Sun God Marvel

Chapter 945

However, Mephisto is after all the oldest hell devil, his qualifications are laid there, and his strength is deep enough. So just a Nine-tailed Fox is not enough to make him a strategic withdrawal and give up all the plans oneself has on hand.

In fact, at this time, he changed his mind and started to have other ideas. The status of Nine-tailed Fox above Nine Provinces is not simple. Most people only regard her as a monster that charms the world, but few people know that this is actually the Human Sovereign wife appointed by the Celestial Emperor. From the time of King Yu, as long as the Tushan lineage had a Nine-tailed Fox, it was basically the same treatment. Precisely because of this, their status and relationship are also extraordinary.

The Nine-tailed Fox lineage, which straddles the three forces of the gods and demons, has a complicated relationship in the land of Nine Provinces. It can be said that as long as you can find Nine-tailed Fox, you can connect with most gods and demons in the land of Nine Provinces. This is exactly what Mephisto intends now.

He is very eager to know what happened in Nine Provinces back then. And what he wanted to know more was what Baron was able to connect with this huge secret. If these questions are not clarified, he really has trouble sleeping and eating. So almost immediately, he applied the dark magic power in oneself’s hand to the person in that little ear.

Hell’s magical ecstasy is more painful than scratching the body with countless files. And this immediately made the person in the ghostly ears scream and wailing, and then began to twitch desperately. Mephisto would not show mercy at all for this kind of little guy, because his hell lord’s majesty is there, and it is not a little monster that can offend. So naturally, he began to torture him vigorously, until the little monster changed from cursing to begging, from begging to dying, and then it was completely stopped.

At this time, this little monster is already looking lifeless. However, as Mephisto transferred a magic power over, his whole person became energetic again. And this time, he has become much smarter. There was almost no need for Mephisto to say anything, he immediately turned his body over, kneeled obediently and honestly in front of Mephisto, and kowtowed to him.

“The big master is forgiving, the big master is forgiving. The little one is just a little man who runs errands, has eyes but fail to recognise Mount Tai, and offends you. Please have a lot of your sire, put the little one Let’s do it again. As long as you are willing to be magnanimous, the little one will surely end up with a grassy ring in the future, and be a horse to repay your great kindness and virtue.”

An ugly little ghost made this almost There is no spine to speak of, not only does not make people look up, but makes people feel a little more disgusting. This is the same even for Mephisto, whose character is very unbearable. Although he is an Old Demon who doesn’t need a lot of face, it doesn’t mean that he can see other disgusting things to have no shame. Being lenient with oneself and being strict with others is not a stupid thing that only humans can do.

However, this time Mephisto not at all means too much investigation. He just stared coldly at the little demon in the ears in front of him, and opened his mouth to speak to him when he began to tremble under his own eyes.

“Where is your master? Take me to see her?”

“You want to see Tushan Empress?” Hearing these questions, the little demon’s face suddenly It froze, then stammered to Mephisto. “Master, Empress Tushan has never provoked anyone. Are you looking for her to seek revenge? It must be wronged.”

As soon as I said this, the little demon immediately He started poking his own head into Mephisto’s palm. This is not an attack, but a kowtow. There are dozens of them in a row, and there is no intention to stop at all.

If this little demon’s behavior was spurned before, then his loyalty performance now makes people feel admired. So even Mephisto immediately changed his tone and said to him.

“It’s not seeking revenge, it’s just simply visiting the deceased. I and the Great God of Dijiang are deceased. If you want to come to Tushan, you should be able to recognize me. I haven’t seen it for thousands of years. . I want to come to the Tushan family only, it should be able to solve my confusion.”

I don’t know how many years Mephisto is alive. It’s not a problem to talk about the half-white Nine Provinces old saying, this Although this kind of words made his own two subordinates hear the clouds and mists. But the little demon in his palm could hear perfectly clear. And this immediately made him raise his head and looked at Mephisto carefully.

Mephisto has been in the Western world for a long time, so naturally he still looks like a white-headed civilized old gentleman. This look is very deceptive now, but in Ancient Era it has no effect at all. Because in that era, human beings were nothing more than rations for these fierce gods. Unless there is a tribe with capable people and strangers, there are not enough Human Races to eat.

