Sun God Marvel

Chapter 920

With the approval and authorization of the plan leader, that is, the influential figures of the entire Earth of those rulers, Reed Court Academecian completely controlled the weapon control of the Earth defense plan In his hands.

This is a huge right, and it is also a matter of human survival. It is precisely because they know how important the relationship is, the leaders who have always liked to point fingers at this moment have no intention of intervening at all. Because they know very well that at this time, the role of a scientist who guides the entire program development work is actually more important than all of them combined.

This is rigorous and precise science after all, and only the most professional people can play the greatest role. And only when they play their best role, can they control their own destiny.

Mankind needs to control the destiny of own in the hands of own. In order to achieve this goal, they already have not in so little personal gain or loss.

With this kind of support, Reed Court Academecian has already started all the facilities of the space defense system that cost countless materials and money, and built by the world’s most cutting-edge scientists. And if you look towards Earth from space, you will find something like a huge flower bone, blooming little by little on Earth’s outer orbit.

This flower, which is not a smile for the entire Earth, has dozens of petals, and the thickness of each petal is maintained at less than one centimeter. It’s hard to imagine how such a thin thing would pass through the atmosphere and be sent above Earth. But precisely because of this thinness, it took countless high-precision Nanominium flowers to pave the current scale.

The cross section of each petal has exceeded hundreds thousand squares, and within each square, there is a small energy node. This is a miniature reactor made by imitating Arc Reactor, and not just these. The surface of each giant flower petal here is designed as a solar charging mode. Together with the supergiant Arc Reactor at the core of the flower bone, the energy that the entire space defense system can generate is amazingly huge.

There is no other way. It is very difficult to rely on human technology to produce the ultimate weapon of black holes, even if they are only artificial black holes. You must know that the first generation of quantum collision machines set up in Europe needed to extract the electricity supply equivalent to the entire Europe to barely allow an instantaneously evaporating ultra-miniature black hole to exist for that instant, let alone this quantum hedging that can form specific combat effectiveness. The energy needs of the weapons are gone.

Only more than a million micro-reactors, several millions of square solar energy charging templates, and a super-giant Arc Reactor produced by Great Accomplishment that integrates human industrial capabilities can provide such a huge super universe. arms. And when this cosmic weapon is turned on, the natural phenomenon it releases can be clearly seen even with naked eye.

Because it is a factor that needs to absorb part of the key energy that is the pillar from the light energy released by the sun, the main body of the space defense weapon at this time is staying directly above the Earth on the side facing the sun. . That is, almost the entire North America is close to the Pacific Ocean.

And this made the residents of the entire West Coast of the United States almost all saw the natural phenomenon appearing on top of oneself.

Suddenly a huge flower appeared in the blue in the sky, and the bright white light bloomed on it. Even the dazzling sun in the mid-summer afternoon could not stop the slightest. It is so conspicuous, that when people inadvertently lift the head, they think that there is an extra sun in the sky.

Of course it is impossible to have one more sun in the sky, but the radiance of the huge flower that becomes more and more gorgeous and dazzling over time is almost the same as the radiance of the sun at this moment. This as it should be by rights surprised those who saw it all. Among them, those Americans who have suffered all kinds of torture and training have a deep chill in their hearts.

This is not the time to be at first. After experiencing so many major events, American’s nerves and brain have become sharp and wise. Cruel idiots and idealistic fools full of unrealistic fantasies are impossible to survive repeated invasions and turmoil. Therefore, most Americans who are alive now know one thing very well, that is, the world is not at all oneself as beautiful as it thinks, and threats are always by your side. If you want to live, it’s better to be rational. For something that looks beautiful in front of you, staying away is the most correct choice.

No one wants to appreciate this beauty more, almost immediately after seeing this thing, someone has already fled desperately towards some fortifications or subway tunnels. Their actions as it should be by rights have caused chaos, and several cities that can directly observe the situation in the sky are in a boiling situation.

This is a very bad situation, but it is not an issue that needs to be cared about now. Tony immediately issued relevant orders when he got the news.

