Sun God Marvel

Chapter 909

Osborn ran into a car accident as soon as he exited the gate of the White House. This is not an accident that looks like an accident. Of course, people with a discerning eye can see that this should not be White House’s hands and feet. It’s too obvious. Compared with White House, some caring people’s frame of blame is more convincing.

However, the parties do not think so. Osborn is a guy who has just been angry and attacking his heart. Such a guy is unlikely to have any reason in itself. He would almost certainly count this incident on White House. Even if someone said it was planted, he would think that this was a deliberate act of Tony Stark doing the opposite, in order to let Others think so.

Once people’s subjective assumptions are set, it is difficult to reverse them, and especially for arrogant and arrogant people like Osborn, it is even more impossible to reverse oneself at first’s view of others casually. Once he hates a guy, he will definitely hate this guy to death. Counting on him to change, it might be better to shoot him down.

White House also knows this point. So, after receiving this news, Tony’s first reaction was to cursed with a cold face.

“Why is he undying there?”

This is the truth. If he really died there, then things would undoubtedly become much easier. Even if someone wants to plant this matter on them, he can just and honorable stand up and refute it. In this matter, he was not afraid of the shadow leaning, and he really didn’t care about such accusations.

However, Osborn undying turned out to be the worst result. There is no doubt that this Old Guy will try his best to get back. And given his power, even people like Tony have to work hard and deal with it carefully. But at this critical moment, thinking about this, Tony’s face, who had just screamed, suddenly turned a little gloomy.

As for his feelings, I am afraid that no one will know better than Maria. When she saw Tony’s expression, she immediately reached out and hugged his arm, and comforted him.

“Don’t worry, my dear. Maybe things are not at all as bad as you think? No matter how strong Oscorp is, it’s just a company. He doesn’t have the ability to fight against the country. And he may not have it. That courage came to confront us. As long as we can give him an explanation, maybe he will choose to give up?”

“Impossible.” Tony shook the head, resolutely and decisively said. “You don’t understand Osborn, he is not a compromised guy. And once we give in a little bit, maybe he will be more unsatisfied. I finally got this guy out of that position, so no matter what I’m impossible to give him another chance to climb up again.”

Hearing this, Maria also felt difficult to do it. It’s not that she doesn’t know Osborn’s difficulty. When Tony Stark just took the stage, based on the difficult moment, this guy is willing to give him a hand, but it is not a provide timely help business. He was a naked profiting from somebody’s misfortune, and he directly conspired to seize the most important power in the hands of the Stark government at the time, combined with the unstable state of the United States at the time, and asked him whether he was fighting for another corner or not. Ghost idea of ​​the stove. Fortunately, the situation in all countries in Tony’s hands gradually stabilized, and his actions have also failed several times, knocking out his prestige and power. Otherwise, he might not be as respectful to Tony as he started.

Such a guy is indeed like Tony said, he can’t give him any chance. But the situation in front of him is justified by him. As long as he holds this truth, although he is impossible on the surface to fight Tony, there are small tricks that can be done secretly.

Don’t say what crisis is this, you need to put the overall situation first. With the selfishness shown by this guy, I am afraid he has no lower limit. Therefore, you cannot treat him with common sense, let alone treat him in a simple way.

I want to understand this, Maria frowned and asked Tony cautiously.

“Otherwise, let’s find a way to control him first. After the immediate difficulties are over, we will find a chance to solve this contradiction.”

“Your idea is Yes, but in actual implementation, this level may not be enough.”

nodded, and then shook the head. Tony apparently had a similar idea. But before speaking out this idea, he still asked the people around him.

“Maria, did the people underneath say whether they found out the cause of the problem.”

“No, the current investigation only says that something has been done on the brake line The cut is broken. Our people can only investigate a small robotic technology from the SHIELD period. But you know, this technology is also in Hydra’s hands. We are not sure who is the target now.”

Maria said honestly, and hearing such an answer, Tony immediately waved his hands in response.

