Sun God Marvel

Chapter 946

Qingqi is one of the four evil gods of the ancient Nine Provinces. “Historical Records of Justice” quoted the “Shen Yi Jing” saying: “There are beasts in the northwest, which look like tigers, have wings and can fly, so they can eat people, know people’s words, hear people fight and eat straight, hear people’s faith and eat their noses. , Hearing that people are evil, rebellious, and not good at killing beasts to feed them, the name is Qiongqi. “This is a big evil beast.

Although this is not very comprehensive, it also expresses part of the characteristics of Qiongqi. Qiongqi, looks like an Old Hu with wings and a hideous appearance. Of course, its size is much larger than the average Old Hu.

It’s about more than 100 feet long, lying flat there is a bit bigger than the two or three buses put together. Two huge wings that looked like eagle wings were drooping on both sides of her body. The color was jet black and shiny, and the jet black feathers that rose up at first glance seemed to be neatly arranged with sharp swords.

Not only the wings are pitch black, but the fur on the body is also black. And these hairs are upright, shaped like spikes, and look like hedgehog hair. Of course, this is much more dangerous than hedgehog hair. Qongqi is the ominous beast in ominous beast anyway. Naturally, the hair on its body can’t be a little bit painful like a hedgehog. It’s a problem. These bristles can be fatal. As long as it is pierced, anyone will be poisoned into the body by evil, and will eventually end up with a dead soul.

An ancient Chinese idiom called “To be a tiger”, it said that those who were eaten by Old Hu would become ghosts and were driven by Old Hu. The meaning is to accuse those who are willing to serve the evil forces. In general, Old Hu, who has this ability to drive ghosts, are all practicing spirits, and many of them can be called Mountain Monarch.

However, any Old Hu is probably inferior to a guy like Qiongqi. As one of the four evil spirits of Ancient Era, the humans he eats raw are afraid of having an absolute plan, so at this time, he can be called the soul lingering. Countless ghosts and wraiths entangled around his body in this way, or turned into billowing black smoke up and down, or turned into terrible ghosts to tidy up and repair its feathers. Since that kind of situation is horrible to people, it makes people clearly see the coercion and style of this ominous beast. So for a while, even Victor and Wilson, who had been accustomed to the big scene, couldn’t help but tremble in their legs.

Although their performance is a bit unbearable, but it is not the first time that Mephisto has dealt with these ancient Era heroes, but Mephisto is very calm, even at this time, he is very politely cupped the hands, answered Qiongqi.

“Underneath is Mephisto, thanks to Dijiang God who did not abandon him, he made a nickname of Foreign Heavenly Demon. Speaking of which is a little laugh.”

Dijiang, this is already Mephisto mentioned this name for the second time.

Second Volume of “Shan Hai Jing” “Western Mountain Jing” says: “Three hundred and fifty li in the west are the Tianshan Mountains, many Gold Jade, there is green realgar, and the water flows out of Yan, while the southwest flows into Tanggu There is Divine Bird, which looks like a yellow sac, red like a pill fire, six-legged four-winged, unrecognizable, and is capable of knowing singing and dancing. In reality, it is only Emperor Jiang.”

Comment on Dijiang, and Dijiang’s identity is more than that. He also has another identity, which is Chaos.

It looks like a dog, it looks like a dog without claws, it has eyes but no ears, two ears but not smell, abdomen but not five internal organs, and it walks but cannot open its feet. This is the description of the evil god Chaos, and if you compare it carefully, you will find that Dijiang and Chaos are almost exactly similar. Therefore, they are actually an identity. And this identity is naturally the role in the four evil.

Qingqi doesn’t know Mephisto, but he has heard rumors about him from his own brother Chaos. And Mephisto also mentioned the name of its brother, so naturally, Qiongqi also identified his identity. This made him laugh immediately, and the gusts of fishy wind in the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl instantly turned many ghosts who were cleaning their mouths into smoke.

“Okay, okay, okay. Since it’s an old friend, please take a seat, just enjoy the blood meal with me. Tu Shan, you have no opinion.”

” Since Qiongqi God is destined, the concubine body is naturally willing to obey.”

Quongqi’s tone barely fell, a soft female voice that makes people blush and heartbeat comes from a corner. At this time, the people in Mephisto waited to discover that there was also a fellow there.

That is an extremely beautiful existence, or a beautiful white fox that makes people unable to remove their eyes. Nine huge tails covered his back like a canopy. The snow-white fur all over the space is like mercury flowing in the space where the light is not good, and Blink has a restrained radiance. And that kind of elegant and slender body, soft and gentle expression, also made people have the illusion that this is not a wild beast, but a memorable, beautiful and beautiful woman. With such beauty, even Old Demon like Mephisto couldn’t help losing his mind for a moment. But he was experienced and knowledgeable after all, so he broke free soon and said to the fox who was only a man.