This is also the reason why the little monster dared to stand in front of Mephisto before. He who is still stuck in Ancient Era has no intention of taking humans seriously. But now he didn’t dare, and from the power displayed by Mephisto, he also peeped out something. That kind of evil and tyrannical power is almost the same as some of the top fierce gods of their time. With the support of this kind of power, he said that it is old with some influential figures, and it is something that has a basis to think about.

The little monster with a not very bright mind is reluctant to continue thinking about this. So he immediately bowed his head and bowed again, then said to Mephisto.

“If this is the case, please wait a moment, Master, and wait for me to call the messenger to lead you to meet my Master.”

Seeing Mephisto nodded , The little monster immediately shy his stomach and whistled outside with his head held high. This sound was not too loud, and neither Wilson nor Victor hardly heard any noise. But for some existences, this summon is already very obvious. So almost immediately, a silhouette suddenly broke through the window and was directly exposed in front of Mephisto and the others.

This silhouette is exactly the nine-headed and nine-tailed monster named Leech. As soon as it came in, it squinted at Mephisto, then slammed its body like a frightened old cat, and made a cry like a baby crying.

Obviously, compared to the little demon in the ears of have eyes but fail to recognise Mount Tai, this ominous beast in Shanhaijing has a better eye. It has already recognized Mephisto Terrifying and terrifying, so immediately it made such a frightened and defensive appearance.

And seeing such a thing, Mephisto’s eyes also narrowed.

“Leech? There is this kind of ominous beast here, so the poor strange god will be in the vicinity!”

“The big master knows the autumn leaves!” The little monster is just a beast. Head Insect. Upon hearing this, he immediately knocked a dozen heads again. At this time, he completely believed what Mephisto had said before. It is not difficult to get to know the Tushan clan. After all, the Tushan clan’s contacts are there, and there are few unknown people in the Nine Provinces. However, through the leeches, the most fierce god Qiongqi can be recognized, and there are not many in the entire Nine Provinces. And most of them are big monsters who can compare with Qiongqi. So naturally, the little monster had no doubts about Mephisto anymore.

“My family, Tushan Empress, was invited by King Wuzhi Qi, and was looking for Qiongqi God to discuss great things. By coincidence, Qiongqi God smelled a scent of pickled smelt on the way. .Because I thought not to be disturbed by this smell and enjoy the bloody Yaxing, I sent the leeches with me to clean up these rateless pickled things. It’s just didn’t expect that there is a big behind them. Lord, you are really wronged, really wronged.”

The little monster has a screaming expression, and at the same time, his eyes are still showing obvious disdain when he shifts to Wilson. This made Wilson’s face uncontrollably angry, but it also made Mephisto a little bit clear in his heart.

Those ancient fierce gods like cannibalistic souls, and under normal circumstances, virgins and boys are the best, followed by tender virgins and vigorous youth. And things like old, weak, sick and so on are basically things that are barely imported. In theory, Wilson and his group of subordinates should belong to the ranks of young and strong. But in fact, this is not the case.

Mephisto is well aware of how many dangerous viruses these people have planted on the owner. To put it bluntly, if this World is still as unremarkable as before, if they go there alone, they may bring a fatal crisis to this World. Even if there is only a little flesh and blood, it is the same.

This may be a good thing for them, but for those fierce gods who are used to blood food, it is as disgusting as sprinkling swill on delicacies. After all, the virus this thing was a kind of plague in the ancient times of Nine Provinces, and the plague this thing, except for the plague beasts, no one is willing to accept it. So, it’s like putting all the disgusting things as far as possible before the meal. Wilson, the guys who have suffered from unreasonable disasters, are naturally targeted by these ancient ferocious beasts.

This luck is not an ordinary memorial, but it has nothing to do with Mephisto. Wilson is just a dog to him after all, and it is not Mephisto’s temper to offend a large group of difficult monsters for a dog. So right now, he ignored Wilson’s expression and directly ordered to the little demon.

“Take me to find your master!”

When he heard this, the little demon didn’t talk nonsense. It flew directly to the body of the leech, and then whispered to it. The leech was also nodded immediately, turned his head and walked towards the dense fog.

Mephisto followed behind it, stopped and went, and soon came to an underground space that was opened up. As soon as he entered here, he immediately discovered several special existences, and similarly, these existences also discovered him. Before he could speak, one of them shouted at him.

“But Foreign Heavenly Demon is in front of you, and Western Mountain is here!”

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