Sun God Marvel

Chapter 947

Hearing this remark by Qiongqi, Mephisto’s old face immediately showed a helpless look.

“Qingqi God has broken me. Who in this World can truly know the future and do everything? I just happened to meet the Qiongqi God and Tushan The messenger of Mr. Shi, that’s why I was lucky enough to meet the two. A fluke, it’s just a fluke.”

He said that with sufficient truth, and Qiongqi didn’t have much doubt. So soon, he turned the topic back to at first.

“Heavenly demon asked me where I have been waiting for thousands of years?”

“Yes, I haven’t seen Dijiang God for many years, and I even miss it in my heart. It’s just Nine The provinces are protected by Formation, and I have never been able to step into it. So it is a great fate to be able to meet the Qiongqi God here. If the Qiongqi God knows the whereabouts of the Dijiang God, I hope to give me some advice.”

For a random reason, Mephisto wanted to flicker the truth out of Qiongqi’s mouth. It’s just that he didn’t expect that, because he found such a reason, Qiongqi’s expression became more complicated.

“Heavenly demon, you may not know, my Dijiang brother is no longer alive at this time. If you want to visit him, I am afraid that it will only be lost.”

“This, how is this possible?” Mephisto heart shivered with cold, and some secretly scolded oneself for being troublesome, and it’s okay to mention some old friendship. But now that he has said it, he can only reluctantly put on an unbelievably sad appearance, and said to Qiongqi. “Which person killed the Dijiang God, doesn’t he know the identity of the Dijiang God?”

Speaking of which, I have to mention the origin of the four evil spirits in the ancient times. “The Eighteenth Year of Zuo Zhuan Wengong” said: “Shunchen Yao, a guest in the four gates, flowed into the chaos, Qiongqi, 杌杌, and gluttonous people of the four fierce races, and cast all the four descendants for imperial charm.” Among them, chaos is Dihong’s untalented scholar, Qiongqi was the unskilled scholar of the Shaohao family, Zhuanxu’s untalented scholar, and Taotie was the untalented scholar of Jinyun’s family.

Dihong family is the son of Celestial Emperor Dijun, Shaohao family is the descendant of Huaxu family, which is also Fuxi, Zhuanxu family is the grandson of Huangdi, Jinyun family is Flame Emperor lineage. The Four Great Vicious Beasts is not only the god of heavenly destiny, but also the bloodline descendant of Celestial Emperor and Human Sovereign lineage. Divinity, humanity, and animality have created their unique existence. And this kind of existence is special and very tricky.

Because this bloodline is like a body protection symbol, anyone must think about it before touching them, whether they will offend the ancestors behind them. Because of this, even Shun, the Human Sovereign, who is one of the five emperors, can only exile them but not kill them. They are not killing undying, but killing them will cause more trouble. The consequences of this are enough for Human Sovereign Paragon to think carefully.

Mephisto also understands this point, it will feel unbelievable. In his opinion, a character like Dijiang would definitely not die casually. But now the situation is far beyond his expectations, how can he not be surprised?

And his surprise was obviously called Qiongqi’s heart, so after seeing his expression, Qiongqi immediately said to him with his mouth wide open.

“There is nothing impossible. In this world, there are always some daring things. Act recklessly, I don’t know the number of days, and I want to change the Great Power of the World with my own selfishness. This kind of thing. People dare to do everything, let alone Dijiang Brother. Even if the ancestor of Dijiang Brother is here, what would they dare not to do?”

It gets more and more angry. Within a few moments, he stood up abruptly and flapped his wings. This made this huge underground space immediately become a violent storm, and even many little monsters and ghosts failed to stand on their heels, and were blown into flight by such an action.

However, Qiongqi will naturally not take the life and death of these brat monsters seriously. He just took his own steps, walked up to Mephisto step by step, shook his head for a while, and after calming down a bit, he lowered his head and said to him.

“Heavenly demon, do you know about Chi Songzi?”

“I heard a little bit. I heard that this person is the teacher of the Yellow Emperor, the Great Sage of Human Race. Magical Powers is not in Nine at all. Under the gods of the Provinces.”

nodded, Mephisto confided all that oneself knew. And after he finished saying that, Qiongqi immediately sharpened his steel teeth, revealing an absolutely irreconcilable look.

“It’s such a fellow regardless of the law and of natural morality, who killed my Dijiang brother. At the same time, it also caused me to wait for tens of thousands of evil gods, and was blocked by thousands in an ancient mirror. Years are long. I have waited for chaos for so many years, not have the will to live, impossible to ask for death. This is all thanks to Chi Songzi. I really want to eat its flesh and blood, sleep its skin and bones, to decide my heart Hate.”

Qingqi said this remark, the amount of information is not small at all. In this, Mephisto was keenly aware of some appalling horror content. This made him instantly change his face, and at the same time couldn’t help but ask Qiongqi.

