Sun God Marvel

Chapter 921

Looking at Earth, you will see that the dazzling peak of each petal in the sky suddenly shoots a thin and straight radiance.

This radiance is so weak that if you don’t stare there carefully, it’s easy to ignore its existence. However, as these slender beams converge towards the same singularity, their existence becomes more conspicuous.

It is as if water droplets converge into a river and sand accumulates into a hill. When countless slender beams of existence, like silk threads, converge together, it becomes impossible and overlooked.

Not only because of the dazzling brilliance, but also because the gathered light suddenly disappeared when it converged to a singularity position.

This is not normal, because according to the normal situation, where there should be a thicker beam, a more dazzling light. But all this not at all happened, all the light disappeared completely there, as if there was a huge monster with its big mouth open.

Only the group of people sitting in the laboratory knows what happened, because their eyes are everything that is shown in the form of spectra in the airspace. In their eyes, everything there was like a whirlpool impacted by the water, and it became completely chaotic.

The space comparison graph based on the imaginary number model shows an obvious disorder, and as the converging light continues to intensify, the disorder becomes more and more serious, so that it will soon , There was like a piece of paper stabbed through, there was a big hole.

This situation makes many watching people nervous, because they have no way of telling whether the result is good or bad. But Reed Court Academecian’s expression told them the answer, because at this time, his face was obviously excited. And as he showed such an expression, some people followed up with a happy voice.

“The space barrier has been opened by us. We have come into contact with unidentified matter. The coordinates can be distinguished by the entangled photons.”

“Report the position of the coordinates.”


“A distance of four hundred and 67 light years, α34, β172. Strong earthquake magnitude response! All data is exactly the same as the data detected by at first. Court Academecian, we succeeded, we opened a space tunnel, we opened up humanity The door of the future Interstellar!”

The reporter yelled excitedly. The reason why he is so excited is that even a group of politicians here can understand a pretty close. This also makes their hearts become fiery.

Humankind has always been full of alert and fear for those aliens. The important reason is that the development of human civilization cannot be compared with aliens. Especially those aliens who have enough ability to open spaceship to Earth, they have an absolute advantage in technology.

They are the products of the Interstellar civilization, and the Earth people in comparison are just an ordinary planet civilization. Even though their own mother did not step out, they are actually no different from the natives in the eyes of most aliens.

But things are different now. With the current technology, they are equivalent to having the foundation to advance to the Interstellar civilization. You know, the hallmark of Interstellar civilization is to be able to make a mature Interstellar trip, and there are only two things that are most important for a mature Interstellar trip. One is the spaceship that can stably survive in the space environment, and the other is the technology of space transition.

What is unbearable for human beings is the vastness and boundlessness of the universe. Because any spaceship, even if it runs at the speed of light, it is difficult to reach the goal that oneself wants within a certain period of time. A planet that is suitable for human survival and possesses the resources needed by humans is often separated by a distance of hundreds of light years. For spaceship, for humans, this distance is often more than a dozen generations.

Humanity cannot wait for such a time, and no civilization can wait for such a time. To solve this problem, you can only get a certain breakthrough on Space Jump. Only Space Jump’s technology can make the distance of a hundred light-years an achievable goal.

As long as we have this and the technology to create spaceship, then human beings are basically impossible to be limited to such a small planet. And this will be a great leap forward for the entire mankind.

If it were in the past, such a technology could cause the entire human race to fight like life, not to mention the guns, but the secret arrows like spies behind the scenes are not rare. And even in this way, they are already impossible to play these tricks, but this does not mean that they are not tempted by these things at all. In fact, every one of them is fiery.

The coveting of this technology makes them always feel that everyone around them looks strange. Of course, even with them oneself, I am afraid there are some problems in the eyes.

They know this very well, and they also know what is in the mind of others, because they have almost this idea in their oneself mind. But smart people understand that this is not the time to plot against this, so someone soon said to them.

“Plot against this is not appropriate now. We are not concerned about this. And from the current situation of human beings, this technique is not suitable for eating alone. Should we discuss some , After everything is over, shall we jointly develop this technology?”

This is a saying that rain and dew are covered, but it is also an impossible saying that makes everyone feel satisfied. But some people are not satisfied, while others are extremely satisfied. After all, this kind of thing is placed in the past, it is impossible to share the benefits of some small countries. But now, when the whole world is united and united, they can get part of the benefits from this thing, so naturally there is no dissatisfaction for them.

Although he intentionally swallowed this technology, Tony oneself also knows that this technology oneself is impossible to eat. After all, there are thousands of people involved in this technology. Among them, there are hundreds of scientific researchers. These hundred and ten people have all nationalities, unless they are all left behind, otherwise the technology must be leaked. And if he dares to do that, then needless to say, it will inevitably cause a bit of chaos between countries.

Even the United States in the Peak period did not dare to provoke that many countries, so he could only think about this kind of thing, and then obediently and honestly eliminated it.

“Well, although some are not reconciled, but for the peace of the world and the unity of mankind, I am willing to share this with everyone.”

As the main technology force, American once agreed This idea is naturally impossible for others to refuse. And this matter was so determined. This made many people smile. And only Tony oneself knew that he had several points of true feelings in his heart.

Although he is right, he is very unwilling. But if it is said that it is not reconciled to the limit, it may not be enough. Even said that the reason why he was willing to agree to this matter was entirely because he wanted to use this technology as a cover to confuse the sight of people around him.

The basis of Interstellar travel is space transition technology and spaceship. Now that space migration technology is in sight, the spaceship that can fly Interstellar is the most critical factor. However, it is not easy for countries to achieve such a technology.

The spaceship that can reach the standard of space flight is very different from the rocket and spaceship of human space technology. It not only requires regular planetary registration operations, but also has the ability to cope with various complex environments in the universe. To reach this level, humans can only barely complete the former, and even spaceship with a not small failure rate is obviously not acceptable.

The technology gap in the middle has several decades. To develop this requires not only sufficient technical support, but also countless accumulation of resources. In this regard, Tony Stark has an advantage that no other country has. That is the wreckage of a formed cosmic spaceship under the seabed in New York. With such a thing, his development in this area can save at least 20 years of time.

Interstellar civilization is always a race against time, and it can be a huge advantage all day in the morning. With 20 years of advancement in hand, Tony is confident enough to let United States go ahead of everyone and return to the point where it surpassed the entire world in the past. Even further, the unification of the entire world is still unknown.

This is his plot against as president and his plan for the future of United States. However, this plan can only be for the future, and at the moment, the most important thing is whether this space defense weapon can perform its due role.

Only when this weapon works, then the entire human race can have a future. Only by eliminating the current crisis can he truly consider the future of United States. He knew this very well, so he only considered some of these things a little, and then continued to turn his attention to Reed Court Academecian in front of him.

And Reed Court Academecian simply doesn’t care about the dirty things that these people thought before. Although this was developed under his leadership, it has a cross-age technology. He has every reason to be proud of this. But he was not interested at all. In other words, all his mind was put on the plan that was halfway through.

“The quantum transmitter Alpha, the quantum transmitter Geerma has reached 100% energy, the energy supply has reached the Peak, and the energy transmission pipeline load has reached the limit. The energy loss has begun to climb, Reed Court Academecian, we Time is running out!”

The person in charge of the main platform warned Reed Court Academecian. Upon hearing this, Reid Court Academecian immediately pressed the button in front of oneself.

“Quantum hedging weapon, launch!”

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