“Let the omnic to evacuate the masses, and tell them that this is our experiment with the latest technological power, so that they don’t panic too much. Also, let the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs come forward, no! Let Mary Mrs. Stark personally came forward to appease the masses. Mankind will not be finished before it is about to finish.”

Tony’s performance is just a microcosm of the various countries on Earth now, so to speak. At this time, the entire national government agencies on Earth are forcibly suppressing internal social disturbances to prevent any turbulence at this critical time. Human support for the space defense system is almost a stake all on one throw. So of course they are impossible to let any situation affect this. In the same way, almost all the principals are paying more attention to the operation of the Reed Court Academecian on space defense weapons.

As the main planning operator, Reed Court Academecian does not actually need to clean up everything. What he has to do is mainly to coordinate and schedule. And under his coordination, the space defense program, which is called hope by mankind, was dispatched little by little with the cooperation of hundreds of Peak scientists.

“The No. 1 platform reported that all systems are operating normally. The power is increased to 70%, the energy transmission channel is all normal, and the energy consumption is 3%. The quantum transmitter alpha is being charged.”

“The second platform report…”

“The third platform report…”

“The main platform report, The supergiant Arc Reactor works normally, with 42% power and 0.3% energy consumption. The quantum transmitter Geerma is being charged, and the current charging capacity reaches 27%. The quantum transmitter Alpha Charge It can reach 30%. The error is 3%, and the main console is required to adjust.”

One report, one hundred and ten reports, were collected in Reed Court in no particular order. In front of Academecian, the cumbersome data and huge calculation equivalent made the most Peak scientist among mankind deeply frown.

There is no doubt that this is a very heavy job, enough to make an ordinary person of average ability crush off the spine. But for Reid, all this is still within a tolerable range. He carefully compared various data, and then arranged everything in an orderly manner.

“Platforms 1 to 23 maintain the current energy output power, and platforms after the 23rd are loaded with the maximum power output energy. Don’t care about those energy consumption issues, now is not the time to care about these.”

“The main platform adjusts the Arc Reactor power and gradually increases it to 60%. In addition, pay attention to the charging power of the quantum transmitter to reduce the error to less than 1%.”

“Open the No. 2 energy transmission channel and distribute the platform energy according to the predetermined plan. The construction mode starts, enter the three-dimensional coordinates, lock the target Star Domain, and be ready for launch!”

He is adjusting the entire plan The each step action reduces any possible problem to a tolerable range. The time is too short and the plan is too big. It is difficult to make a 100% successful project under such circumstances. He also knows this very well, so he can only adjust the success rate to the maximum extent possible so that their plan can be implemented smoothly. Now it seems that he has done a very good job.

Under his command, the two stamens in the middle of the huge flower bone in the sky became more and more dazzling. The splendid light ranges from light to thick, from thin to thick. Let everyone watching the changes in this one can feel the majestic energy stored in it. And this is more than that.

Except for the stamen in the middle, an increasingly conspicuous light spot appeared at the tip of each of the dozens of petals. From Earth, you can only see a little bit of starlight on the Blink above, but from the laboratory that has been monitoring the movement there, you will find that it is a natural phenomenon that appears when the special-shaped devices are continuously charged.

This is the work of Reed Court Academecian, and it is also the core technology of the plan he thinks. Super Space Jump technology uses space folding transitions and light quantum strikes space barriers to open a space tunnel that can lead to hundreds or even thousands of light years away in a short time. Only by using this can the huge power generated by quantum hedging weapons be released 100% without affecting the safety of Earth. And only in this way can they have the greatest possibility to defeat that desperate opponent.

This is a means for human beings to save themselves, as well as their hope at the moment. And now, it’s time for all of this to show the formidable power and inform them of the future.

“The quantum transmitter has been charged up to 80% and entered the launchable state. The Star Domain target is locked and the light quantum strikes equipment is ready. The energy transfer is normal without any problems. Reed Court Academecian , The space defense program is ready!”

“Prepare, start!”

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