“Qingqi God, you mean that all of you evil gods who cross the Nine Provinces were suppressed and sealed by Chi Songzi alone? How is this possible? Don’t say whether Chi Songzi has such power, even if it is Yes, can a god like the Eight Lords allow him to be so impudent?”

“Hey, don’t underestimate a character like Chi Songzi. Behind Chi Songzi is Human Sovereign Paragon, even if It was the Celestial Emperor who was in front of him, and he had to give him some face. Moreover, Chi Songzi was sinister and cunning, with many tricks. Especially good at reincarnation of soldiers. Even if it was Celestial Emperor take action, he just forced the Yellow Emperor to return to the sky. On the contrary, it was Chi Songzi who relied on the solution of the soldiers to escape for a lifetime, and then poisoned the future generations.”

After gritting his teeth and saying this, Qiongqi immediately opened the skylight, and Mephisto spoke up.

“Heavenly demon, I don’t want to tell you any lies. I waited for an appointment to gather here today, and I was helpless to take the lead, and invited me to come and discuss important matters together. .Whether it is me, Wuzhiqi or Tushan, I was conspired by the reincarnation of Chi Songzi, a despicable villain, before being suppressed in the mirror of the heavens on that side. It’s not just me, but the world is full of evil spirits. A little bit of good luck, just like me waiting, all black, no daylight, and being imprisoned for thousands of years. Bad luck, just like my Dijiang brother, it’s just like the thief Chi Songzi. Killed forcibly. Even if this great enmity is exhausted in the North Sea, it will not be enough to dispel the hatred in my heart. Now, since God’s will has made me wait for it to break the seal, I am naturally waiting to find that Chi Songzi. Count this bloody enmity. But huh?”

Speaking of this, Qin Qi’s eyes suddenly turned, showing a very cunning expression.

“Chi Songzi is a Human Sovereign emperor after all. Whether it is Magical Powers or mana, I am afraid that it will be higher than me. Although we are already united, there is no fear that Chi Songzi The reason. But everyone’s firewood collection is high, and one more person will naturally reduce the risk. Moreover, no one can guarantee how much Chi Songzi has over the years. So for the sake of safety, heavenly demon, you Would you like to help me wait for a helping hand!”

Qingqi has a very high status, so even if he has just escaped from the prison, he is still a pretentious instructor, aloof and remote The dignity of the party. And this kind of piety, if you call it ordinary people with a little temper to sit in front of you, I am afraid that even if you don’t walk away, you will be more or less grudged. But Mephisto is not an ordinary person after all, like his old Demon for years, sometimes he can get rid of it, sometimes he can do it himself. Everything depends on the interests and the mood.

It’s like now, he is completely ignorant of the piety that Qungqi showed, even the words he said to him, he just put on a smile , And then looked at Qiongqi with a smile without a word.

This makes Qiongqi feel uncomfortable all over, but in order to be able to regain this absolutely irreconcilable bloody vengeance to Chi Songzi. He resisted his temper and asked Mephisto.

“Heavenly demon, what do you mean? Takes part or not, how much you have to give me an explanation.”

“I’m just waiting for a poor strange god That’s all.”

Mephisto chuckled, and threw the question back. And this immediately made Qiongqi a little confused.

“Heavenly demon, what do you mean on earth? What do you want to say to me?”

“Very simple, poor strange god!” With a grin, Mephisto Said with a smile to him. “Chi Songzi is not relatives to me. Since he killed a few confidants of Dijiang God, I should naturally ask him for justice. However, Chi Songzi is the Emperor of Human Sovereign after all. Teacher, even someone from the Foreign Domain like me has heard of his prestige. Opposing him is extremely risky for me. Even with the help of everyone, working together, there is no definite number of success or failure. It’s easy to relax, so naturally it’s the best. But if there are some twists and turns in the middle, then I’m afraid it’s not a good thing for me.”

This remark sounds true to Qiongqi’s ears. There was some hesitation, he had already guessed something, but there was always an unclear feeling in the clouds. And he, who is not good at using his brain, immediately shook the head, and then growled.

“What do you want to do, just put it straight, why do you need to be like this mother-in-law?”

“Qingqi God is really straightforward, in this case, then I am straight to the point. “After a pause with the civilization stick in his hand, Mephisto’s body suddenly showed an extremely large dark magic power. This magic rendered an extremely terrifying scene, making Mephisto’s silhouette look extremely out of the ordinary. In terms of the imposing manner alone, it was no longer under the ancient fierce gods like Qunqi. In this case, Mephisto directly stated the own condition. “I can help you fight that Chi Songzi. But after it’s done, I need everyone to help me and help me deal with my enemy. I don’t know what you think!”

Without much hesitation, Qiongqi immediately sank his head and stared at Mephisto closely. Then said to him.

“it’s a deal!”

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