvested like wool from an ordinary person. Anyone who has read this kind of statement can have a similar understanding, and this has led to the fact that most people’s minds are complicated for those who are rich. Although it is not enough to let most people take risks and go to crime. But when these influential figures are in trouble, take pleasure in other people’s misfortune, it’s really no pressure at all.

I have to say that these guys who were forcibly pulled over do have some self-entertainment spirit. Although they are restricted from being able to leave here before the final result comes out, they will not feel disappointed at all because of this, but rather have a feeling of being in it.

However, this kind of joy does not last at all for too long. Because soon, they saw a huge fire burst out of the Lincoln car that was almost finished. The huge explosion and powerful impact caused the surrounding firefighters to be rushed out. And this sudden situation immediately made the police officer sigh with emotion.

“Well, it looks like it is finally over. It is estimated that those firefighters should also be relaxed. It is not something an ordinary person can do to survive this situation.”


As soon as he finished speaking, there was a new noise in the explosion place. This noise is obviously abnormal, because the car that has been bombed once is obviously impossible to come back again. Relying on his own experience, the police officer immediately noticed something wrong, and when he turned his attention away, he immediately noticed something unbelievable.

In the place where the fire was burning, a silhouette wrapped in flames came out step by step. He walks heavily, but each step seems to carry great power. It’s not just that the flames on his body are continuously attacking all around, making people around him have to retreat quickly. Even the ground under his feet showed one mark after another in his movements.

“What the hell is going on here? Isn’t Norman Osborn there?”

Seeing such a guy appearing in front of him, the police officers who have been watching couldn’t bear it. Live yelled. At this time, the first responder, who was still watching the scene intently, also screamed like this.

“Yes, it is him. I have seen him, this is Norman Osborn, how could he be a Super Ability User?”

As the flame fades , The man who walked out of the scene has revealed his true body. And looking at such a real body, everyone who knew him around was surprised and couldn’t help himself.

Norman.Osborn will actually be a member of Super Ability User, which is really great news for this country. You know, on Earth now, almost everyone is dreaming that oneself will have a day of superpower. And if such a thing does happen, then it is definitely a huge surprise.

However, as a party, the old Osborn did not regard this incident as a surprise at all. In other words, this little surprise is no longer enough to infect his emotions. His current emotions can be said to be completely controlled by another kind of thought.

This kind of thought is anger and hatred, and where the target of his emotion is pointing, you can tell from his fiercely look in the direction of White House. However, after all, it is an influential figure that has been honed for many years. He quickly converged his own eyes and restored oneself to a calm and composed state.

And just when the driver belonging to Oscorp drove up and draped a blanket on him. He immediately got into the car and asked the driver to get up.

“Take me out of here, also, if someone comes to me, just say I’m resting and no one wants to see you!”

He obviously has ideas, too Have an own plan. It is a choice that many powerful people will make by retreating behind the scenes to deal with own ownership. However, he can only do this now, because with his performance, the entire media has already exploded.

The ruler of the Hundred Billion Group is actually a Super Ability User. This is unlikely to be a thing that can be big and small, and small and nothing. You know, when Tony Stark declared that oneself is Iron Man, it caused quite a worldwide sensation. Norman Osborn is not as famous as Tony, but he is more controversial.

Because everyone knows one thing, and that is that Norman Osborn looked like he was dying a year or two ago. Why a person who is about to die suddenly becomes healthy, and why he suddenly possesses super powers, this is obviously a matter worth exploring.

The media is beyond their grasp. When these connections are understood by them, they immediately begin to run wildly like wild horses looking for the so-called truth. With their efforts, some doctors who had been in contact with Norman Osborn and had some knowledge of his genetic diseases were dragged to the front. Induced by huge profits, they also revealed this secret.

The genetic disease of the Osborn Family has been exposed. The genetic problem of reverse transcription has proved two things about Osborn’s physical condition at that time. First, his fate was not long before, and the medical technology possessed by mankind is fundamentally impossible to cure him. Second, he was indeed a human at the time, impossible with such abilities. This means that his ability will not be a congenital problem, but will only be an acquired transformation. Moreover, this acquired transformation not only allowed him to obtain superpower, but also allowed him to cure oneself who was diagnosed as a mortal disease.

A technology that can transform a superpower user, and maybe it also has a certain effect of curing diseases. This news naturally made this Osborn incident even more sensational. Of course, most of the people who really made the sensation for this were ordinary persons, and at most they were just newcomers who had just stepped into the upper class.

The real celebrities, even the group of people from the human social pyramid cream of the crop, will not be impressed by these news. Although fascinating, capacity transformation is not so urgently needed. Moreover, if someone really wants to attack Osborn, their top-level circles will naturally get a share of the pie.

The other function of curing diseases is even more unattractive to them. The nano-unit medical technology of a secret research institution under the name of the government has been tested, but almost all physical problems can be effectively cured, and so far it has maintained a 100% success rate. This technology is much more reliable than Osborn’s. Who knows if Osborn’s gadget is only effective for his body. And whether there will be any repercussions, these are all things that need to be considered.

For own health, these influential figures should be considered more. They as it should be by rights should choose better.

It is only the ordinary person who is restless, but White House is inevitably affected.

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