Sun God Marvel

Chapter 910

Tony Stark uses the thunderous method, which is bloody and cruel. But this is not at all condemned by anyone from his level, because his behavior is in line with the interests of the highest ruling class under the current circumstances. It’s not just him, any smart leader in any country is doing the same thing.

Clear internal troubles, unanimously externally, this is what it should be when the country is endangered, not to mention that it is not only the issue of national endangerment, but the entire world is threatened. Problem.

Tony has already brought the words, and the other party has clearly expressed his own attitude. This is good news in theory, but for most people here, they cannot count on this person.

People always have to think about the worst, especially this kind of life-and-death event. Even if it is no matter how simple and confident in that person, as long as he is in this position, he must think of a way out. This is by nature and is also the general trend.

The future of mankind really cannot be put on one’s shoulders so simply. Of course, none of this has much to do with Zhou Yi who is in Huiyao City. Because when Tony came to report to him that day, he had already begun to prepare to meet the enemy.

His attitude is plain, even his performance in Normally is exactly similar to usual. Except for occasionally staring at the starry sky, the rest of the time did not seem like a fight against others. This serene look seemed confident, but for the women around him, it was a bit restless. Because they all know one thing in their hearts, that is, that Zhou Yi’s power not at all has returned to the Peak state.

Since the accident in the Mediterranean that may involve time and space, Zhou Yi’s power has barely been maintained at 5-Layer or even lower level. And at such a level to deal with a planet that can swallow the planet, represents the existence of the universe, this is obviously a crisis full of things.

If they can, they don’t want Zhou Yi to take this risk. But this is hard to say because they are oneself within his protection. Moreover, they are not without disagreements with each other.

Most of these women headed by Ada have experienced the social snobbery changes that Zhou Yi was when Superhero was a Superhero, so they disagree with Zhou Yi’s desperate behavior. a trifling Earth, what does it have to do with them? With the strength of their family, let alone leaving Earth, they can go to the depths of the universe. Others don’t know, but they know that Zhou Yi and Asgard have an indescribable relationship.

This point came out of Thor, the thunder sledgehammer. As long as Loki isn’t around, it couldn’t be easier with these women’s shrewdness to try to get something out of Thor’s mouth, who has never had a problem in his head. Although they were a little angry at this news, Zhou Yi himself had nothing to go beyond, and they couldn’t say anything. Moreover, with such a relationship, it is not uncommon for them to pinch their noses and use this relationship to pave the way for the future.

Of course, this is their idea. As Zhou Yi has more women around him, he will naturally have different opinions from them. For example, Susan, or Jill.

The acquaintance and acquaintance of these two people is basically because of the identity of Zhou Yi Superhero. Although there are some complicated ingredients, there are some reasons for it anyway. And for this reason, they essentially support Zhou Yi’s ideas.

Those who have not experienced great ups and downs still hope that the people around their own will be a hero who can save the world from distress, rather than a despicable villain who leaves people at a critical time. In their view, Zhou Yi has the ability to save the world because he has proven oneself more than once. In this case, why no longer add a brilliant stroke to oneself’s resume, so that the world will worship it even more.

Personal gains and losses, the whole world is righteous. Even in this strangely structured family, it seems so out of place. But for all of this, Zhou Yi, as the client, has not at all too many ideas. And with the ebbing of time, the women who have been annoyed by these things began to be unable to restrain themselves.

“You dead wood, what exactly do you think. But tell us first. Do you want to watch the theater like this all the time?”

First It was Ada who spoke. This shrewd and capable woman has always been a person in this family who manages all kinds of affairs. It is precisely because of this that she is most anxious for Zhou Yi’s statement. Because only when he speaks, she can keep up with the follow-up actions. Such a family matter, just the opinions of a few women can not be taken seriously.

“Isn’t this interesting?” Zhou Yi laughed, seeing the sullen expression of Ada’s frown, and immediately reduced the playfulness on his face, and said to her seriously. “In fact, there is nothing at worst, can’t you have some confidence in me?”