“In this case, it was announced to the public that Hydra had assassinated Osborn. Then the news was revealed internally, and it was said that the human body modification technology studied by Osborn is related to Hydra. This is They ended up unevenly dividing the spoils.”

“What?” Upon hearing this, Maria was taken aback for a moment, and then said with some embarrassment. “But, Tony. Doesn’t this technology come from the Corona Group? If you say so, wouldn’t it be bitten by the guy Osborn?”

“This is to blame Osborn own person for lack of heart Now!” After a sneer, Tony began to explain. “Oscorp has been trying to steal technology from the corona a long time ago, and he himself is also developing a certain kind of human body modification technology. Although this technology is not yet mature, it is enough to be a reason for us to attack him. Forget, there are few people waiting to eat meat and drink blood!”

This sentence alludes to many people. You must know that although the United States has experienced turmoil several times, the country’s fundamentals will never change. This is a country dominated by large companies and consortiums. Even with Tony’s exception, it will not last long. In the end, everything has to be changed back, at most it is just a way to represent Tony Stark.

It is precisely because of this that once new interests emerge in this country, they will always attract the attention of a group of predators. Osborn obviously had something in his hand that could attract these people. Just with his original background, he is not afraid of these guys. After all, he is also one of these people. But now it’s different. If the Stark government takes the lead on him, then these blood-drinkers are most likely to be able to tear him to pieces.

This is the status quo of capitalism, whether it is internally or externally, it has no warmth at all. As long as there is interest, these guys don’t care what kind of dirty things oneself is doing. This is something that has always been criticized, but now, this is Tony’s method of breaking the game.

He really has no time and mood and an internal malignant tumor to delay. This event is an opportunity, as long as you control it well, you can completely disintegrate the power of Osborn. It’s like having an operation. It’s better to remove a tumor when it’s benign than to wait for the Shadow Transformation to hit the whole body. So when you break it, you don’t want to suffer the chaos.

As a pillow, Maria can understand Tony’s thinking now. It was just a bit cruel in her opinion, so she couldn’t help but persuade Tony.

“My dear, is this a bit too much. I remember the situation of the Osborn Family. Although the old Osborn is a arrogant and borderless guy, his child is still a good one. youngster. If we do this, isn’t this child also going to be persecuted? So I wonder if you should think about it, there will always be a better way.”

“You didn’t do what you said.” Patted oneself wife’s hand, Tony’s thoughts were as firm as his tone. “But you have to be clear about one thing. There will always be a better way. That’s true, but time doesn’t allow us to wait any longer. There is a Chinese saying that crying at home is better than crying at home. Cry, it’s better to cry across the road. This kind of thing always requires sacrifice. In that case, why not choose the smallest sacrifice? I know this is a bit sorry for the child, but this is politics. And this is what I can The only choice made politically. I am the president and I must consider the overall situation.”

“I know, just the thought of letting a child suffer such unfair treatment and suffer such Injustice, I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart. Tony, we will be penalty if we do this. I don’t want you to carry too many sins, I don’t want our child to carry too many heavy things on his back when he was born. So, Promise me, don’t do too much of this kind of thing, okay?”

Maria has a child, which is not a surprising thing. In fact, Tony had long wanted to have a child. In a scientific way, this is not difficult to do. However, on the premise of becoming a mother, Maria inevitably has some maternal compassion. This is human nature, not surprising. And for Tony, what she said did make sense.

If so, who would be willing to do this kind of thing? If you can dignified and have to beat the opponent, who would use what crafty plots and machinations? If there is a best of both worlds, who wants to make this choice? These are all things without a if, he can only do this.

So now, he can only hold his own wife and whisper to her quietly.

“I swear, my dear. All this will not last long. When this World is washed away. When this country is brought back on track, I will stay away from this life. I I will take you to a place of Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances, so that our child will be carefree and happy from the day he was born. I swear, I will be a good father!”

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