“Qingqiu Tushan family? Treating guests like this is not the way to treat guests.”

“Heavenly demon laughed! Concubine body has no intention of doing this. If there is something offended, Please forgive me.”

A quiet smile appeared on the face of the Tushan Fox’s face, as if full of apologetics, but when this was said, it made Wilson and Victor feel as if they were lost. Walked towards her. This made her frowned, and then quietly revealed two sharp canine teeth.

“Heavenly demon, don’t care about the owner’s subordinates? If these two mortals continue to be so rude to the concubine, this married woman, then the concubine will take their heart and liver to drink.”

Hearing Nine-tailed Fox say this, Mephisto naturally cannot pretend to be deaf. He knows that this female fox, who is called Tushan Empress, is not a character to provoke. The mana is second. The key is that the identity is really scary. The identity of King Yu’s wife is enough for her to call the wind and summon the rain throughout the Nine Provinces. Not to mention that she herself has great friendship with many fierce gods.

Mephisto can only be regarded as an outsider in front of these fierce gods. Although he could barely enjoy the treatment of a guest with his connection with Dijiang God, this alone does not mean that he can turn away from the guest. In fact, at this moment, he realized that oneself might need to rely on these fierce gods more. So naturally, he would not risk offending these fierce gods at all because of the lost self-control of the two lackeys.

Flicking out two black smoke, let this terrible black force penetrate into Victor and the others. And then, the violent torture and pain immediately pulled these two people out of a beautiful thought. Of course, that description will not look good. In fact, the pain of the two people is rolling all over the floor, almost not have the will to live, unable to ask for death.

However, this image does not receive any sympathy or mercy in this place. Even said that their performance is full of fun in the eyes of these Demon fierce men. So much so that they immediately uttered bursts of deafening and loud laughter unceremoniously. This laughter of course made the two people below feel humiliated. But the people present, including Mephisto, did not take their humiliation seriously. They just let these two guys burst into tears, like Nasal Mucus Insect, to go through arduous training or hard work. Until they were completely tortured and lost their strength, lying on the ground as soft as corpses. Mephisto waved his hand and pulled the two men behind the owner again.

At this time, he also gave enough face to the two people present. So he naturally had the confidence to ask them questions.

“It is also ridiculous. When Yu Wang, I had something to leave the Nine Provinces, but I didn’t want to find it difficult to set foot on this land and meet old friends after thousands of years. I don’t know where you are all these years, why have you never heard the slightest news?”

Hearing this, the face of Qiongqi, which was still cheerful, sank suddenly. Then the two eyes burning like a bonfire fixed on Mephisto.

“Heavenly demon’s words are a bit interesting, but I remember that my brother said that when you met the king Yu divine might, you were very worried. Only then hurriedly left Nine Provinces. Before leaving, he even invited my brother to be a guest in your side of the world, but was rejected by him?”

As soon as I said this, even Mephisto who doesn’t care about the face The old face flushed immediately. He wanted to refute something, but he couldn’t say anything at the end of his mouth. Because what Qiongqi said was right, he was really shocked by King Yu when he was traveling in Nine Provinces at that time. For fear of being suppressed by this Human Sovereign, who can overwhelm the fierce god of Nine Provinces, he surreptitiously escaped from the land of Nine Provinces and never returned.

In the past, Dijiang was the only one who knew about this, but he didn’t expect that the mouthless guy would actually tell Qiongqi about it, making everyone feel embarrassed now.

However, Mephisto has become a fine old Demon after all. Although Qiongqi’s blunt words made him a little bit awkward, but soon he swallowed the breath.

“In those days, King Yu divine might be so terrible. I, a Foreign Domain person, was really worried, so in order to protect myself, it was reasonable to flee in a hurry. Since the God of Qiongqi laughed at it so Me, can’t you say you’re not afraid of King Yu’s divine might?”

“Oh, others are afraid of him. I am not necessarily. Don’t forget, I’m the son of Shaohao. I want to deal with it. I, even if he is Human Sovereign, it is not so easy.”

Qingqi was snered, but soon the advantage of the tiger’s face eased.

“But that’s all, after all, the skills are not as good as humans, and there is nothing worth boasting about. Heavenly demon, what do you mean by coming here, don’t say it’s because I’m waiting for today to break the seal, just for me Wait for congratulations.”

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