“You said that before, and then the result was never good.”

Hearing Zhou Yi’s words, Ida naturally turned over the old things in the past. As soon as Ada was about to turn over the old account with oneself, Zhou Yi suddenly waved his hand, a little unbearable.

“Okay, okay. I just said it. Actually, I don’t think there are more options for this matter. I have promised Tony, do you think I can leave now? “

“You are leaving, no one can stop you.” Jean took the stubbornly and said with a cold and proud expression. “If they have any opinions, you don’t need to deal with them. Directly to me and Lilith, we can make all voices that have opinions about you disappear completely.”

Jean’s words are full of A feeling of contempt for innumerable living beings. Of course, given the power she possesses, there is nothing wrong with her saying this. People at her level, ignoring the life and death of a whole planet on the planet actually have no problem at the worst. After all, the horizon is placed there. You can’t expect a big whale that can swallow everything to think about the life and death of the hundreds of millions of plankton she swallows every day. That’s not realistic.

In fact, most of the people in this family are no longer limited to a small planet. The reason why they still maintain a superficial identity on Earth. Nostalgia is one aspect, and more is that there is nowhere to go for the time being.

In Jean’s view, this is their chance to find another place. At their level, it’s not a problem to recreate a world or race, it’s just something they want to do or not. Of course, Zhou Yi was unwilling to do this kind of thing. Because this is his hometown after all. There is no need, who wants to go far away and recreate Heaven and Earth. But now it’s different. This is a turning point when things come. As long as you force him, you may not be able to let things develop as oneself expected.

As the closest people, Zhou Yi naturally understands Jean and the others. However, after hearing her this remark, he was completely disagreeable. So he immediately shook his head and said.

“It’s not said that. In this world also some people are indeed innocent and worthy of sympathy. Just say the mother’s opinion, you can’t ignore it. And don’t forget, we But I just sent Xiao Zhouyu back to that time period. If we give up this World at this time. Do you think Xiao Zhouyu also has the probability of appearing?”

The life and death of ordinary people is not taken seriously by Jean, this is A true woman with an iceberg. Except for the few people who can be kept in her heart, the dead mountain and blood are in front of her, and she can all smile. Of course, this also has something to do with her original personality of Dark Phoenix.

Such a woman is almost impossible to be moved easily. But Zhou Yi’s words hit her to her death. The newly separated son is the soft flesh in her heart. If she really can’t see the appearance of that child again, it will be a terrible thing for her.

So immediately, her face changed, and she stared at Zhou Yi and said to him seriously.

“I will accompany you this time.”

This is her final decision, and no one has any opinion on this decision, including Zhou Yi .

Jean’s power is to mention on equal terms with Zhou Yi. With her, not only can Zhou Yi like a tiger that has grown wings. It can also let the people in this family relax. However, what she said in fact meant that Zhou Yi had no room for reversal. So naturally, the faces of Ada and Lilith, two women who advocated giving up this World, became unsightly.

But this is not a problem, because Zhou Yi quickly took over the shoulders of the two women and was relieved to them.

“Okay, don’t worry. This time it won’t be as dangerous as you think. Since that guy asked me to fight in the starry sky, then I don’t need to worry as much as before. . Even if I can’t beat him, won’t I still run? The universe is so big, enough for me to get around him and throw him away. Besides, with Jean next to me to help me, my winning percentage is actually quite big!”

“I don’t care about this!” Rolled the eyes, and Ida slapped Zhou Yi’s hand. “What I care about is that you are always taken advantage of. Why do you must be born to death for these guys who cannot tell good from bad, to forget favors and violate justice. As I said before, this kind of person is dead. Now, you don’t owe them. Is it worth it?”

This is a commonplace question, and Zhou Yi’s answer to this question is only a wry smile.

“It is indeed not worth it, but this is my world after all.”

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