Sun God Marvel

Chapter 911

Loved, hated, and disappointed. This can be regarded as Zhou Yi’s mental journey when facing the human beings in this world. But in the end, everything not at all changed too much.

Some things cannot be forgotten, and some habits cannot be changed. Even if you feel negative and bored for a while, sometimes you are ultimately impossible to leave everything behind. Zhou Yi is right in saying that this is my world after all. Whether it’s good or bad. Love or hate. In the end, everything has to go back to the root.

At this moment, listening to him feels so emotional that it is not just this group of Yingyingyanyan women. also someone who was very familiar with him also heard these words. But after he heard these words, he smiled slightly, revealing an indescribable smile from the corner of his mouth.

“My world? That said, it didn鈥檛 disappoint me too much.”

Not many people are qualified to say this. Or rather unique. However, another Zhou Yi is absolutely qualified. Just because he has to experience more than Zhou Yi of this World.

If Zhou Yi in another world has experienced the most painful thing in his life, then there is definitely nothing more than losing the own world. When he watched the own world annihilation in front of oneself, his mood could not be described in words.

All thoughts are not enough to describe his inner suffering. Think about how he was able to chase down Thanos, who owns the Infinity Gem, to the depths of the universe at an absolute disadvantage. Just know what kind of hatred and despair he is in.

He and Zhou Yi of this World have different experiences, and his experience is obviously more desperate and painful. Compared with him, Zhou Yi of this World is lucky because he has never lost anything. And he is almost equivalent to losing everything.

He has a deep admiration for Zhou Yi of this World. But in addition to this kind of envy, he really knew very well that oneself would not get everything he had. Because, even if oneself replaces him, the things he lost in his heart will never be able to make up. People can deceive others, but they can never deceive oneself.

So all he can do is look at everything in this World like looking at the moon in the mirror and the flowers in the water, and do his best to protect these existences that can evoke the most beautiful things in his heart. He would never allow all this to be persecuted from the outside world, and it is precisely because of this that he has a little recognition of the words of Zhou Yi of this World.

But, it’s just a little bit. If it is in this world also what makes him feel disgusted, then it must be he himself. When it comes to the reason, there is actually only one simplest reason, that is, Zhou Yi of this World has done what he has not done before.

Time played a terrifying joke on them. From the moment the torrent of time was reversed, the river of time separated two completely different directions from their identity. And there is no doubt that he is a complete loser. Since it is a loser, it is naturally impossible to see the good of the winner. Even this winner is he himself.

It is precisely because of this principle that Zhou Yi is not willing to have any meeting with him in this world.

Seeing what oneself should see, he decisively made up a new idea in his heart. That is, he wants to solve everything before Zhou Yi meets Galactus.

Zhou Yi of this World has never been in contact with Galactus. But he is different. In his universe, he has seen all the existences in the universe that can threaten him. Galactus is one of them.

This existence that represents the order of the universe is the cornerstone of the universe. His meaning to the universe is actually similar to the meaning of Ms. Death’s existence. Some advanced civilizations in the universe call him, Goddess of Death, and the other three great beings the five great gods of the universe, which has certain truths. On the one hand, it is because he has a special meaning for maintaining the balance of the universe, and on the other hand, he has the power to shake the universe.

None of the five great gods of the universe is a character that is easy to deal with, but Galactus is regarded as one of the most restrained this World Zhou Yi.

His ability is to devour planets. The reason is that he needs to rely on the energy of the planet to maintain his own life. The planet is food for him, and he can transform a whole planet into the energy needed by oneself. Although the stars are completely different from the planets, if Galactus is forced to operate, it is certainly possible to swallow them.

And this would be an obvious threat to Zhou Yi. Because Zhou Yi knows the sun, his power is restrained by Galactus. If they really get to the point where they take action and you die, then Zhou Yi may not necessarily be Galactus’s opponent.

He knows this very well, because he wants to embody the form of own in this world, he drew a large part of his power from Zhou Yi of this World. Although this is an urgent move to save Xiao Zhou Yu, Zhou Yi is not at all because of this, he feels guilty about oneself in this world.

Of course, it cannot be said that there is no movement at all. At the very least, there is nothing wrong with solving Galactus for him. This is regarded as compensation. From the perspective of his own, he thinks so.

“It’s really cheap for you.”

With a little resentment in his heart, Zhou Yi quietly withdrew from his former home. And at the moment he just left, the two closest people in this World, he and Jean Grey, suddenly looked towards the place where he disappeared.

Someone was there just now! The two of them were very sure of this, but when they wanted to explore more deeply who was watching them, they suddenly realized that oneself could not go deeper.

I can鈥檛 track it, I can鈥檛 find it, and even my perception is full of shadows. It feels like true or false. This made the two of them immediately feel unbelievable.

“In this world, there is also such an existence?”

Jean. Grey asked the man next to oneself incredulously, because the situation just now has been There is a problem that is extremely clear, that is, the power of the peeper is not below them, and it may even be above the two of them.

On a small planet, God, who represents the sun like Zhou Yi and can shock the universe, can be said to be a miracle in a miracle, a myth in a myth. But now this World has not only Zhou Yi, but also a Jean Grey who is not inferior, and then a guy who may be more powerful than the two of them.

This is no longer something miraculous can describe. If you really want to say it, it feels like the entire universe has moved the own center to this small planet, full of absurd, unbelievable magic and ridiculous.

After looking at each other, Zhou Yi was inconceivable and shocked, and there were more worries that were hard to articulate.

A such powerful existence is actually peeping at oneself, and oneself hasn鈥檛 even noticed it before. This is not a question that can be laughed at. If there is anything malicious in him, then I am afraid that his home will not be peaceful.

He didn’t dare to take this risk, nor did he dare to gamble at all. So he immediately said to Jean next to oneself.

“Jean, after I leave, you stay here. I hope you can keep everyone safe.”

“But…” heard Zhou Yi said that, Jean certainly understood what he was thinking. However, she is a little bit reluctant to do this, because Zhou Yi’s safety is also very worrying.

If the target of this peeper is Zhou Yi, then when he and Galactus fight, as long as this guy suddenly inserts in, it will be enough to cause a fatal threat to Zhou Yi.

This is very possible, and because the probability is so great, Jean doesn’t want to change his own mind at all. But before she could say it, Zhou Yi interrupted her directly.

“I know what you want to say, Jean. But you have to know that this home is more important than my safety. I can run if I can’t beat it, and I have taken out my own Divine force, even if I am defeated, I can escape into the world of Death, and then return to the world by the power of resurrection. You don鈥檛 have to worry about me, on the contrary, your safety is more important. This is the top priority, Jean, So this time you must listen to me.”

Zhou Yi said very firmly, and this made Jean immediately silent. She would not violate Zhou Yi’s meaning, so after thinking for a while, she slowly nodded.

This kind of made Zhou Yi feel at ease, and at this time, other women learned from their mouths what had just happened.

Own home is spied on by an unknown powerful existence, which is not a lucky thing in any way. After they thought about it, they suddenly became worried. However, this kind of worry is not enough to make them chaotic.

Ada and the others are smart and good women. They know what oneself should and shouldn鈥檛 do at this time. Now that Zhou Yi has made arrangements, their extra worry is of no use, and it is likely to be counterproductive. Therefore, the most correct choice at the moment is to maintain stability and shrink inwardly. As long as this is done quietly, no one will notice.

The other Zhou Yi doesn鈥檛 know how much trouble oneself has caused him in this world in this little peek, he only knows one thing now, that is, oneself needs to have a good relationship with oneself The long-lost enemy talked.

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